Friday, September 17, 2010

LeAnn Rimes Was America's Sweetheart. Huh

I never knew LeAnn Rimes was America's sweetheart. I know Julia Roberts tried to use that crown for awhile, but I don't think she was and I definitely don't think LeAnn Rimes ever was. Sure, she was a kid who can sing but that doesn't make you the sweetheart. It makes you a novelty and will presumably lead you to a few dollars and a sham marriage, but not the sweetheart title.

In her interview with Shape where the heavily airbrushed singer graced the cover she also discussed her affair and referred t herself with that moniker. Wendy Williams was on the radio yesterday talking about LeAnn and called the affair sloppy and took great pleasure in criticizing LeAnn. Love it. Well, LeAnn went all traditional country on us and said in a Tweet

"All I know is Wendy Williams done pissed my mamma off! I don't wanna be in her path. To say, 'I've reserved myself a place in hell?!' I'm incredibly disappointed to see someone with that kind of platform use it for such negativity and could be so mean and judgmental about a situation they know nothing about...I don't like how it happened either, said it a million times, but this is out of control."

Done pissed my mama off?


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    {Done pissed my mama off?}

    never heard of southern venacular?

    leann must not have a pr team. let taylor swift know that she is not america's sweetheart too!

  2. UGH, I cannot STAND this woman. She is such a smug entitled b*tch. And am I the only one who thinks she looks like Kate Gosselin?

  3. I guess her mama wasn't embarrassed when her lil baby turned out to be a cheaten homewrecker.

  4. I know Leann Rimes is talented, but she crossed the line.

  5. LeAnn, them chickens comin' home to hatch. Hear?

  6. Kaye Gosselin? Without makeup, LeAnn looks like Bubbles the chimp in a fright wig!

  7. lol @ looserdude.
    Take her entire last sentence beginning "I'm incredibly disappointed..." and apply it to yourself, Leanne. Bitch please.

  8. Sorry Leann, you made your bed.

  9. I was also confused by the America's Sweetheart thing but figured she meant within the country community.

    I thought she quit Twitter!?!?!?!? Damn Twitter back and forthers!

    I think she needs to stop commenting. Of course she is being judged harshly for what she did. I don't understand how she thinks she'd get a free pass? She said she was sorry, keep quiet and move on.

  10. What's even more disturbing is that a magazine that for one distant second actually pretended to care about women's health has been revealed to be one step below the National Enquirer in terms of reporting - not to mention its horrible airbrushing. The photo editor should join the unemployment line!

    I saw Leanne at a Santa Monica Whole Foods this summer... she was pleasant but her eyes empty. There's not a lot of anything there.

  11. Bahahahah. Sweetheart? Ludicrous.

  12. She was never even Nashville's Sweetheart.

  13. Patty beat me to it!

  14. Squinty actually looks like she has a full set of eyeballs in this pic! Good work, kid!

  15. "done pissed my mamma off" ?
    Wow. If a simple commentary on the state of your life can do that, I'm honestly scared to think of what reaction her mamma had when she found out that LeAnne was the other woman and then ended up stealing the man?

  16. There are many Southern expressions that one could use about this woman. The one I am thinking about right now is "someone needs to snatch that b*tch baldheaded."

  17. This is why I don't get the Leanne Rimes hate - Angelina Jolie did the same thing, only the kids involved were on her end. Her husband was widely rumored to be gay, and likely is, so he, and the press doth protest too much.

    I don't get the hypocrisy, except to note that being a country music star, where a bulk of the listeners (not all, mind you) are right wing conservatives, you are going to get judged a lot more harshly, even though the ones doing the judging are probably guilty of much worse stuff (experience - judgers tend do shit I wouldn't be caught dead doing in a million years).

  18. I love Wendy Williams! Leann was never America's sweetheart. Pshhh to that!!

  19. If her mama had taught her how to live like a decent human being she would have broken up a marriage and caused two children permanent harm. Screw her mama, she was a bad parent. Keep your hands to yourself and find an unattached man - oh and don't cheat on your husband while you are doing a married man. What a delusional hick.

  20. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I nearly gagged when I read that. This chick had one good song and that's so long ago I can't remember what it was. Since then she's been mediocre and squinty eyed. I done lost all respect for her. And her mama too.

  21. My husband told me I looked like Leanne once, and I was sooooo mad.

    She is classless.

    Finally, in my opinion, the women I have considered America's sweethearts are Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, and Sandra Bullock.

  22. I'd kinda like to know why Leanne is getting the blame for breaking up two marriages. Her's was probably a fake publicity stunt (that guy is soooo gay), but she didn't have sex on her own. The worst Eddie seems to be called is an opportunist. No one seems to want to put a scarlet A on his chest. Not to mention, HE was the one with the kids.

    I don't think Leanne is an angel by any means, but Eddie is just as much to blame. Funny thing is, I always thought he was gay too.

  23. What does Wendy Williams say about the Alicia Keyes situation?

    Alicia also broke up a marriage with children - as did Tori Spelling, Claire Danes, Anne Heche, Elizabeth Taylor, etc. - but the coverage of Miss Keyes has been much less nasty.

    Wasn't her affair as "sloppy" as LeAnns?

  24. Lets see... from what I remember of LeAnne's situation, she and Eddie were rumored to be shtupping, and both issued denials.

    Then, they got busted, swore it was over and they were only interested in their primary relationships.

    Then, they got busted yet again...which finally led to both divorces.

    I'm leaving out a lot of details, but that's pretty much their history.

    IMHO, she's PWT that was blessed with a phenomenal voice her parents recognized as a potential moneymaker and went on to exploit.

    Lets not forget that she sued her father to get his hands out of her money.

    Now in her defense, she's been onstage since pre-puberty and as such you can pretty much guarantee she's had no social education.

    So she probably didn't know better than to steal another woman's man. Bless her pea pickin' heart.

    Regardless, she's culturally PWT and will always be PWT (po' white trash) no matter what her bank balance is.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. she looks like Nicholson as the Joker but in drag...ugh!

  27. @MadLyb - I'm just not one of those people that think Angelina broke anything up. By most accounts (including most gossip writers), Brad and Jennifer were already over, and they were NOT seen in public until long after Brad had left Jennifer. Apples and oranges.

  28. I'm not a fan of LeAnne either, but I don't get the hate for her. SHE wasn't the one who stood next to Eddie's wife and took vows to love and honor her. They're each responsible for their own housekeeping. Just sayin.
