Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

They’re married. They’re famous. And they’ve got some big problems. He’s into porn so much so that he is seeking counseling, while she’s skipped the pill on purpose so she would end up pregnant again, against his wishes. He’s angry they’re bringing a child into the world while their own lives are in such turmoil and she’s trying to stay willfully ignorant by keeping herself busy with the pregnancy and baby to come.


Unknown said...

Kelly Preston & John Travolta.

Ohio Blondie said...

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

NotAMeanGirl said...

Mariah and Nick Cannon... Hehehe

MISCH said...

Not Preston & Travolta...no sex there..

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Becks and Posh?

Cecilia00 said...

Orlando Bloom & Miranda Kerr

Daveb said...

Well Tom and katie came to mind. Or maybe i'm just sarcastic!

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Camilla Alves and Matthew McC...... (they're married, right?).

Danielle said...

My first thought was Travolta and Preston but I like the Garner/ Affleck guess. I hate to believe all those rumors about him cheating on her and that he could be so mean to her like this. I hope the rumors are false because she seems like a genuinely nice person.

Sarah said...

I also thought Becks and Posh. But Ben and Jen make more sense for some reason. I feel like Posh knows about Becks infidelity and deals with it. Wasn't there a blind item about Becks having his conquests sign confidentiality agreements? He doesn't need porn.

kcqueen said...

Like Affleck would bother with porn? Hell no, he'd go straight to the peeler bars! My first thought was Keith Urban and Granny Freeze, but I'm not sure she was ever pregnant with the first one!

Cheryl said...

Jen and Ben seem too obvious here but that's all I've got right now.

lanasyogamama said...

Ben seems too busy to be addicted to porn.

JoElla said...

How about Julia and Danny?
I am getting a real 'she is preggers' vibe from her lately.

jess said...

Camilla Alves and Matthew are great guess!

Cheryl said...

Camilla and T-Rex arms aren't married.

sunnyside1213 said...

If Orlando is looking at porn, it's probably gay porn.

Delicious Anguish said...

This is about Gwen and Gavin.

RocketQueen said...

Hmm, I feel like it's someone that hasn't been mentioned yet. Maybe Gayheart and Dane?

nunaurbiz said...

The way I read it, this couple has no children, yet. But the woman is pregnant. "He's angry they're bringing a child into the world." Not another child. A child.

So my money's on Mariah and Nick.

RocketQueen said...

@nunaurbiz - it says "...so she would end up pregnant AGAIN..."

lutefisk said...

This should reveal itself in the next few months. As soon as a baby arrives we should be able to figure this one out.

selenakyle said...

Ha, Cheryl, you cracked me up with "T-Rex arms!!!"

Good one.

Just Another Blonde said...

Gavin and Gwen, definitely...

shakey said...

I'll throw in Megan Fox/BAG. There were rumours ages ago that she had an abortion and he was holding it over her head in order to keep her.

Anonymous said...

David Duchovny & Tea Leoni

sunnyside1213 said...

Megan Fox was a big guess for the blind about the woman having sex with a married costar who got preggers. The abortion could be something BAG could hold over her head? However, I think those two really are "in love". Time will tell on this one.

Lissette said...

I read this and thought of Gayheart and Dane. Especially the porn part. If I recall correctly, there was mention of his addiction to porn as the reason for their tape issues/problem.

Jaiden_S said...

I thought of Gayheart and Dane, too.

VelvetStaccato said...
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Majik said...

Ooooh, I like the Penelope and Javier guess.

ardleighstreet said...

Mark Whalberg & Rhea.

Dolly72 said...

How about Tim McGraw and Faith Hill?? They are in the pics, and she is looking curvier...loose fitting top as well. There were rumors a while back that he was still partying, but she had cleaned up and found religion again.

J said...

Jay Z & Beyonce

Anonymous said...

@dolly72, I was thinking that too!

devildana said...

This is Matt Damon. Trust me.


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