Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Would You Read A Book Written By Octo-Mom?

Back in the day when Nadya Suleman was fairly attention worthy there was talk of a book being written because there was a lot of demand to hear what she had to say and no doubt to discuss her fascination with Angelina Jolie, her family and how it came to be that she could afford all of her treatments without a job.

A ghost writer was secured and plans were made and then Nadya turned out to not be as popular as publishers would have liked and ghost writers came and went but could not handle the salary, the working conditions or Nadya's laugh.

So, what is an unemployed mother to do? Well she wrote the book herself. No help. I think that is pretty admirable. Of course I have not read it so it may all be in crayon and each word one syllable, but I have a feeling it is probably pretty good. The problem is no one wants to publish the book.

I don't see why not. I think I would rather read about the story and the circumstances surrounding all of this rather than a 100 page book on the life of The Biebs.

What do you think? Would you read a book written by Octomom?


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