Thursday, September 09, 2010

Kristin Cavallari And Her Mom Driving Drunk Together

Ahhh, good old fashioned family time. Apparently in the Kristin Cavallari household that means mom and daughter getting drunk together and then taking a little spin in a car. I mean what better way to have that special mother daughter bonding time then by getting behind the wheel of a car when drunk?

Kristin's mom was arrested and charged with DUI last month in a suburb outside Chicago. In the passenger seat and unable to drive was Kristin. She was however able to tell the police that she was hungry and wandered off to a nearby Subway while her mom was being tested. Yep. Thinking about food and yelling at the police to find her some water while her mom gets arrested. That is family love right there. Why do I get the feeling that Kristin thinks about Kristin first and then everyone else a distant fifth or sixth.

I hope someone was watching Kristin when she wandered over to Subway. This is the same woman who loves nothing more than a big pile of coke and who also claims to be sober.


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