Friday, August 06, 2010

Your Turn

This week I was thinking about life and some of the things I have discovered or learned through life and also the things that I wish I had known which I don't. So, it got to me thinking that a great question to ask or two actually would be,

#1 - If you could not know something you know, what would it be?

#2 - What would you like to know that you don't already know?


  1. 1 - nothing

    2 - Spanish

  2. I think I'd like to know if there is any truth behind the various conspiracy theories - the Kennedy assassination, the suppression of electric cars by the car industry, the supposedly faked moon landing, etc. I don't really buy any of them, but I am a skeptic by nature, so I am loathe to believe the "official" version of events.

    I wish I didn't know how incredibly likely some kind if nuclear or biological warfare is in the near future.

  3. 1. i'd like to not know how fucked the environment is and that the human race is doomed.

    2. i wish i knew what OJ did with the knife and bloody clothes. (if i believed in God, this would be on my list of questions.) :)

  4. #1 I'll get back to you on that one.

    #2 The cure for cancer or AIDS.

  5. 1 - My mother and I were just talking about this yesterday. I wish neither of us knew what a portacath was. Damn cancer.

    2 - I would like to know tomorrow's lottery numbers today.

  6. Not sure about 1.

    2. The answer to all the blinds that *haven't* been revealed.

  7. I would like to not know what happens in abbatoirs.

    I would like to know several languages: French, Welsh, Latin, etc.

  8. 1- That I'm going to die someday.

    2- What happens after death? Heaven? Reincarnation?

  9. 1. I wish I did not know that nuclear weapons existed.

    2. I wish I knew how to get rid of them.

  10. 1. No idea...will think about it.

    2. Wish I knew how to sing.

  11. 1- i wish i never had a psychic tell me stuff about my future,i think it's coloured some of my decisions.

    2- next week's lottery numbers.

  12. @JJ...great minds. just read back. you can have tomorrow,i get next week.

  13. #1. that santa claus isn't real.

    #2. the mysteries of life.

  14. 1. Anything about any member of the Lohan family.

    2. Practically speaking, how to fix my car. Not being practical, I'd like to know if Bigfoot, Area 51 and the loch ness monster exist.

  15. 1- Goatse

    2- How to make Peking Duck

  16. Being totally selfish in these 2 things, I'll say:

    1) My father never spoke about what he did during the war. When pressed he told me he couldn't because it wasn't declassified and he took an oath. That's my big one to know. ( He's passed away and can't say.)

    2)I'd rather not know some of the things I know about the food industry. If I let myself think of it, I'll start wearing a tin foil hat.

  17. 1. Wish I didn't know how close I came to losing everything
    2. Wish I knew my family and my future

  18. I would rather NOT KNOW AUTISM! I didn't know it until my son was diagnosed. Wow, wish it didn't have my son in its horrible grips.

    That people would like me no matter what I did. I'm always worried about what others think.

  19. 1 - that my mum only married my father, to escape her parents and birth country.

    2 - how f****d up my life was going to be.

  20. 1. I wish I could un-know the subject of a certain YouTube video I watched this morning. Freakier than "2 Girls..." in its own way. Bleck!

    2. A way to be happy with my life.

  21. Sometimes I would rather not know how fu*ked up some actors really are. It ruins some good movies for me. cough, cough Mel.............. I know it doesn't make sense, considering what my past time is.......

    Are we alone in the universe?

  22. Altho for #2 Coke Mom and Timmy Shimmy are a close second place.

  23. Wish I didn't know how to manufacture certain.... substances. Wish I DID know how to manage money.

  24. #1 Wish I didn't know racism and discrimination.

    #2 Have aliens ever visited Earth?

  25. #1-That the economy has turned most of us more selfish, with many emulating the Wall St. and corporate thugs. If the media stopped teaching us how to treat each other like crap, maybe we'd all be happier following a more golden rule...

    #2-Did the Bible get it right?

    Good wishes to everyone. Off to Lollapalooza...

  26. 1. I wish I didn't know my ex. My life would've been much better off had I never met him.

    2. I wish I did know that everything in the future in my life was going to be ok. I don't need to know specific details, just that I'll never be homeless, won't lose any more family members too young, and that I'll eventually find a job that makes me happy. Right now I just feel panic so some assurance would be most welcomed.

  27. 1. I wish I hadn't googled a phrase I read and hit the "feeling lucky" button they said to do for a pic that would make anyone sick. GAH!!!!!!! My eyes!!!!!!

    2. I wish I knew if there was a God and what "real", if any, religions he subscribes to.

  28. Awww, SFG, it will all be okay. I promise. :)

    (I'm not God - obviously - but I do notice that right when I realize how stressed I am, it starts to lift. Your day will come soon!! With benefits, yippee!)

  29. Anonymous7:30 PM

    1. Tie: Wish I was still blissfully unaware being a woman would mean I would be treated like a 2nd class citizen in many situations.
    & 2 Girls, 1 Cup.

    2. How to astrally project.

  30. Anonymous7:30 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I wish I didn't know that my ex was the kind of man I now know he is...I wish he'd just broken up with me before he showed me his true self.

    I wish I knew where my daughter's birth parents were. I know there will come a day when she REALLY wants to know and I don't have an answer.

  32. 1) Assholes

    2) How to play a musical instrument.

  33. 1 - I wish I didn't know what a Blue Waffle is. I should not have Googled that, but everyone said I SHOULDN'T, so I did. YOU SHOULDN'T.

    2 - I know I'm not being very original here, but I really would like to know some future lottery numbers...*L*

  34. @Harriet Hellfire:
    OMG that is what I was dared to google too and boy are you right, NASTY and burned in my poor brain! UGH

  35. Can I just say how much I love the "Your Turn" feature? It's the best thing to pull out during road trips or a lull during the conversation.

    1. The parasite that becomes a fish's tongue
    2. MV's identity

  36. Can I just say how much I love the "Your Turn" feature? It's the best thing to pull out during road trips or a lull during the conversation.

    1. The parasite that becomes a fish's tongue
    2. MV's identity
