Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chris Noth Says Sex And The City Is Dead - Blames The Media

Did you happen to see Sex And The City 2? Did you think it was good? Well, most people I talked to thought it was awful, but Chris Noth says all the people are wrong and that the media is responsible for the bad reviews and that the media wanted Sex And The City dead so they killed it.

“It’s over. The franchise is dead. The press killed it. Your magazine f***ing killed it. New York Magazine. It’s like all the critics got together and said, ‘This franchise must die.’ Because they all had the exact same review. It’s like they didn’t see the movie."

Why would the press want to kill of SATC? They get lots of stories during filming and people will buy tabloids based on secrets of the new movie, so I think he is wrong. I think he just cannot accept the fact the movie was bad. It happens. I do agree the franchise might be dead because it did do so poorly at the box office. The problem is that all the stars seem to want to do another movie. Prior to the start of the first movie, no one wanted to make a movie. Now, they can't get enough of those big paychecks.


  1. Is Chris good friends with Dina Lohan?

  2. They wanted it to be good, but it was not.

  3. My cousin is a die-hard SATC fan. She has the entire series and adored the first movie. We even had to go on the SATC tour when we were in NYC! And even she admitted that the movie was BAAAAAADD!

    Chris Noth should be forced to watch it himself and see how awful it really is before he blames the press. For once, it wasn't their fault.

  4. Jackie, are we cousins?

    I absolutely hated SATC2 on so many levels. The cheesy "I Am Woman" number really sealed it. Thank God I was at a screening where alcohol was served or else I would have really been mad.

    I don't think it's dead yet or at least I hope not. We need one more just to end things on a good note.

  5. Oh come on! The series spun off millions of feature articles, pop psychology analyses, fashion trends and sex trends (pink bunny vibrator) and at least one book (He's Just Not That Into You, which became a movie in itself). The media wanted this killed? Come on! (They COULD remake it with a whole new slew of younger characters and a new columnist taking over Carrie's column.)

  6. I loved the series, and SATC1 was cute and just perfect for a chick flick.

    SATC2 just didn't do it for me. I think it's because so much of it did not take place in NYC. And all the characters were lamenting some aspect of their rich and fabulous lives. So, while watching it, I was kind of thinking, "STFU."

    Plus watching them ride camels in 4-inch manolos, etc. was a bit ridiculous. Not to mention the Liza Minelli bit. I guess the film just didn't ring true for me at all.

    And it totally needed more Mario Cantone.

  7. it was the worst movie ever. Bad hair, bad lighting, bad makeup, stupid story. I just don't care about Samantha's menopause. If they had cut 20 minutes out of the lame mid-east story, maybe it would have been a little less painful to watch. Just terrible. It actually made me mad that it was so bad.

    I think the producers need to remember that they need big city energy to provide a distraction from the drivel they write. New York, Paris, London, even LA would do. The scenery and fun places totally take the focus off the self-indulgent scripts.

  8. and p.s. I love that series, which is why I got so annoyed with the SATC2 movie.

    I still have SATC marathons with wine and friends. Sometimes just me and wine. Who needs friends? : )

  9. Why is Mr. Noth so bitter? He's got a hit CBS series, resids from all those L&O and SATC repeats and home videos, plus his paycheck and golden resids from the two movies. I mean, it's been a damn good ride for him! I can't believe he really misses playing Mr. Big that much...his character on The Good Wife is so much more interesting these days...(compared to SATC 2, anyway, in which he played Mr. Bland...)

    Against my better judgement, SATC was my crack. When I was depressed, for some inexplicable reason, watching the reruns would cheer me up. I loved the first movie and even my better half cried at the end! (okay, he cries at everything).

    But even I thought SATC 2 was terrible. Really, Michael Patrick King got a bit too big for his own britches there. Hard to believe the excellent cast didn't mutiny, having to deliver some of those lines. And the simplistic and condescending Westerner's view of the Middle East... I guess it was a mass delusion of sorts.

    No, Mr. Noth. Really. The media did NOT kill SATC Franchise. SATC 2 did. But it was great while it lasted, and you know, I think it will be remembered for its good years, not that final turkey.

  10. SATC 2 got some really awful reviews, more than it maybe deserved. BUT the franchise has worn out its welcome. The show was great when it was about four fabulous, strong single women looking for love. They made a huge mistake when they paired them all off at the end. Menopause just doesn't compare to making fun of men with track marks.

  11. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I liked SATC series, would never miss it. I watched the first SATC movie and even though I didn't really like it I still watched it. SATC 2 was bad, bad, bad. What got to me were the stupid faces that SJP would make. I think they were suppose to be sexy poses LOLOL.

  12. golly gee, chris. isn't it just POSSIBLE that everyone agreed because they DID see the movie and it sucked?

  13. Like many of you above I own the series, totally addicted, loved the first movie and the letdown of how SUCKY the second movie was blew my mind! They never should have attempted a second movie if they didn't have a great storyline.

  14. the movie wasn't that great,granted. BUT the fucking press had a field day over it and mostly by male critics! check back to the was a slaughter.

  15. Have no interest in SATC in any form, and know too many people who avoid Chris Noth like the plaque in real life. (The man is an ass.)

    What I will say is that residual payments do fade and both of his series should be getting down in the dollar or so an episode category soon, and the residual structure of newer series is dictated by AFTRA so his Good Wife residuals probably suck big time. SATC considers him pretty important which gives him a negotiating edge he doesn't have with Good Wife (they can write him out pretty easily) So he gets a very big fat paycheck, and decent residuals from the SATC movies for very little real work. He expected, and probably needed that gravy train to last for a very long time to fuel his later life. They all kidded themselves that this movie was charming and eccentric and an expanded reboot of the series not the big ole ball of dreck it was.

  16. I agree. I am a long time fan and maybe it's my current age (38), but I loved the 2nd movie. I was prepared to hate it, but ended up thinking it was pretty fucking good actually.

  17. Have to agree with Valerie and Jax, but didn't see the movie. Remember when Friends married everyone and started them breeding? Death of the show! Nobody wants to see that. Can't imagine the camel riding and must think Absolutely Fabulous did the middle east visit better without even seeing SATC2. But, I will see the movie one day, just for the clothes.

  18. I agree with Chris! The media killed it. The movie wasn't bad. I would go see SATC 3.
