Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This A+ movie star and Academy Award winner/nominee is a do gooder. He is considered extremely straight laced. No swearing and no cheating rumors. You barely even see pictures of him drinking. Well, in his backyard he grows his own pot and loves nothing more than spending a day sitting and smoking all day long. He even encourages his kids to do the same thing.


David said...

Robin Williams?

looserdude said...

Tom Hanks? Don't know but he sort of fits.

Kara said...

The only ones I can think of that have those types of reputations (Cavaziel, Napoleon Dynamite guy, Rich Schroeder) haven't been nominated for an Oscar.

nancer said...

i hope it's tom hanks. love it.

Cecilia00 said...


Ashlea said...

Tom Hanks totally. No wonder he's so mellow!

MISCH said...

This is a hoot...

blondegossip said...

Good for him-whoever it is!

danatestingsite said...

I'm on board with Tom Hanks. Love it!

austinrob said...

Tom Hanks?

Seachica said...

Tom Hanks. Whoever gave the Robin Williams guess - are you serious? The guy has been public about battling drinking/drug issues.

Cecilia00 said...

Just checked on imdb for Hank's kids ages:

33 (Colin), 28, 20, and 14.

As long as the youngest isn't involved - fine by me.

shehlaS said...
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mooshki said...

Hugh Jackman. ;)

CDAN Mod said...

get that rehab money ready!

shehlaS said...
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Basil said...

How about Tom Cruise? He fits.

Sarah said...

What about Ron Howard?

SkittleKitty said...

I thought there were some cheating rumors about Hanks. (Like from filming in Chicago? Very vague as I recall so maybe were only rumors and not true.)

The only other possibilities (and I'm not sure these are A+, nor fit the other bill family-wise):
Don Cheadle, Tommy Lee Jones, Ed Harris, Tom Wilkinson, Stanley Tucci.

Hanks does seem to fit best...

SkittleKitty said...

Ron Howard would be good, but for the 'movie star' part since he doesn't act in them.

selenakyle said...

IIRC, there has been at least one other blind like this and I've always thought it is about Tom Hanks.

Cupcakewalker said...

Tom Hanks has long been rumored to be seeing Ginnifer Goodwin on the side, though - and was also a revealed blind on another site as the star who screwed a waitress during the day in the bathroom, where 2 separate people walked in on them.

Who else is A+ and straight-laced? Anyone, besides Will Smith (and it can't be him - kids are too young; cheating/beard rumors in terms of marriage with Jada, etc.)

selenakyle said...

And you know what? I think we ALL should be allowed to grow our own dang weed for our own dang use! *hops off the soapbox*

Unknown said...

I think Tom Hanks is a veritable pinata of not so sweet secrets.

Sweetiebird said...

I can see this being Dustin Hoffman. He looks like an old stoner to me.

Unknown said...


BlahFrickinBlah said...

I remember seeing this blind before. Recycle? I'd go for Hanks on this one. Maybe people who frequent gossip sites might know there have been some rumors about him but the general public sees him as squeeky clean.

RocketQueen said...

Dustin Hoffman is a great guess.

mooshki said...

shehla, Hugh fits the description, but he has really little kids, so I was just joking about the guess. :)

Ray said...

AMEN Selenakyle!!

Mic said...

Tom hanks was on conans last tonight show and I could have sworn he was high

pandapig said...

Dustin Hoffman for the win!

CaliGirlinVA said...

I would much rather my patients have a little puff-puff-pass than drink alcohol. THC doesn't damage your liver. For cryin' out loud, you can overdose on WATER but you cannot overdose on cannabis.

CaliGirlinVA said...

I would much rather my patients have a little puff-puff-pass than drink alcohol. THC doesn't damage your liver. For cryin' out loud, you can overdose on WATER but you cannot overdose on cannabis.

Anonymous said...

I remember this blind too, blah.

selenakyle said...

Oooh, Dustin is a good guess, too. I do think I've seen Hanks high in an interview before, too, though. And I'll bet most of Amurricah (and around the world) view him as totally squeaky clean, esp. older folks b/c of his attn to war stories and such.

btchywmyn said...

jeff bridges

FrenchGirl said...

isn't Tom Hanks an ex-cokehead in his young years?

Hugh Jackman never was nominated

i say Harrison Ford even if i remember pix with him very drunk

FrenchGirl said...

i change my guess(Ford) for Jeff Bridges

Anonymous said...

Selena, you get right back up on that box.

I was Tom Hanks but now I'm tied for Jeff Bridges (that's actually a duh) and Harrison Ford.

Johanna said...

What about Will Smith? The whole "no swears" thing was a huge part of his rap career and he talked about it all the time. And aren't the cheating rumors really on the Jada side of the equation?

Ellen said...

