Friday, September 03, 2010

Four For Friday - Quick Quotes

#1 - This C list actor from one of the top network comedies this season visited a hospital a few weeks ago to talk to patients. As he walked in the door he turned to his publicist and said, "I'm getting paid for this right?"

#2 - This follicly challenged C+ actor from a hit cable show is notoriously heterosexual. When he was spotted making out with a male model and his companions started talking smack, he turned to them and said, It doesn't matter to me. If it has a hole, I will f**k it." Oh, and he is a dad. Nice.

#3 - This B+ television actress from a hit network dramedy ensemble show was rehearsing for a play she was doing for a benefit. When she walked out on stage she looked around for cue cards or teleprompter. When told there were none, she stated, "You mean I'm supposed to learn these lines? There must be hundreds."

#4 - This B+ now movie actress used to be on a hit network drama. One day she was discussing the wardrobe she was supposed to wear and went on and on for 15 minutes about how it was just awful and the wardrobe person was awful and that if she were running the show the person would be fired. Then the wardrobe person walked in and our actress said, "You are an amazing woman. I love my clothes for this week."


  1. Jesse James for two.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. #1 Someone from Glee?

  4. #1 - one of the guys from How I met your mother (not neil patrick harris or jason segal, one of the other ones)

    2 - ?

    3 - ?

    4 - ?

  5. #1 def Glee, probably Mark Salling.

    #3 Desperate Housewives? Likely Hatcher, she seems dumb.

    I wouldn't call Jesse James an actor.

  6. 2 is an actor not reality star.

    Larry David! lol.

  7. yeh id say katherine heigl for 4

  8. Good call by @Dee, Heigl fits perfectly.

  9. 1. Mark Salling, unfortunately.
    2. I didn't know Piven was a dad ;)
    3. Lauren Graham or Marcia Cross? I only guess her because the others have done movies and I've never seen her in one.
    4. Heigl ftw

  10. Aren't there any other movie actresses who used to be on a network drama?
    Not that I don't believe Heigl could've done said this, but think of her Grey's wardrobe much of the time: scrubs, lab coat, patients' gown (I think at one point).
    I can't think of anyone else, but how much various wardrobe could Heigl have been complaining about?

  11. 1. One of the glee kids
    2. ?
    3. ?
    4. Gotta be Heigl

  12. I'd rule out Lauren Graham for #3. She memorized tons of dialogue for Gilmore Girls, plus she was on Broadway in Damn Yankees, I believe.

    Any of the Desperate Housewives on the other hand...

  13. #2 doesn't sound too bad to me. It sounds like he's flexible, his friends were giving him a hard time, and he shut them up. He's a dad, but the blind didn't say he was married.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. #1 - Someone from HIMYM or Big Bang Theory. I also like the Mark Salling guess - he's seems rather douchy.
    #2 - RocketQueen - I was totally thinking The Piv until the part about him being a dad.
    Not feeling the Jesse James guess - I don't consider him an actor, not professionally anyway.
    #3 - Eva Longoria-Parker? I know Teri Hatcher comes across as dim, but she's been in the business for so long, I just don't get how it could be her.

    #4 - No idea, but I don't think it's Heigl. I agree with SkittleKitty about the limited wardrobe on Grey's.

  16. I hope it isn't but Jennifer Garner fits #4. Jessica Biel is not B+ or this could be her.

  17. 1. tracy morgan
    2. larry david
    3.eva longoria
    4.katherine heigl

  18. Oh man, that's a lot of douchebaggery going into the Labor Day weekend.

    1. Someone from 'Big Bang Theory', only because I've never watched this show. I really don't want it to be Neil Patrick Harris, but he's been around and seems to have more class than that. Has to be a new star.
    2. Julian McMahon
    3. Dear God...I hate to say it, but January Jones?
    4. I agree with Heigl. She's the only B+ movie star/former network star I can think of.

  19. 1. I hate to say it, but Joel McHale?!
    2. no idea
    3. no idea
    4. Heigl, of course!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. For #2, wouldn't it be a hoot if it were Bret Michaels? Yes, I realize his TV fame is from reality shows, however, he has done at least one movie and a handful of other non-reality TV shows.

  22. 2) What about Evan Handler from Californication? He is definitely folicularly challenged and certainly hetero.

    1) Simon Helberg from BBT

    3) I'm sorry. I'm with the actress. Who spends time learning lines for a one-time play for a benefit? Come on!

    4) I'm not feeling Heigl for this. I think she would probably tell the truth, that's how brutal she is.

  23. 'mad men' isn't network and not a dramedy. can't be january jones.

