The Mirror Pokes At Matt LeBlanc - Matt Is Not Amused
Some reporters from The Mirror were at a club Tuesday night sharing some space with Matt LeBlanc who was there to DJ. WTF? Anyway, Matt spent the entire night drinking and when he bumped into the reporters' table a second time they said, "You all right, Joey? How YOU do-in?" But Matt raged back: "I'm not Joey. Don't you dare call me Joey. The papers say I'm finished, so don't call me f***ing Joey. I want to leave that all behind. I'm moving on."
Well, US reporters would have already slinked away, but these reporters kept firing away. "OK, Joey, if that's how you feel. But what are you doing? Let's be honest, Joey, that's who everyone knows you as."
He yelled: "I'm not Joey. For the last time. I'm not f***ing Joey. It's Matt. Matt LeBlanc. Joey's in the past. I'm trying to do something new."
One of Matt's people then dragged him from the scene before it could get uglier. I can understand how Matt feels. I mean he probably gets called Joey more than Matt and he cannot do anything that lets people see him in a new light or as a different character.