Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mel Gibson On Mad Men

Apparently Matthew Weiner, the creator of Mad Men thinks Mel Gibson is a great guy. He thinks he is so great that according to Liz Smith, Mel has been in talks about appearing in not just one episode of the show, but several. Really? Why would a great show like Mad Men do something like that? Do they really want to be the first one to give Mel a job? I know that I would not watch any of the episodes Mel is in and if ends up being in all the episodes then I guess I will find a different show to watch. Lots of choices on television.


  1. No, no, no, no, no. And no.

  2. Please no.

    This smells like a "Mel's trying to get some good publicity" thing to me though. He probably started the rumor.

    Love that show but won't watch anything with him in it.

    Can't imagine the show/powers that be would want to associate themselves w/Mel? They just won an Emmy-they don't need stunt casting.

  3. I don't watch Mad Men so it wouldn't affect me one way or the other. Recently on TV I have been seeing A LOT of Mel Gibson flicks. He's an ass but he has to work like the rest of us. The creator might only be doing it for ratings. It could be a ratings blockbuster or a bust, time will tell.

  4. Thank you for using my suggestion that this should be the picture for all Mel posts. Now please use the mesh shirt pic for all Michael Lohan posts.

  5. Men validating other men's bad behavior. Until men start shunning and demonizing the men doing evil things, the evil things will continue to happen. How is it that child molesters, most always men, are allowed to function in a society that is controlled by mainly men. Why would any man hire a man that is a child molester? Or allow a child molester to live near his home and family?? All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
    /jumps off soap box and returns to happy land

  6. Nooooooooooooooo!!

  7. I would be very disappointed if he was a part of that great show. There is absolutely no good reason to bring him on.

  8. After my knee-jerk reaction of screaming in horror, my second reaction is confusion. Mad Men shows the blatant racism, sexism and antisemitism that was the norm in the 60s. However, I didn't think that the writers or producers condoned it to allow Mad Mel from appearing on their show. And how on Earth could Matthew Weiner think Mel Gibson is an OK guy when he came from a Jewish family? This doesn't add up. Please don't let this be true.

  9. Matt (and his family) are Jewish... this makes no sense.

  10. I've just started watching MM and have only watched the first two episodes of season 1. I will not watch any further seasons/episodes if this is true.

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    weiner may be jewish, but he's thinking of ratings right now, and money sees no color.

  12. bad move. wtf are they thinking?

  13. This has got to be Gibson PR BS.

  14. I believe the correct title for this thread is "Mel Gibson is a Madman".

  15. Maybe he'll play a monster of a man. People might like him as a nasty guy.

  16. I still like his acting. I dont' care for his mannerisms.

  17. He should read the Alec Baldwin book on how to come back after being an ass (if there is one).

    Very telling that suddenly there is a blitz of loyal "friends" and, like Lady J said, lots of movies on cable and Netflix. Won't work.

  18. I can see where it makes sense. A lot of characters on Mad Men are misogynist anti-Semite bullies. Maybe Mr. Weiner needs a really convincing actor playing the part.

  19. He certainly fits in with the misogynist, anti-semetic men on the show. But I don't want a real life bully to ruin Mad Men. I love it too much. I'm with Sunnyside1213. If he's on it, I won't be tuning in.

  20. Jesus. You CANnot possibly compare Alec Baldwin's one-time tirade to Mel Gibson's innumerable drunken, racist, uber-belligerent rants. Please.

    I call full-on bullshit, if only because Matt Weiner's not into flashy stunt casting. Much has been made of the fact that so many of the actors and actresses on MM were fairly obscure before they landed their current high-profile gigs. The show is well into its fourth season, it's still coasting on a critical high, and as many of you have also pointed out, Matt Weiner is Jewish. Why would he, A) deal with/pay a dude who probably fundamentally despises him, or B) piss off his intellectual fanbase? Mel Gibson can go fuck off and appear on Law and Order: SVU like every other washed-up, piece of shit has-been.

    Also, Liz Smith hasn't been relevant in over a decade, has she? What's next, asking Ted Casablancas for gossip?

  21. Amoteafloat is correct, of course. Weiner not only doesn't resort to stunt casting, he is very deliberate in casting actors who aren't high profile. I call bullshit, and I bet it's Gibson's own team who put this buzz in Liz Smith's bonnet.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. If this is true, and no matter how much I love the show, I will never watch it again. That's just appalling, he hates JEWS Mr. Weiner, hates them. He hates blacks, he hates women, and is violent towards them. What part of any of those things is great? Count me out of Mad Men, and count me out on any future projects Mr Weiner. How self loathing is this man if the story is true?

  24. I just can't see this being true, and I can't see Mel as capable of doing a good job, either. He stopped acting so long ago, I don't think he can anymore. He's too used to being "Mel Gibson, Movie Star."

    Regardless, even if he did do well in the role, it's still a bad idea. It's at least a hundred different kinds of wrong, and I would lose respect for (and enjoyment of) the show.

  25. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

  26. did i say NO ?
    NO. No.

  27. Ya, I call bullshit on this one too. Although I wouldn't mind a Mel/Betty hook-up and see her get a good bitch slap.

    jk. Kinda.

  28. You're right. I can't differentiate between real life racist, violent bs & a tele character... humour much?

  29. No, georgie. You're NOT funny. Like, at all. That's part of the problem.
