Star Magazine is reporting that someone spotted Ashton Kutcher making out with a 20 something year old blonde who was definitely not his wife. Probably not one of his step daughters either unless they were wearing a wig.
“Ashton had this gorgeous girl pinned against the wall, and he was totally making out with her. I was shocked to see him sucking face with a girl who obviously wasn't Demi."
Well, the other night when Demi was giving Ashton that lap dance at the Snoop Dogg concert he did not seem all that thrilled. I just thought it was because he was embarrassed and not that he did not want Demi grinding on him anymore. This is all very interesting.
"Well, the other night when Demi was giving Ashton that lap dance at the Snoop Dogg concert he did not seem all that thrilled."
ReplyDeleteI find them ridiculous.
I thought it was interesting that he didnt into Demi's dancing at all. Demi is trying so hard to entice her man and Ashton is so not into it. This isnt the 1st time you've heard rumors of his cheating. There was a blind item that Rumer also caught him cheating.
ReplyDelete@borg queen: reference to the blind?
ReplyDeleteThere were some pics in the Daily Mail today of Demi posting bikini pics of herself on twitter -sounds like a little desperation maybe ?
ReplyDeleteThey'll both attention whores. When Demi can put out another decent movie, I may have a spark of interest then. But maybe not.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like he's saying, "Oh please? Another drunk groupie?"
ReplyDelete"Gorgeous girl" rules out all three step daughters.
ReplyDeleteFONTRUM. I'll always be grateful to Lainey for introducing me to that word because it's the BEST word to describe something like this. I look at Demi in this pic, on the other pics, and feel nothing but intense fontrum. Poor woman, SO desperate.
ReplyDelete^^What Cheryl said.
ReplyDelete@Cheryl oh man..so bad (lol)
ReplyDeleteI also think that she always seem so desperate, she used to have a good career why doesn't she focuse on that?
When I see the two of them, I kind of get the impression that the "novelty" of hot-young-guy and hot-older-woman has worn off for Ashton. Especially since neither one of them seems to be doing much except Twittering these days. Demi just keeps trying to turn that clock back on a daily basis, and unfortunately for her, it's not working well. Yeah, she looks really good... but I can't help but think at what price? When you are an actress pushing 50, sometimes it's classier to embrace the life you have and not try to compete with women 25 years younger... it just looks desperate and sad. This is a woman with grown children - accept it and stop trying to be one of them.
ReplyDeleteHe was just punking her!
ReplyDelete{When you are an actress pushing 50, sometimes it's classier to embrace the life you have and not try to compete with women 25 years younger...}
ReplyDeleteFrom your lips to God's ear.
This wouldn't surprise me at all. Ashton is 110% into Ashton and little else.
ReplyDeleteSue in Mo -- your entire post is brilliant.
ReplyDeleteMay-December relationships can be really hot, but sooner or later, the younger person almost always has wandering eyes.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter if the older person is male or female, doesn't matter if the relationship is gay or straight...the younger person has lots of opportunities elsewhere and usually ends up taking one of them. Or more.
I am sad for any woman who can't embrace the fact that aging is inevitable. Demi, look a Meryl Streep for a role model.
ReplyDeleteWhat all of you have said! He has apparently already said he'll sue Star for defamation, but let's see what happens. I remember that blind, Borg Queen - cause a rough patch early in their marriage. How much longer are we giving these two?
ReplyDelete@ awesome balla = Here you are:
ReplyDelete75. BLIND GOSSIP 01/22
This celebrity couple is known for their commitment to each other despite their age difference. Each appears to have adapted well to parenting in a blended family. However, one parent was recently caught by one of their grown children in a compromising situation outside of the family. The child - who is also pursuing a career in acting - is now in the uncomfortable position of lying to the one parent about the other in order to keep the family intact. Ashton Kutcher/Demi Moore/Rumer Willis;
hmmm....to me a 'blended' family means you both have kids going into the marriage, or one of you has kids and the 2 of you have had a kid(s). maybe i'm being too picky.
ReplyDeleteAge isn't the issue; boredom and flatlining careers are. Ashton's one-note performances are now old news and Demi doesn't even register as an actress of interest. They have too much free time (illustrated by their lame tweets) and are not smart or big picture enough to use their celebrity and $$$ in ways that expand life. NEXT and NEXT.
ReplyDelete@nancer -- well if you consider the way they "blend" with Bruce Willis as father...
ReplyDeleteyeah, you're a little picky ; )
I think Ashton is SUPER attractive and I imagine the ladies THROW themselves at him, like in those silly camera comercials he does.
Well if it turns out to be true, I can't say I'll be surprised....I didn't see their relationship lasting even this long.
