Monday, August 23, 2010

While Banging Your Head Against Your Wall Or Desk It Is OK To Also Whimper Or Scream

As you settle into another long week of work or school or taking care of the kids and home before they go back to school and wondering how long you can keep living paycheck to paycheck, I want you to think about this. The Hollywood Reporter says that The Situation is set to earn approximately $5M this year. Yep, in one year Mike Sorrentino has gone from a nobody to someone who will make more than 99% of the population of the world makes their entire working careers.

A guy who has no skills other than gym, laundry and tanning is making way more than several Hollywood actors. For Iron Man 2, Don Cheadle made $1M. Anna Paquin makes $900K a year for True Blood and Edie Falco $2.1M for a full season of Nurse Jackie.

I don't blame Mike for getting what he can when he can. I think all of us would do the same. We are not going to turn down free money. It just never ceases to amaze me though how much companies will pay someone to endorse their products or pay someone to show up at an event who has really done nothing but appear on a reality show for a few months.


  1. Don't blame The Situation, blame the folks who are watching this.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    it's actually gym, tan, laundry ;-)

  3. What looserdude the tears of frustration roll down face.

  4. I don't find it appalling that he makes more money than some actors. To me, the unsung heroes of our world who don't make enough are teachers, social workers, cops, nurses, etc. But Don Cheadle or Anna Paquin... eh, don't really give a flying fuck.

    That said, I say, "Go on with your bad self, Situation."

    If companies are willing to fork over the cash for his endorsements for fitness programs and products, that's awesome for him.

    He's the smartest person on the show, IMHO. And the show has been raking in huge ratings. He'd be a fool to NOT milk it for all it's worth.

  5. I think he provides a valuable service. How else would I know what NOT to buy, watch, eat or use?

  6. The dumbing down of America indeed!

  7. @anarchi LOL, now THAT was funny!

  8. "I think he provides a valuable service. How else would I know what NOT to buy, watch, eat or use?"

    Hee. The Ed Hardy gear is really tough to swallow.

    I think the fellas should do an ad campaign for Hanes undershirts since they have a whole wife-beater t-shirt ritual before going clubbing.

  9. Don Cheadle makes only a million....thought he would make more especially with being nominated for an oscar and golden globe and being in this industry for such a long time.

    With the fact that true blood has made so much money...Anna Paquain should get more money.

  10. I never realized he had a name.

  11. Mike is the type of guy that can turn any Situation into a money making venture,he's just that guy.

    don't hate the player..fuck i can't even finish that sentence.

  12. Susan is what is entirely wrong in the country. "That said, I say, "Go on with your bad self, Situation."

    If companies are willing to fork over the cash..."

    Do you realize how much cheaper "things" could be for the rest of us "normal" folks if they weren't spending a million dollars of their companies money to pay this trash from New Jersey to stand their holding their product?
    I mean, sue he might make their sales go up 10%. But think about it. A company makes 20 million annually. That's not good enough for them because a competitor makes 25 million. So they get this schmuck to hawk their crap and pay him a million. Well the sales increase, but not enough to increase profits AND pay him, and because the product appears to be a little more popular now with this schmuck's endorsement, they figure they can jack the prices a little. Getting back what they paid him.
    It's a never-ending cycle and people that think like you do are why it continues.

  13. He's being smart -- much smarter than the rest, with the possible exception of JWoww. I think he actually realizes how fleeting fame can be and is cashing in on it while he can. Good on him, I say.

  14. And yes, I would hit it. (Hides.)

  15. I'm with Susan and Enty. This guy has found himself in a pretty good position, of course he should milk it. He won't be around forever.

  16. I agree with Jax, he's squeezing every chance he gets. What annoys me is that people actually like this sh*t and they want to be like them and I'm NOT kidding at all.

    Like today around campus, I saw a group of guys just like him with the orange skin and greasy hair just hanging around chatting and flexing their muscles...WTF world!?

  17. Don't care about this guy or how much money he makes - I was more in shock to read that Cheadle only made $1Million on Iron Man 2. Not that a million bucks is anything to sneeze at, but it seems shockigly low by Hollywood Standards for an actor like Cheadle. Perhaps there is some sort of back-end deal that brings him more money?

  18. I don't know if anyone else said this, but he might as well get what he can, while he can. I mean, it's not like he's going to be able to have a "real" career after. Could you just imagine? "Paging Dr. Situation. Dr. Situation. Paging Dr. Situation." OR there being a District Attorney Snooki? Heh. No.

  19. Wow. I didn't know I was one of the reasons for the damnation of the world.

    Haven't advertisers/companies been using celebrities to sell products for ages? Situation is a reality show celebrity, so it seems to be just business.

    And, seriously. I don't judge people for the trash they watch and read, so don't judge me for the trash that I choose to watch. I mean we are on a GOSSIP site for God's sake. It's not like this is Bible study. Thanks.

  20. My husband and his best friend have been demanding that everyone refer to them as "The Deal" and "The Transaction" from now on.

  21. GTL baby

    So what companies do we think are ponying up for the sitch?

  22. GTL baby

    So what companies do we think are ponying up for the sitch?

  23. Okay who is paying him to endorse their products? Because I am officially done with all of those companies.

  24. @Adventurous Kate - Nooooo!! :) I can't really talk...I have an odd affinity for Vinny.

    He better get it while he can AND invest well b/c I really don't see Jersey Shore being something that is going to last much longer...surely?

  25. If it was Pauly D making that kind of money and still had that awful hair ...

    Hopefully Mike will be smart and once Jersey Shore is done, that's it. He opens his own business, keeps it low-key.

  26. I think you're contributing to this insanity, Enty, by actually reporting on those Z-list celebutards. I'm wondering what would happen if a lot of popular gossip bloggers would actually boycott the likes of Kim Kardashian, the Jersey Shore idiots, Speidi etc., etc., etc.
    The only way we could end this is by not giving them any attention at all.
    What company would then still want to shell out so much money for those people if there would be nobody to talk about it?
