Lindsay Lohan To Sell Ads On Her Body - Blames Lack Of Sleep As A Child For All Her Problems
Now that Lindsay Lohan is supposedly safe and sound in rehab somewhere for a few weeks Dina and Michael Lohan can fight over who will get to exploit Lindsay the most. Each of them has a master plan to control Lindsay and any future money she makes. What kills me is that they still think that people believe what they say about caring for their daughter. The only thing they care about is money and the only way they make any is because of Lindsay.
When Lindsay was released after 15 hours of jail she tried to sell a photo of herself for $10K but no one was willing to pay that much. She had to settle for like $2000. So, to make up for it, she decided to sell staged photos of herself before heading off to rehab and she got another $2000 for those.
At this point I think she should just sell ads on her body and be done with it. If she chose she could also legally change her name to some product. That would bring in a few bucks. Seriously can you imagine if she changed her name to Smuckers Jam or something. How often would you hear those words? Hell, if Dina had her way she would talk to some big company like Kraft and would sell naming rights to all her kids. Hi, this is Mac & Cheese and say hi to Velveeta over there.
As you can see in the photo, Lindsay is pretending to read a book called sleep. For their $2000, Radar also got an exclusive interview with presumably Dina although credited as a source. I say Dina because all the interview does is provide another excuse for why Lindsay takes drugs.
“Lindsay hopes to use this book to help restructure her sleeping patterns so she can function better. She has been shooting films into the wee hours of the morning since she was 11 or 12 years old and then sleeping in trailers while on the set. She never established a normal sleeping pattern. She was recommended the book by both a doctor and a friend and hopes it will guide her in the right direction.”
Uh huh.