Friday, August 13, 2010

Your Turn

Which of the three people above would you have wanted to be your high school boyfriend? Now, if you are a guy, we can talk about who would have been the most fun to hang out with. Jake would have been fun to hang out with because he had a great place to party and some nice cars he was willing to loan to friends, but he also seems way too serious. Edward? Well, he might kill you which is always a downside to a friendship. But he does have some hot sisters. Of course they might kill you too. Lloyd? Well, he would probably be my choice. He is loyal, fun, loves to go to parties and he is honest. Plus he likes good music.


  1. It was always Jake for me. :)

    I miss that boy since he quit acting.

  2. I was that weird loner dude in high school, so no BFF's for me, thank you. Of course that was before I evolved into looserdude.

  3. Hang with Jake, party with Lloyd, exploit Edward for Rosalie and then have Faith stake him.

  4. Jake Ryan always. I mean he gets her undies back. how cool is that? or creepy. whatever. hes still adorable.

  5. um. who i i still want to be my bf? jake ryan.

  6. jake ftw...b/c as much as i love would take me a little bit to warm up to someone named lloyd.

  7. jake. but i would have been best friends with lloyd.

  8. Who's Jake?

    Neither one appeals to me. Having said that, my 3 would have been Armand Assante from Little Darlings, Sting, and Adam Ant. I was a teenager in the late '70s. If I was still a teenager when Pretty in Pink came out I would have chosen Ducky.

  9. "Who's Jake?!?!" (jaw drop) Gasp.

    He's on the left, from another Hughes movie "Sixteen Candles". Michael Schoeffling. Was in Mermaids and Longtime Companion, too.

  10. I always go for the tall, dark, and serious types :) Jake all the way! I was in my 20's when he kissed Samantha over her birthday cake and I totally swooned. But I would have hung out with Lloyd as friends :)

    Edward always looks like he's constipated when he talks, so I would have avoided his type.

  11. Lloyd... Jake's hot and all but Lloyd is my kind of guy.

  12. Jake Ryan has always been my ideal :) It was a huge let down when I grew up and realized that none of the guys I've ever seen driving Porsches look or act anything like Jake!

  13. Or #4 None of the above. I choose #4. None of these guys appeal to me.

  14. Since Duckie isn't an option, I'm going to have to go with Lloyd. Jake was always too serious for my liking...I'm still gonna go home and watch 16 Candles though!

    Edward can suck it as far as I'm concerned. I was single all through high school and if Edward had been the only option I might have killed myself.

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  16. Lloyd would be fun to hang with, but Jake Ryan is dreamy.

  17. I'm still waiting for Jake Ryan to come to my door!

  18. Lloyd Dobler FO SHO!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Jake is delicious!

  20. Lloyd Dobler... alright.

  21. This is embarassing but I would choose Edward. Don't hate me.

  22. Enty, you're going to be so disappointed in me when I say this, but I haven't seen any of these movies. I'll watch the first two for you, but never Twilight. I hate vampires.

  23. Dobler FTW. If someone held a boombox blasting Gabriel by my window, I'd be theirs, undoubtedly.

  24. Lloyd for sure. Edward is creepily possessive. Didn't really care one way or another about Jake. Lloyd was sweet and funny, had great taste in music, and held a boombox under her window. If someone did that for me, I'd be all over it.

    (Incidentally, there's a scene in Modern Family where the boyfriend holds his iPod under the oldest daughter's window. Hilarious, but not quite the same LOL)

  25. Always Jake Ryan, the 80's teenage girl's ideal...even though I wasn't a teenager until the 90's.

  26. Oh, hands down Jake Ryan.

    I pity the girls of today who have that skinny toolbox Michael Cera as the heart throb of the hour. I mean, seriously. And the vampire boys. ick nast.

  27. Can I go with Blane from Pretty in Pink?

  28. What a massive crush I had on Jake ... hubba hubba .... gotta find it on On Demand and watch this weekend!!! So my type!!!

  29. @Samantha...don't be emberassed, i would choose him, too. but mostly because he looks like my husband ;)

  30. Nunzo on these three.

    Maybe Spicolli from Fast Times, but no way would my Mom let me hang with a long-haired boy! Scandal.

  31. this isn't even a question.

    Jake 4-evah

  32. Oh Lloyd Dobbler. I LOVE YOU. I still have a poster hanging in my room of that scene from Say Anything. My crush on John Cusack knows no bounds.

  33. Lloyd! Without question.

  34. @shakey - yesssssss... adam ant! but only in full makeup

  35. No contest -- Jake Ryan. God the ending to that movie....

    I always wondered why he didn't do more movies. I read on his wiki page just now that he lives in Newfoundland, PA & owns a woodworking shop.

    Lloyd was too neurotic/whiney.

    Edward is too pale.

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  37. I'm on the Jake train!

  38. Since I cannot seem to force myself to pick one of these guys over the other I am going to pick a totally different person - Keith Nelson (Eric Stoltz in Some Kind Of Wonderful). That kiss in the garage – HOT!

