Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Brad Pitt Cheating On Angelina Jolie

I think what surprised me most about the Star Magazine article about Brad Pitt cheating on Angelina Jolie is that they did not claim it was with Jennifer Aniston. I guess they leave that for the OK! Magazines of the world. In their latest issue they interview a flight attendant who says she had sex with Brad Pitt and that she is a better lover than Angelina and that Brad Pitt makes three the number of people she has slept with that have also slept with Angelina. Considering Angelina has always said she has not slept with that many people, I'm wondering if the flight attendant also spent some time with Billy Bob.

The flight attendant's name is Racine and she is also a model. Uh huh. She says she likes sleeping with married and attached men the most. "They get so excited when they cheat! It turns me on because I'm able to give them what they lack."


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