Friday, September 03, 2010

Happy Labor Day

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend. Enjoy this last weekend of summer, stay safe and have fun. There will not be any blogging on Monday because yours truly will be spending another weekend in the woods with the family. My dad has a brand new grill and apparently it is not as good just at home. Nope, we have to load it up on a trailer just so he can taste BBQ 300 miles from home. Oh well. I love the guy. And who doesn't love BBQ.


  1. Happy Labor Day everyone. I hope it is a happy and safe 3 day weekend for everyone.

    (Enty, does your Dad do bacon in the woods?)

  2. I'm pretty sure Summer doesn't end until the 21st or 22nd of September -- why rush it???

    With that being said though, have a safe Labor Day!

  3. Happy Labor Day to my best buds at CDAN. You know who you are.

    I am happy at my job and am moving forward. i wish the same for you all.

    Now - back to doing the laundry.

  4. Happy and safe Labor Day to Enty and all the kind people here on the CDAN boards! The rest of you....meh. ;)

  5. Heya Enty!
    SAME to you and yours and to your readers and friends as well... Wish I was there to sample Dad's BBQ!
    Hope e'eryone stays happy and safe!

    Peace to you all!

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hope everybody has an enjoyable Labor Day Weekend!

    I will be traveling to San Antonio with my husband to have a nice weekend with him. We just want to have a nice quiet weekend together.

    Enty, enjoy your BBQ with your family!!

  7. Just chillin' this weekend. Hopefully Lindsay, Paris, or Courtney will do something crazy to keep us amused.

  8. Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

  9. Happy Labor Day, everybody! I'm going crabbing this weekend.

    Enjoy your BBQ, Enty.

  10. If bacon is cooking in the woods and it sizzles, but no one is there to hear it sizzle, does it still sizzle?


  11. Happy long weekend everyone! (Especially you, Enty. You deserve it after such a great week of blogging!)

  12. Happy Labor Day Enty! Enjoy your time in the woods!


    I'm headed to a cabin in the Great Smokey Mountains!

    Hope all you CDANers have a fabulous weekend!!

  13. Happy Labor Day Enty and Everyone! Please be safe and HAVE FUN!!

  14. Happy Labor Day to All!
    Thank You Enty, have fun in the woods and stay away from the poison ivy!

  15. Thank you Enty! Happy Labor day CDAN friends!!

  16. Enjoy the long weekend everyone! Enty ... you'll wake up to fresh coffee brewing and bacon sizzling on that grill!! Perfection!!

  17. Grilled BACON! Yum, what a thought!

  18. Have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend everyone! I am longing for a respite from the heat here in the sub-tropics!

  19. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Happy Labour Day Weekend all! Thank you Enty, have a fun trip and all the BBQ you can eat.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Happy Labor Day Weekend, Enty!
    Try to not burn down the woods!
    Thanks again for all you do!
    And a great and safe weekend to all!

  22. Happy Labor Day Everyone!

    Enty, next time go camping in Yosemite. I'll buy you drinks at the bar. =D

  23. Forget camping, my grandparents have a cabin right near Yosemite with room to house a dozen people. We could really get our party on!!! :)
