As you probably know by now, this was one heck of a weekend for Lindsay Lohan. It all started with what we thought was going to be a glorious 29 days without seeing Lindsay, but turned into about 15 hours. The reason? Lindsay's lawyer went to a judge and appealed Lindsay being in jail for 29 days. So, instead of a free rehab, Lindsay is supposedly going to check into one which costs $1000 or more a day. You know, because she has money to burn.
What you may have not seen anywhere, but was told to me late Saturday night was that Lindsay was at The Palm in West Hollywood which is not a big deal, but most people when they go to steak restaurants do not end up spending more of their time in the bathroom rather than eating. Just saying.
Then on Sunday morning, Lindsay woke up to pictures of her splashed all over newspapers and websites all over the world. The pictures, from 2007 when she and Paris and Britney were all in a love triangle show Lindsay with a syringe and also making out with Paris Hilton. Frankly, I could probably use a little heroin too if someone wanted me to make out with Paris. Scientists would probably love to have some samples from that kiss.
So, how to combat all these nasty things about Lindsay? Well, you take your mom and sister and go visit a homeless shelter because that makes the whole world forget everything else. It would have been nice to see Lindsay go to a homeless shelter when it was not a shameless publicity stunt. I can just see Dina Googling homeless shelters and throwing everyone into Lindsay's $150,000 car. Of course Dina has her own problems as she owes $500K to an ex-bodyguard who is not happy.
down hill no brakes!!
ReplyDeletei dont think there will ever be an image recovery at this point...
Using kids to hide the SCRAM bracelet, too. Shameless.
ReplyDeleteDina has a bodyguard...why ?
ReplyDeleteOn Lindsay...none of this matters...it won't change anything, she has only on way to go lower if that's possible...
She's a dead girl walking.....
Also sounds like a lot of the drugs she does are designed to keep you from eating... Adderall, coke....she will never give those up...never...and a Rum and Cola chaser perfect !
UCLA failed her...who's next?
ReplyDeleteAll the pics of me at our local homeless shelter are of me standing over the stove or handing out plates of food. What did she do there?
ReplyDeleteHow long before Lindsay is living there?
ReplyDeleteI love when Enty throws a little bit of unknown gossip out there. Thanks, dude!
ReplyDeleteGirl is a train wreck, no doubt. But if you have ever dealt with an addict, even a person with a healthly, supportive circle of friends and family, Lohan's behavior is not unusual.
ReplyDeleteThrow in the hugely disfunctional/parasitic "support" Lohan appears to have, the LA environment in general and all sorts of freakiness that we probably don't even know about, her chances at recovery, methinks, are nil.
One more thing, Enty - rehab facilities which "cost[s] $1000 or more a day" are the rule, not the exception. It is a chunk of change, but rehab is horrifically expensive. Most addicts and/or their families cannot afford it. The 30 day stay bullsh*t is driven by insurance companies who do not like to pay for substance abusers or mental health issues in general.
Again, I am not a Lohan fan in the slightest, but imprisoning addicts is not the answer. Trust.
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ReplyDeletei don't care
ReplyDeleteditto, gadfly. better ran facilities are cost that much. compare getting treatment at a state run rehab with for example a betty ford, the treatment is different.
ReplyDeletetheir are parents who have dipped into and spent every dime of their 401K just so their kid could stay in a better ran facility.
OK. Link please to this syringe/Lindsay/Brit/Paris triangle tidbit. Why have I not heard about this before?
ReplyDeleteSince there will never be a Lindsay ban, I'm going on a comment about her ban. This is my last one. I think she is an entitled, smug, narcissistic, fame-whoring, thieving, alcoholic drug addict.
ReplyDeleteI don't care what happens to a person with childhood talent that wasted every opportunity she had. The part of me that feels sad about her parents is overruled by the part of me that gets pissed at the opportunities she is given and blows. Looks, talent, wealth - it is ridiculous.
Prediction: jail, drugs, rehab. Repeat until OD. Sad.
this is so sad. even the law enables her.
ReplyDeletei don't want to see her dead. i wish she'd have stayed in jail and dried out for a bit. :(
ReplyDeleteSusan, remember in 2007 when they were all photographed together?
ReplyDeleteI have a theory that Paris and Lindsay had sex a few time, Lindsay fell in love and Paris did not give a shit. She then proceeded to torture Lindsay for the next year, which helped Lindsay's spiral into hell.
being "friends" with Paris is dangerous....that is why she doesn't have any friends besides her sister.
@Susan, Michael K. at dlisted has a picture, but it doesn't look like a syringe to me.