I was totally thinking Jeff Bridges as a possibility, but I saw him mentioned on wikipedia as a "well-known cannabis user" so that doesn't sound very blind. Could it be him?!?!?

sunnyside1213 said...

I really like the Jeff Bridges guess. He is just the right age for it.

Andy said...

Hanks is a drunk. You can really see the bloat in his face now. I doubt it's him.

Cheryl said...

Harrison Ford is known to be a stoner. His best friends are Jimmy Buffet and Ed Bradley.

Tom Hanks has a good guy image but we know there are some dark secrets.

I'm liking the Dustin Hoffman guess. Squeaky clean, long term marriage, close relationship with his son.

Dijea said...

I'd say Brad Pitt, if we didn't already know he smoked pot. Plus he drinks.


nunaurbiz said...

I know for a fact that Harrison Ford has a teepee at his Jackson Hole estate where he goes to smoke his weed and nobody is to disturb him when he's in there.

So I wouldn't be surprised if he grew his own.

He fits the BI. Harry FTW!

Melody the First said...

Totally Harrison Ford.

Elle said...

Wasn't Rita Wilson a guess for a blind about a power couple who cheat and have a marriage of convenience?

MnGddess said...

This is sooo Tom Hanks. I love Tom and he can do whatever the hell he likes.

Bosom Buddies for life!!

(Sunny, Sunny, Sunny)


shakey said...

Tom Hanks is a do gooder. And I remember the original BI.

emailchallenged said...

harrison ford?

SkittleKitty said...

I like Dustin and I think his kids would be at an age to partake. I've heard of him supporting nonprofits/ causes.

I don't know Jeff Bridges to be a do-gooder not that he's not (anyone?), though it was rumored he was high during his acceptance speeches.

Does Harrison Ford still go to Wyoming? I thought his ex kept that. Also, Ed Bradley passed away several years ago. I think Ford's still a pothead, but I also think Calista (and her son) may have made him cut back a lot.

Totally agree about pot vs. alcohol, though there are the lungs to consider.

MMSG said...

Jeff Bridges looked stoned as HAYL during many promos for Crazy Heart

shehlaS said...
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Shelly said...

Dudes. Robert Redford.

lmnop123 said...

Tom Hanks is a known boozer this isn't him.

I think it's either Jeff Bridges (my first guess), Harrison Ford or Dustin Hoffman.

PotPourri said...

I thought Tom Hanks was gay for teen boys? Not kidding. I thought he was that blind item. But I don't konw.

Ice Angel said...

Call me old fashioned, but I can't believe everyone seems pretty cool with this!!! First of all, the blind says "kids." I suppose it could be grown kids, but kids makes me think young and underage, hence the blind to begin with.

Also, no matter how old your kids are, you guys think it's cool to encourage your kids to sit around and smoke pot all day??? What about a job? What about what smoking pot does to your brain? What about the other drugs it is a gateway drug for? What about the fact that it is indeed illegal?

Beth said...

Dustin Hoffman

Tom Hanks isn't squeaky clean.

Jeff Bridges has admitted to smoking pot.

Harrison Ford maybe, but then this blind becomes a little gross when you consider he probably has a hand in raising Calista's little boy.

Melody the First said...

Harrison still has the Wyoming ranch. His two oldest sons are in their 40s. His two youngest are in their late teens or early 20s.

J-Mo said...

Cupcakewalker: Tom Hanks and Ginnifer Goodwin? Really?

Mango said...

I'd love to think it was the dwarfish freak, Cruise, but I'm leaning towards Hanks.

Love the Redford guess, though!

karen said...

I would much rather my patients have a little puff-puff-pass than drink alcohol. THC doesn't damage your liver. For cryin' out loud, you can overdose on WATER but you cannot overdose on cannabis.

I highly doubt that you're a doctor because then you would know that you can overdose on cannabis! You can consume cannabis in many different ways. I hope you know that!
I got to know so many stoners in my life who were obviously severely brain damaged from smoking cannabis every day many times a day. People who were paranoid about everything due to heavy cannabis consumption. People whose 'slumbering' bipolar disorder was triggered to come out because of smoking a joint. Not mentioning the psychoses and panic attacks it can cause.
You can never know how much THC is in your joint, cookie, brownie, bong filling etc. or even in the weed you're planting in your back yard.

It is not as harmless as people always make it out to be. I think it's nonsense to always compare it to alcohol and how damaging and dangerous that is whereas the consumption of cannabis itself is described as if it is comparable to sucking a lemon drop.

Icecat said...

@Mina - Wow. Preachy Much?

IMHO Pot is much safer then alcohol. I've never heard of a Pot-Driving accident that killed innocent people. Not to say it hasn't happened, but I think it is few and far between compared to the many, many alcohol related accidents.

