Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Discovery Channel Hostage Crisis

A gunman with explosives has taken at least one hostage at The Discovery Channel headquarters. According to what I have read and heard he has problems with many of the shows broadcast on TLC and also thinks they should devote airtime to other issues that align with the organization he belongs to. Hopefully everyone will be safe.

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  1. I guess everyone is sick of Kate Grosslin

  2. I was just about to send you that article from the Washington Post! So scary. I just told this story to a customer who came in, and she says she has friends who work there. Luckily they're OK.

  3. This is just begging for a joke about TLC's programming of choice - NO MORE MULTIPLES!
    But seriously, hope everyone is ok.

  4. What a guy. Here's background.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He sounds like a real nutbag. Scary. I hope everyone is okay.

  7. His manifesto and demands here:

  8. When I first saw this on CNN, I really didn't want this person to be Muslim, especially with all the tension already in the air.

    Then, I really didn't want the person to be a minority, especially with immigration being a hot topic.

    My friend said she hoped it wasn't a black guy.

    Well, we have a winner.
    Crazy Asian dude holding hostages.

    Why are people so crazy!!!!!!

  9. thank god he's not Canadian.

    hope they all get out ok.

  10. His #2 isn't unreasonable, actually. I kind of agree with him on that.

    The rest of it...fucking hilarious...especially this:

    Saving the environment and the remaning species diversity of the planet is now your mindset. Nothing is more important than saving them. The Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels.




    This guy isn't even a threat.

  11. Well...this guy is holding hostages with a gun and perhaps explosives. Sounds like a pretty real threat to me. He is either going to end up dead or in a prison cell for a very long time. If he kills anyone, he is going to be in for some serious trouble. And what does this do for his cause???

    If anything, the best thing the media can do is to NOT state what these nutjobs "causes" are. It could incite other imbalanced people to action and further their crazed lunacy. On the other hand, it can also backfire on those environmental activists who aim to help conservation by peaceful means.

  12. It's okay if you want to make fun of what I wrote.

    No worries

  13. Guns & explosives do not a threat make.

    If he hasn't offed anybody yet, he's just looking for attention. A well trained sniper will take his ass out and everything will be fine.

  14. oh my god, that's horrible. They're one of my clients.

  15. he's just pissed Shark Week is over!

    Hope no one is hurt though (other than the nut job).

  16. I actually kind of agree with a lot of stuff in his manifesto. *shrugs*

  17. His brother-in-law was just interviewed live. He thinks this guy IS capable of harming others and himself. He has a criminal history and has lost a few people very close to him recently.I'm hoping he gives up and everyone is safe.

  18. Why in the hell are you people just sitting there? INVENT, DAMN YOU!

  19. Solution = sniper.

    @RocketQueen - I'm sure you could have written a much better manifesto. You would have covered the Super Secret Squirrels, too, yes? ;>

  20. Apparently, LE agreed with my solution. Suspect down. Cops shot him.

  21. Whew! Trying to invent a humane way of starving a couple billion people to death was getting depressing.


  22. "The humans? The planet does not need humans."
    The guy was obviously Zero Population Growth.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. He has now been shot by police and taken into custody. The hostages are safe.

    From Washington Post news alert.

    ... for anyone who doesn't get them.

    He's been SNIPED!!!

  25. @ThoughtElf - you got it! I was thinking his grammar and punctuation needed some work, too :)

  26. Well, he wanted fewer humans on Earth.
    Mission accomplished!

  27. Now time for the weather...Tiffany?

  28. One of his heroes is James T. Kirk? That says a lot about him right there.

  29. Too bad I have to agree with him on #2,3,4. I think Kate Gosselin was the stresser. They had to shoot him so we could all get home from work. They had the entire place on lock down until he was whacked. There's a Metro stop right here so that didn't help.