  24. I hope these all get revealed. How long is it until January 1st?

  25. Not Felicity Huffman from Housewives either. She comes from the theater. She and Bill Macy are part of the lynchpins of the Atlantic Theater Company. She's done Mamet for Mamet. She not only knows she has to memorize her lines, she knows it has to be perfect.

    1.How about one of the guys from Cougar Town or Oliver Hudson from Rules of Engagement?

    2. Corbin Bernsen from Psych.

    4. Switching it up from Heigl, Jessica Alba or (I hope not) Kristen Bell?

  26. 1. I'm going to guess someone from "Glee" just because I don't watch it and therefore won't be bummed.

    2. I know his show isn't on the air right now, but what about Micheal Chickless(probably spelled that wrong). I hope not, because I like him, but he is bald. I, too, thought Piven until the dad thing derailed me.

    3. A "Desperate Housewives" cast member sprang to mind. Any one of them. I also agree with whomever said that for a one-time performance there should have been cue cards or teleprompters. I don't think she was out of line.

    4. Heigl fits, but I don't think it's her. She may be mouthy and critical, but she usually only takes shots at those who are equal to her or above her in the pecking order. Frankly, when she called out the writers and producers of Grey's over her weak storyline, I thought she was right. Somewhat tactless, but right. I don't think she'd be afraid to tell a wardrobe person she was unhappy.

  27. #1 - Jim Parsons - possibly becuse he is so good in show but seems like a tool

    #2 - David Cross - not sure he has kids but might be the try it all type

    #3 - Rebecca Romijn - cancelled but she doesn't strike me as overly bright and must b+ just for name recognition

    #4 - haggy Heigl is best fit - she is probably demanding their firing while being nice - makes me want to just smack her - even more than usual

  28. For #3 - nearly all the "Housewives" have some degree of stage experience or equivalent training (I know Marcia Cross studied at Julliard). Huffman has tons of stage work under her belt, Hatcher starred in a national touring production of Cabaret some years back, Brenda Strong has done stage work as well (she's currently in a play in LA). The exception would either be Longoria or Matteo - I don't how much they've done on stage.

  29. #2 is a a rather crude response, but do people really deserve anything more polite when they're ragging the guy for being flexible in his attractions? Unless the guy is married (and thus cheating), it's the buddies who we should be criticizing for being a bunch of small-minded jackasses. Dude shouldn't have to apologize for who he's attracted to.

  30. I don't have a problem with #2 being flexible. I do, however, think it is pretty rude to refer to a sexual partner as an "it" that has a hole.

  31. 1-?
    2-Michael Chiklis
    4-Katherine Heigl

  32. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Don't think #3 is Eva Longoria Parker; she was on Y&R for a few years and soap actors have to memorize lines like crazy, no? However, I have no other names to offer. Would House be considered a dramedy? Maybe Olivia Wilde?

  33. I LOVE the Julian McMahon guess for #2!

  34. #1 BS
    #2 Ditto
    #3 Ditto
    #4 Ditto (But herd instinct to malign Heigl is hilarious)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I have no idea about any of these but I LOVE to think Jesse James is #2 (number 2 heh heh) even though he is not an actor)

    @Mel - Jim Parsons has a following for being a much loved and real kinda guy.

  37. Anonymous3:56 PM

    1. Corey Monteith
    2. Kevin Dillon
    3. Virginia Madsen
    4. Katie Holmes

  38. @Mark - From what I heard, "Scoundrels" was a flop, so Madsen wouldn't make sense for #3.

  39. #4 almost comes across as a person with some human decency. I mean, I've been extremely disappointed by some people's work in my life, but face to face with them (and realizing they're people who work for a living like I do) I swallow my pride and say, "What the fuck. If other people don't see the problem here, I'm not going to make a stink."

  40. #2 has to be Joey Lawrence, lol

  41. #2 is Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad.

  42. I was thinking Joey Lawrence for #2 as well.

  43. Joey Lawrence is "notoriously hetrosexual" ??

    He is also married, and I think that would have been mentioned.

  44. I didn't know Piv was a dad either, lol!!!

    I don't think Katie Holmes sounds like #4 but I could see her playing the polite card.

  45. #4 -- I'm also on Team Heigl for her temperament, but what costumes? Scrubs and jeans/sweater?

    #1 -- I don't think it's BBT guys; Parsons has a master's degree (I think?) from UCSD and has worked at the Old Globe -- even if he thought that, he wouldn't say it out loud - and the other three have been working actors for a while.

  46. #1 - John Stamos was recently filmed at a children's hospital and he will be appearing in Glee this season.

  47. #3 - This probably isn't Eva Longoria. She was on The Young and the Restless for two years, so remembering "hundreds of lines" would not be difficult for her. I'd put my money on Teri Hatcher.