ReplyDelete@Sue (in MO): Amen!
ReplyDelete@Nutty_Flavor: Absolutely.
@TinselsSass: Perfectly stated.
Demi should file for divorce right now, b/4 anything else comes to light to further denigrate her. Their relationship has had its run, she's had her fling with a young stud, but it's OVER ! Walk away with pride knowing you have standards. Otherwise things will only get worse for her with rampant speculation she can't keep Ashton sexually interested. She's a beautiful broad who would be an appreciated piece of arm candy by some of the aging billionaires here in L.A......Ron Burkle and Ron Perleman both come to mind. Men who would be so greatful to be seen in public with her just so their friends would think they were really getting GRADE A "ussypay"....and we all know that's paramount for men. And these aging cogers would show said appreciation with all sorts of incentives......Hamptons summer homes, stock options, plastic surgery whenever desired, Bentleys on both coasts and a lifestyle to envy. LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE.....
ReplyDeleteDemi should file for divorce right now, b/4 anything else comes to light to further denigrate her. Their relationship has had its run, she's had her fling with a young stud, but it's OVER ! Walk away with pride knowing you have standards. Otherwise things will only get worse for her with rampant speculation she can't keep Ashton sexually interested. She's a beautiful broad who would be an appreciated piece of arm candy by some of the aging billionaires here in L.A......Ron Burkle and Ron Perleman both come to mind. Men who would be so greatful to be seen in public with her just so their friends would think they were really getting GRADE A "ussypay"....and we all know that's paramount for men. And these aging cogers would show said appreciation with all sorts of incentives......Hamptons summer homes, stock options, plastic surgery whenever desired, Bentleys on both coasts and a lifestyle to envy. LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE.....
ReplyDeleteDemi should file for divorce right now, b/4 anything else comes to light to further denigrate her. Their relationship has had its run, she's had her fling with a young stud, but it's OVER ! Walk away with pride knowing you have standards. Otherwise things will only get worse for her with rampant speculation she can't keep Ashton sexually interested. She's a beautiful broad who would be an appreciated piece of arm candy by some of the aging billionaires here in L.A......Ron Burkle and Ron Perleman both come to mind. Men who would be so greatful to be seen in public with her just so their friends would think they were really getting GRADE A "ussypay"....and we all know that's paramount for men. And these aging cogers would show said appreciation with all sorts of incentives......Hamptons summer homes, stock options, plastic surgery whenever desired, Bentleys on both coasts and a lifestyle to envy. LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE.....
ReplyDeleteHe's going to go for a series of women and Demi will be at least twice the age of each of them. And this will be deliberate on his part.
ReplyDeleteGeezs sorry about the multi posts.
ReplyDelete@Tenley: I'll bet the more desperate and clingy she becomes, the more irritated he gets, but I wonder if she did something to make him want to deliberately rub her nose in it? Or is he just that much of an asshole?
ReplyDeleteAMEN, sister!
BTW, Ashton is indeed doable and attractive.
@Robert, he's every bit that much of an asshole. But since he wouldn't have a career without her negligible connections (and she wouldn't have connections without a Bruce Willis spawn), you'd think he'd be bright enough to keep it in his pants.
ReplyDeleteThat said, for all the talk about the younger partner always straying, I don't know how Demi puts up with his incessant adenoidal babbling. He's 32 and thinks like he's 25. If I had to sit there and listen to that 24/7, I'd go nuts. Send him to his room for the rest of his life and play with the grown-ups, DM, yeesh.
Ashton Kutcher has made a lot of money producing TV shows, don't forget he originated Punk'd and Beauty and The Geek. And he was famous long before he met Demi, and actually doesn't seem to have done much since meeting/marrying her.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan, but facts are facts.
Damn, y'all last few commenters up there hit right on the head.
ReplyDeleteShe looks freaking incredible yet it might sadly be gone between them.
Wow, sad. But who didn't think this might occur?
She is a major player, though, so IF this busts up (even with ugly moments and really, really hurt feelings) she will bounce back VERY strong.
He, OTOH, might struggle a little, or maybe even a lot.
(*off the Miss Cleo impers*)
Casey, Ashton Kutcher is a talentless barnacle who uses his connections.
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't famous. He was on TV, but he wasn't famous. If you said "Ashton Kutcher" to the average person, they'd think it was a Danish pastry.
Oh, and how is Demi Moore a major player?
ReplyDeleteMelody, he was in The 70's Show, Dude, Where's My Car and Just Married (with Britney Murphy). I knew who he was/had heard of him before I saw any of these things.
