Why Are The Tabloids Trying To Make Shiloh Gay Or Feel Bad About Who She Is?
I give the tabloids a hard time about all the Jennifer Aniston stories and her multiple impending pregnancies and new boyfriends and some of the other tricks they pull to get readers to buy a copy of their magazine at a store. It is no different than websites bowing to the altar of the Twi-hard. What I don't understand is why the tabloids are trying their best to make a 4 year old girl feel like crap for wanting to be like her dad and for being who she is.
At least once a week some tabloid will talk about how Shiloh looks like a boy or dresses like a boy or watched a boy walk down the street. So what? Are they trying to make her gay? Are they saying something is wrong with her because she is a girl and wants to dress like a boy or her dad? Why is that wrong? She has two older brothers and maybe she is trying to fit in with them. Maybe she is a free spirit and does whatever she wants to do.
Now, you might be saying to yourself, "She is 4, what does she care?" Umm, she will not always be 4 and she will Google herself. How do you think she is going to feel when she reads all the articles hinting there is something wrong with her for wearing boy clothes or acting like a boy? I can't imagine the tabloids have increased sales when they trash Shiloh so I don't see the point except being mean spirited and that sucks. I love who she is. I love that she does what she wants and dresses how she wants and that her parents and/or nannies let her be herself.
So, when US Weekly runs this headline, "Exclusive: PIC: Shiloh, 4, Wears Boys' Swim Trunks" it really ticks me off. Say what you want about the parents, but a 4 year old kid should be off limits for this kind of criticism.