Morrissey Calls Chinese People A Subspecies
I am a big fan of the music of The Smiths and Morrissey. I always have been and have realized over the years that Morrissey is going to say some things that I don't agree with but until today I have forgiven him. I just can't in good conscience forgive someone who calls a group of people a subspecies. Morrissey did just that. In an interview with The Guardian, Morrissey said, "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."
There are lots of people who treat animals poorly. Do I think animals should be treated well? Absolutely. As I have said before I have an adopted cat and dog that I got from a shelter and I hate people who treat animals cruelly just because they are animals. However, to call a quarter of the world's population a subspecies and when given the chance, stand by the statement is just wrong.
There are good and bad portions of society no matter your race or gender. I doubt he called them a subspecies when they buy his music or attend his concerts. Morrissey has been called a racist before and this is not his first attack against Asians. However, he has apologized in the past and for some reason I gave him another chance. I won't this time. I know too many people who are Chinese and Asian and who love their dogs and cats and animals and give time and energy and service to the love of animals.
You have gone too far Morrissey.