Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Excerpt From Joe Francis Book

Gawker has an excerpt from the Joe Francis book I posted about earlier today. Even though the story excerpted is a Paris Hilton story it is really interesting and shows you how big of a drug user she is and how she can fit an entire cigarette box in her vay jay jay. Yeah, well, when you have the gift that keeps on giving I guess you get used to crazy things happening down there so some coke and ex is not going to make things worse.


  1. okay, I now know that I am offically old!! who the hell would ever think of putting that up there??? I have never met one person in my life who has ever even thought of doing that!

  2. Not surprisingly, the author seems quite shady. But I of course would read it. And this just verifies the trash that is Paris Hilton. All the money in the world can't take away her trashiness.

  3. This book has just made my required reading list. I will forgo my loyalty to the public library and buy the damn thing. After I will pass it around and make it the gift that keeps on giving. Just like Herpes...

  4. If this get around, will she get strip searched at the airports? Please TSA?

  5. Okay. How do you fit four 8-balls into a pack of cigarettes? It's been a long, long time for me, but that seems like a difficult task. Isn't an 8-ball 3.5 ounces? So she fit 14 ounces of cocaine (separated into four separate baggies) into a cigarette pack? And then how do you comfortably put a cigarette pack in your, ahem, privates? I've had a kid for God's sake and that does not sound comfortable! I want, want, want to believe this but it sounds a bit implausible. Please, somebody disagree with me!

  6. @sunnyside1213 - I think the airports of the world will need to stock up on hazmat suits after this, LOL.

    1 tampon is bad enough - this is like putting the whole box up in there. On a long plane ride. Wow. I'm sort of in awe and really disgusted at the same time.

  7. I just did a full body shudder after reading that.

  8. In my day, our mom's just worried about us wearing clean underwear when we went out. Now it's, 'Don't put anything in your sn@tch just in case you get into a crash'. Jay-Sus!

  9. I have no problem believing this.

  10. Dear lord, why would anyone be compelled to snort anything that had been up her herpies riddled whoha?

  11. Anyone know when this book is supposed to be released? I just went to & it's not there yet. There aren't many books like this that I want to read, but I HAVE to read this one lol

  12. Sorry KLM, but you would be surprised what people put up body cavities. My son works in an emergency room. Yikes.

  13. @sunnysise1213 - Don't apologize! I want to believe it - I just thought it seemed a bit implausible. And really, really gross. Yuck!

  14. @Ryan... Oops - duh - I totally knew that. Just spaced. But yes, I suppose 14 grams is a bit more believable than 14 ounces. God, I really have been out of the game for a long time.

  15. Did the cigerette package catch herpes?

  16. A few of my friends work in the ER, and they some amazing stories featuring the flexibility of human orifices. A camels' box would be in the amateur list, in terms of size.

  17. She indicated she was going to transport the drugs vaginally, but not that she was going to leave them all in the pack of cigarettes. Perhaps judicious insertion carried the day? Yikes!

  18. I'm having flashbacks to the episode of SouthPark that featured Paris and her amazing abilities.
    Too funny that it's all true.

  19. @amazonblue:
    Where's Mr Slave when you really need him?

  20. omg, what has been read cannot be unread, and the mental image created cannot be undone. i really want to bleach my brain right now. =O

  21. As we all suspected, Paris Hilton has a vagiant.

  22. Oh loserdude, you are on a roll today.

  23. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I would say to call HazeMat every time Parasite is taking a flight to where ever hahahaha.

  24. I can't believe I just spent $9.99 on this. And I can't believe that I'll be up late tonight reading this book.

  25. So, is Paris going to claim, "That's someone else's vagina he speaking about.".....

  26. Kudos for the many comments that made me laugh out loud. Everyone is on a roll today.

  27. So Paris's whooha is a clown car for coke? Do the snorters of snatch-blow need Valtrex too?

  28. Wow. I'm speechless. I'm totally buying this book.

    So now that we all know her drug stowaway vagina secret, shouldn't airport security be searching her every time she flies??

  29. vagiant..heheee.

  30. Uh huh...I'm sure her rotten chunder carrier has hauled a LOT or product to some of the places she's "vacationed", including Dubai! I always thought she looked like a animal and now I know which one it is: a MULE!

  31. LOL @ Pookie. I'll let you borrow one of the Brillo pads I had to purchase to scrub that image from MY head. Seriously, I have known girls who have done the same thing (mostly coming from LA to Vegas) and shamelessly bragged about it afterward, so it comes as no surprise that this dumb coke-head would do the same. Wonder if there was ever a cross-contamination problem, causing her to taint the product with her numerous nether region "issues"? Hmmm...

  32. @MCH - remind me to NEVER sign up for that job ;)