ReplyDeleteI'm not arguing whether he is talented or not, but I am saying he had a career before he met her.
damn lost comment
ReplyDeletei said something about, if that blind guess of rumor, demi and ashton is true, that puts an innnnteresting spin on ashton buying rumor a house, yes? thoughts?
MtF: In the '80's she was in the Brat Pack and married Bruce Willis. In the 90's she did Ghost and was the highest-paid actress (until then) w/ Striptease. She hooked up with Ashton Kutcher (unexpected, considering her experience and his teen idol status in That 70's Show) about the time she caused all that uproar in Charlie's Angels. So she's had her moments. But the age difference, which caused all the buzz at first, is probably what will eventually drive them apart.
ReplyDeleteDemi girlfriend.....twittering bikini pix of yourself is just way too desperate.
Ah, we have the Gibson Girls on hand again, I see. They're fixated on meds. Must be the hospital setting. lol
ReplyDeleteI don't consider Ashton Kutcher "famous" ... I don't think he has done work even worth a mention. And he's a jerk.
As for Demi Moore, she was well-known twenty years ago. Now she is way past her day. She hasn't done anything in years. She and Kutcher are (a) known for their relationship and (b) famous for being famous.
If the marriage is failing, it isn't just because she is older. It's because it's failing and they're in Hollywood where everyone has the morals of minks. Man, I hate this shit of somehow a woman is considered lesser of a person once she reaches 40.
ReplyDelete'tis the beginning of the end.
ReplyDeleteIf he's being seen in LA kissing someone other than his wife in a public place, well then he's as stupid as we've thought all along.
ReplyDeleteNext time he's caught it will be on camera (a Nikon, *fingers crossed*) and he'll have a hard time convincing us and Demi that it was photo shopped.
Demi was famously sober for many, many years; yet several recent pix have depicted her appearing quite intoxicated. Who really knows of course, but it sure looks like it. It wouldn't take Tim Roth in LIE TO ME to figure out Ashton's very embarassed expression at her recent antics as well. Perhaps this explains her even-over-the-top-for-Demi behavior?
ReplyDeleteMaybe she's back to drinking and is no longer the totally together, in control, mommy figure Ashton thought he married...? Or perhaps the idea of very publicly being betrayed by your much younger husband drove her back to the bottle?
And yes, twittering an underwear pic of yourself is desperate attention-seeking, no matter what your age. (But why people think 47 is over the hill is beyond me.)
What makes me mad about this is that if this (or when) this marriage breaks up, it will be all about how "oh he got sick of being with an old woman." Marriages break down. Underwear pictures on Twitter/FB/Myspace are desperate.
ReplyDeleteBut man, I would kill to have her body and I'm much younger. Don't care if it's plastic surgery or not. Wowsers.
Dated a guy 15 years younger than me for awhile. Got bored and we parted ways. However, yes. There is that nagging thought in your head to constantly be perfect just because of the stigma of being older. It flipping sucks, and it isn't fair. Would anyone be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed?
Agree with you, Sara. The "Expiration Date" that Hollywood has arbitrarily stamped on women to define our attractiveness is ridiculous and demeans us ALL. Spoken as a woman over 40.
ReplyDeleteBut also, that's what we women get when we put all our eggs in the looks/sexual desirability basket. There's a lot more to life...which we find out if we let ourselves age gracefully. (Still a work in progress there, but even if I had Demi's money and time - and looking that good at any age takes a MAJOR SERIOUS time commitment - I know that no amount of plastic surgery or exercise can totally stop the clock.)
BTW, it's going to be fun to watch Paris Hilton - who has made a lot of publicly disparaging statements in the past about women over 40 being "old" - when she gets "over the hill" :-D
No, this is what we get when we put all our eggs in the one-man basket. Elin Woods, Sandra Bullock and now Demi. All the eggs in the one-man basket. There is no need for that. No matter what your age. You don't see Naomi having these problems, do you?!?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteIf Paris gets to be that old - I hope so of course, no matter how stupd she acts. However, with that last drug arrest... I just don´t know that many people who can keep doing drogs for a very long time and not become addicts and f*** everything up.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what a Gibson Girl is, but you put your business out on front street. Showing concern, is all. You don't realize how 'unsettle' you come across.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Melody. It's the same old troll with the changing name that we all agree is the one who is clearly "unsettled" and obsessed with commenters on this site. Pay it no heed.
ReplyDeletesorry, still laughing at the "Ashton Kutcher is a Danish Pastry" comment....
ReplyDeleteDemi looks fabulous but should keep the photos to herself and her husband. Maybe he's embarassed that she's acting like a 25 year old instead of the mature woman he married. Its hard, I'm married 16 years to a man 8 years younger who I trust completely but yes, the pressure is there to try to look at least near his age (sometimes tough to do at 51).