Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Mel B & Stephen Belafonte - Day 2 Of We Really Are In Love

Mel B and Stephen Belafonte are really shoveling it deep. Yesterday was the coming out of a restaurant hand in hand to show they are in love and today is all about Twitter and posting pictures of the pair loving on each other and sending missives that will make you gag from the cheesiness. And this coming from a guy who loves cheese. Heck, give me cheese with a side of cheese. Now I want cheese and bacon covered french fries.
They must be really desperate for that reality show.


  1. Wait, I thought they broke up?

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM


  3. I don't understand why there are stories posted about these two. They aren't really celebrities. Stop posting stories about these two nobodies and maybe they'll go away. The last thing anyone needs is another reality show.

  4. She looks a little bit disgusted in that picture, imo.

  5. I really liked Mel B on DWTS.

  6. i want cheese and bacon french fries too. oh, and you're buying, enty.

  7. They are a favorite for the couple that likes to swing, right?