  39. I will join the Edward minority....who can resist a smiling Robert Pattinson (even if Edward rarely smiles...)

  40. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Blaine from Pretty in Pink!! I am still crushing on Andrew McCarthy all these years later. He's so pretty.

    In fact, I wanted to name my son Blaine...but the fact that my last name is Edwards posed a problem. Does anyone remember the Men on Film/Men on Books skits from In Living Color? The two characters were Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriwether. Even though that was nearly 20 years ago, someone (or someone's parents) would remember that name and well, you know how kids get teased. So, no Blaine for me.

    Oh, and Shakey...I'm seriously crushing on Sting and have for years. Yummy.

  41. Lloyd, but he would have to have a nickname fast.

  42. Lloyd, but he would have to have a nickname fast.

  43. @Dulcinea - That story just made me LOL. I loved those guys.

  44. Jake (big time) out of these three, but my heart will always belong to Walter "Gib" Gibson

  45. Anonymous2:14 PM

    @MCH - Meeee toooo! In fact, I just watched the Men on Football one on YouTube; it never gets old.

  46. Jake Ryan is STILL my ideal, God I love Michael S. About 2 or 3 years ago a department store had all these fun socks and one pair said "I Love Jake Ryan" all over them, you know I bought two packs of them, lol. My tweener daughter didn't get it so I immediately made her watch the movie!
    Also love him in Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken. Wish he'd of stuck around in the acting world.

  47. I thought Jake was awesome! I don't see Edwards appeal. Even if I was a twenner now I'd rather have Alex Skars over Sparkle Boy.

    I would have been friends with Lloyd but crushed on Jake.

  48. Lloyd, definitely. I don't trust overly good looking people.

  49. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It's like this. If I lived on the left coast instead of the right coast, I'd probably be John Cusack's stalker. Although Jake was awfully pretty. Edward does nothing for me, except make me want to recommend a good shampoo.

  50. Jake Ryan. No contest.


  51. Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. "One of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things is not the same!"

    Seriously, remove Pale Face and insert Randy from Valley Girl and you have my 80s Love Triumvirate!

  53. Lloyd each and every time. I mean just look at my profile picture for goodness sake.

    Seriously, Lloyd has been my film boyfriend since U first saw "Say Anything". John Cusack is my longest actor crush.

  54. Lloyd!!! Drooling all over my computer screen. Plus Lloyd would have a really cool answer for my neighbours visitors always parking in front of my house, even though we have two cars and don't do it to them. And as he was giving me the really cool response, I would be compelled to kiss him. Plus, he was the 'man'.

  55. Jake Ryan...all the way.

    I know everyone loves Say Anything...but I just never liked it. Better Off Dead, Once Crazy those, but Say Anything wasn't my thing.

    I may be almost 40, but I still love me some!

  56. Jake Ryan for sure!

    I like several of John Cusak's characters from his romantic comedies but not Lloyd. Too dorky, even for me.

  57. Jake Ryan or "Bender" (Judd Nelson) from the Breakfast Club.

    And - damn!- Molly Ringwald got to kiss them both!

  58. Jake Ryan, forever and always...He was my first crush and I still love watching Sixteen Candles anytime it's on

    Now, if Blane McDonough was a choice, it would be tough. (I used to engaged to a Steff, I would love to have a Blane now)

  59. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Jake Ryan all the way. Any girl that watched Sixteen Candles feels the same. There are even articles written about him

  60. Lloyd is a Nice Guy(tm)-I'd run as fast as I could.

    Can I vote for Farmer Ted?

  61. Jake Ryan - played by Michael Schoeffling. I was racking my brain trying to remember what stuck out about him. Then I wiki'ed him and realized he went to Cherokee HS in South Jersey. Michael was two years ahead of my husband. Hmmph.

    Jake FTW! Edward's too pasty and Lloyd isn't manly enough.

  62. Jake :)

    I named my son after my ridiculous crush on him!

  63. I don't give a hot damn if rumour has it that taylor Lautner is gay. I could just stare at that young beautiful man all day.

  64. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Absolutely, without a doubt, Edward. His love would be undying. And he would be strong enough to be my man. <3

  65. i don't know their characters names (certainly not twilight) - so i'll say actors.

    john cusack, all the way. i loved him in better off dead.

    i don't find pattinson very attractive. yes, i can see. i just don't know what the big deal is.

  66. Lloyd is the guy I would talk to about my crush on Jake.

  67. Kill Lloyd, f*ck Edward and marry Jake. Bam.

  68. I would take the one on the right, because of his pale skin. I always liked that whole pale skin vampire look, ever since I was a kid.

  69. Jake Ryan!
    Can't understand why that kid wasn't a HUGE star in his day.
    Maybe Enty has a not so 'blind' about it?

  70. Lloyd all the way. Although it would be fun to be a vampire, but not the pussy vampires in whats-it-called, more like the True Blood vampires...

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