Paris Hilton & Cy Waits Hit Photographer - Drive Away
Last night when Paris Hilton an her boyfriend Cy Waits were leaving from a restaurant, Cy managed to hit one of the paps with his car. According to TMZ, Cy said he didn't hear the person scream or the thump so kept right on driving. It was only later after someone sent him a text that he returned alone to face the police and pick up a ticket.
Here is the thing that bugs me about this. This is a pair that were stopped in Vegas about a month ago while they were in a car and both were arrested. I bet Cy did hear the photographer getting hit but wanted to make a sure a repeat of last month did not happen again. So, he goes home, drops of Paris, maybe gives the car a quick look through and then goes back to police. He says he was texted and that is why he knew to come back. Who texted him? One of the paps?
If you are coming back because there has been a hit and run, don't you think that your passenger should also be there? Did Paris also not hear anything? Well, she probably didn't because she was too busy listening to herself talk while looking in the mirror.