Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kitchen Nightmares Chef Commits Suicide

Since I am broaching the subject of Kitchen Nightmares I have to say that I like the British versions better than the American. Yes, it is still Gordon Ramsay but the ones filmed in the UK were all done before Gordon became too huge. In fact, I think the first season of the show, Gordon only had like two restaurants and one had just failed dramatically so it was more about helping rather than being an ass and playing to the cameras.

On the first season of the US version there was a restaurant called Campania which I barely remember. I remember the name but until you watch it again, you just go, "I think I remember." Anyway, the guy was about two weeks away from quitting. I do remember his wife crying on the show and Gordon saved the day. Unlike some of the other places Gordon helps, this one actually is doing great. Therefore it was kind of a shock when the owner, Joseph Cerniglia, jumped from the George Washington Bridge yesterday and killed himself.

He left behind a wife and three kids.


  1. He's the 2nd chef to commit suicide. Rachel Brown, 41, shot herself in her family's Dallas home a year after appearing on Hell's Kitchen in 2006.

  2. i facking Hate Ramsay. he's a bully and a verbal abuser who enjoys it wayyyy too much.

  3. Gordon Ramsay should really evaluate how he treats those people. If two people that you dealt with committed suicide there has be something to look at. Even if he's not the reason, being less of an ass is always a good thing.

  4. I don't know if it's fair to inadvertently blame Ramsay for 2 people committing suicide. Truth? If you're that emotionally fragile that someone calling you a name makes you off yourself, clearly, you have some huge problems. I get called names all the time and it just makes me angry, not sad.

  5. I don't really think it's fair to blame Ramsay for these people committing suicide. Obviously, the chefs agree to be on the program because their business is fucked. So, already they are experiencing major emotional turmoil. Ramsay may have assy ways about him, but it always seems like he truly wants to help people on Kitchen Nightmares.

    If Cerniglia's business was going well, he must have had other issues that led to depression.

  6. Didn't this same thing happen to a sporting goods store on Sopranos? Just sayin'. Sad for the wife and kids.

  7. I'm not a big fan of Gordon Ramsay either, his angry guy trademark got boring really fast. However, I don't think the suicides were connected to their appearance on the show, it's probably just a coincidence. Now if it happens to a third chef, I might start looking into Ramsay's programming methods...*L*

  8. People who have survived jumping of high bridges always say they regretted it the minute their feet hit the air. Sad.

  9. i just don't get why i'ts ok to treat people this way because you cook FOOD! self important much?

    any other job you'd quit or complain to a higher up about this kind of treatment. why he gets away with it , I have no idea.

    All i know is Chef Robert Irvine can do shit loads more and be polite about it on Dinner Impossible. its all ego with Gordo.

  10. I hate suicide.

  11. Uh yeah, whoa. I don't think anyone's suggesting this is Ramsay's FAULT. Anyone at all familiar with mental illness knows it's never just one thing or one person that pushes another person to suicide. It just isn't.

  12. @ jax: I agree that it sucks when people are treated like shit on the job, but it seems like it's a rite of passage in some fields, chefdom being one of them. The politeness of the common workplace doesn't always apply in the kitchen, based on many things I've read. This happens in other fields too. I am a former journalist, and newsrooms are chockful of dickhead bosses and blowhards. It's kind of like if you can deal with the abuse, you really can make it,kid.

    I feel like the people who subject themselves to Ramsay MUST know his schtick. Because that's how I view it - a schtick. Much like Howard Stern or other people who make a living being douchey.

  13. How awful. :( I feel for his family and children.

  14. I'm bored with Ramsay, everything is yelling and cursing. I think it's a coincidence, nothing more.

  15. I thought the restaurant was in trouble or this guy had financial problems?? No matter, suicide sucks. I feel for the kids.

  16. Ramsey may not have caused this, but maybe the reality show biz did.

    These people are thrust into the fame game too early, and they can't handle it. Being handed a restaurant to capitalize on your fame is not the way to become a chef. Look at all the reality show casualties lately...

  17. you don't need to screech "you're a fat,fucking lazy wanker" to get fettuccine alfredo on a table.

  18. I agree that the British Kitchen Nightmares are much better. Even the F Word is a more balanced approach to Ramsay than anything we've seen over here.

    I don't put too much stock into blaming him for these deaths. He may be verbally abusive, but he was a very short-term influence in both Cerniglia's and Rachel Brown's lives. I'm sure there were more personal issues that contributed to each person's decision.

  19. @jax

    No, you don't, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. I get cussed at for asking if someone can substitute something, and it doesn't even have anything to do with me. That's the restaurant business. It's hot, angry and volitile.

  20. I have heard horror stories from many people in the restaurant biz. Unless someone is in a cult, then you can never blame anyone else for suicide.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. oh noooo...my heart goes out to the family...this is heartbreaking. :(

  23. That was the only episode I ever watched. Very sad. I hope his family can find closure someday.

  24. Not saying that Ramsey pushed the guy, but Ramsey is a foul-mouthed tool. I drop the f-bomb each and every day but Ramsey has a shocking lack of vocabulary; every other word is a curse-word. Added to which I saw him recently on a talk show on which he constantly interrupted the host and the guest (Sofia Vergara) and seemed high and unable to control himself. Douche.

    I've worked in the F&B business and the majority of people in the biz smoke, drink, and many do drugs.

  25. jax, Ramsey does not cook food, he runs restaurant business.


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  28. The guy had an affair and his wife took the kids and left so it had nothing to do with the show