ReplyDeleteI saw the pics, they are at
I just googled it and had a look. Thanks all, for you help.
ReplyDeleteparissucksliterally - I do remember them hanging out for a few weeks. I blocked it from my brain. BTW - did you have Caption of the Week wins at Dlisted last week? They cracked my shit up.
Thanks Becki. I was looking at the wrong picture.
ReplyDeleteLindsay is a sociopath. She tells everyone exactly what they want to hear. This is how she conned the docs at UCLA. This is why she wrote that "I'm taking responsibility" rant on Twitter. She cons people to get whatever she wants, and if anything bad happens, she believes it's people "picking" on her.
ReplyDeleteShe is classic textbook.
Also, PopEater is reporting that she barely made bail.
Susan, yes I did! I was 1st runner up...MK had made a mistake and posted I was double winner....lol
ReplyDeletethank you!
_Paris is evil. Because of her, we know who the fucking Kardashians are. Anyone who hangs out with her gets in trouble- she'll throw anyone under the bus, to save her own flat ass.
Jeez, I'm just trying to wrap my mind around owing someone $500,000. That's a grand house (depending on where you live) or 50,000 pounds of Nilla Wafers (everywhere you want to live).
ReplyDeleteOh that photo is vile - the lowest of low, going to a homeless shelter for a photo op.
ReplyDeleteWhat gadfly said.
ReplyDeleteI maintain my stance that she needs to be sent to a farm out in Mongolia for two years. That'll straighten her out.
Does anyone remember when Brit-Brit was hanging with Paris ?
ReplyDeleteShe said Paris never paid for anything, expected everyone to pay for the pleasure of being with her..
Some pleasure...
So sorry they let her out of jail. Just letting her know...again...that she never REALLY has to take responsibility. Who wants to bet that she'll be out of the latest rehab within two weeks?
ReplyDeleteThis picture is insulting to people who ACTUALLY work in shelters.
She has been given so many chances to straighten her shit out and revive her career and she just keeps blowing it.
ReplyDeleteBut I bet she'll end up managing to be in the tabloids every week for several more years..except people will forget why she was famous in the first place and she will just be famous for being famous. Falling out of nightclubs, dropping pill bottles everywhere and wearing leggings with everything. her lips will get bigger and bigger and he skin will get more and more orange. A Hollywood freak who sits on the sidewalk and hoarsely screams at tourists as the Homes of The Stars tour bus goes by. Then begging them for a cigarette.
On a happier note, TMZ has pictures of Prince Michael Jackson at the Children's Hunger Fund warehouse, packing and loading boxes of food for kids in Peru. Just a heads up, Lilo.
ReplyDelete@parissucksliterally: Congrats!
My only thought when I heard about her visit to the shelter was that she was just trying to hedge her bets with the judge, when she has to appear before him on Oct. 22nd, hoping he'll cut her some slack for "showing initiative" or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI really think her going to the shelter has less to do with the pictures that just came out, rather than her upcoming court hearing.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" - attributed to Ben Franklin, I think.
ReplyDeleteAnymore when I see a Lilo story, that is the first thing that pops into my head.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Jail, Rehab, Party, Repeat.
sue in MO, if i am not mistaken it was Einstein, but who cares...lol.
ReplyDeletei echo ms. cool's sentiments. not posting about her anymore. not reading about her anymore. i don't give a shit what happens to her.
ReplyDeleteWell, White Oprah did say they just got new killer PR people. They're doing the best they can, but even as stupid as some people are, this ain't going to wash. It's rather ridiculous, since by now, almost everyone understands the Lindsay Lohan is pretty much 100% about partying it up at hot spots, drinking, popping, f*cking and snorting.
ReplyDeleteIf she gave all that boxed up crap (that she probably stole) she has in her rented diggs away, then maybe that would be a start.
I just heard on the radio on my way home, that she was calling the paps & offering pics of her with her scram bracelet if they would pay her $10,000.
ReplyDelete@parissucksliterally - Interesting theory there! Congrats on your D-Listed win.
Michael Lohan is taking credit for Lindsey going to the homeless shelter b/c he supposedly visits them every Sunday. If lightening would strike people every time they lied, the entire Lohan family would have been dead, long ago.
all addicts are manipulators and cons. That's how they stay addicts so long. I'm just surprised she conned UCLA.
ReplyDeleteI know it is a cliche, but you can only recover when you want to recover. It's the first step.
First class rehabs have doctors, nurses and LCDCs on staff. It is why they are $$ but worth the money if you want to better.
She is not ready. Just another con game.