My first thought was Hanks. I can just picture Colin and him roasting a bowl :)

Hanks - FTW!

Jessi said...

Oooh I am indeed liking the Redford guess.

generation veXed said...

Not sure who the answer for this is, Hanks maybe, but had to jump in and support Mina here. Weed fine, but some strands like skunk can drive a (wo)man insane. I saw what it did to many friends (and my waistline) at University, and it definitely can be more than a nice way to chill out if you get too into that shit.

CDAN Mod said...

Ice Angel, I'm old fashioned too. :) ITA Mina. Pot usage may not lead everyone to heavier drugs, but for some it will. It's one thing for your kids to get into things, but don't lead 'em there.

Miranda said...

Weed facts:

You'd have to smoke a pound of marijuana a minute for 15 minutes in order to overdose.

If you ingest too much THC orally (mmm, pot cookies), the worst that will happen is that you fall asleep.

There has never been a death attributed to an overdose of THC in someone's system. Never in the history of mankind.

From (please check it out if you have any questions about drugs):

"Nobody has ever overdosed [on marijuana]. For any given substance, there are bound to be some people who have allergic reactions. With marijuana this is extremely rare, but it could happen with anything from apples to pop-tarts. Not one death has ever been directly linked to marijuana itself."

I know return you to your regularly scheduled gossip thread.

Miranda said...

Nope, wait, one more thing: you CANNOT become physically addicted to pot. You can become psychologically addicted to it, sure, but you can become psychologically addicted to eating, running, or BASE jumping too.

Linnea said...

I grew up being taught smoking pot leads to psychosis and all sorts of bad stuff. Moved to the US, and was schocked at what i saw there. Now, I am not a big fan, but I have stopped being so up tight about it when it comes to others. According to what I have read since becoming an adult, what they taught me in school was seriously flawed.

Oh, and as for the blind, my vote is on Harrison. He is a do gooder for sure, and Tom Hanks have had some serious rumours about him, as far as I can tell.

Linnea said...

and I mean shocked, not schocked. That sounds like something that happens when you get really, really drunk and end up in a fight. Like, you try to fight someone, but you just end up schocked.

karen said...

How is that preaching when I didn't tell anyone here to stop their drug use? I merely stated that it's not true that cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol (or not even dangerous at all) and that's what irks me when the subject is brought up. I get the feeling that some people only want to justify their drug use with that misconception. It's as if they would say I might be a pothead but it could be worse, I could be an alcoholic.

IMHO Pot is much safer then alcohol. I've never heard of a Pot-Driving accident that killed innocent people. Not to say it hasn't happened, but I think it is few and far between compared to the many, many alcohol related accidents.

That's clearly because alcohol is legal and thus is easier accessible than pot or cocaine or ecstasy but I'm certain you wouldn't want people to drive under those influences as well, or would you?

Also, I wasn't 'preaching' about what people under the influence of either substance do but what it does to the body and mind of the people who consume it.

Miranda said...

"it's not true that cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol"

Um ... yes, yes that is actually true.

"Alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs, and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect can lead to death. Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a recorded case of marijuana overdose."

More info here: Facts on Cannabis and Alcohol

sunnyside1213 said...

Everyone knows the gateway to drug addiction is Gerber Baby Food. Every addict in the US started with Gerbers.

braverwoman said...

LOL Sunny.

Tempestuous Grape said...

@andy I think you have that mixed up with a character he played on Family Ties:

Unknown said...

dudes, the growing in the backyard is even leagl here in LA if you have an Rx card, so this isn't even illegal...

dishtlk said...

LOVE the Redford guess! Extremely well documented "do-gooder".

To throw my 2 cents in on the weed... Home grown is probably safer then anything you buy from a dealer. Sounds like the kids have probably grown up with it around and seem to have a healthy example of pot usage. My family is European and i've been allowed to drink wine since the age of 13 at the appropiate times and I'm a very moderate drinker. Friends that had parents who were crazy strict about booze were always the ones i was taking care of.

Basically if alcohol is legal weed should be too.

Plus I'm Canadian...

aco said...

This kind of makes me sad if it is Tom Hanks. Plus, I never heard the rumor about the waitress in the bathroom, which makes me sad too. He seems like such a nice guy...

I agree the effects of pot are less "dangerous" than alcohol, as defined by physical harm done to the body and possibility of death due to consumption. But long term pot use can not only screw up your memory and general mental functioning, but can have lasting emotional effects such as apathy, mood swings, and aggression when not high. It can also cause or exacerbate mental illness such as anxiety disorder, depression, and even more severe disorders like schizophrenia. So it won't kill you, but it will change your personality (if you are a long term smoker) and to me, that is kind of scarier...

Basil said...

Aco, not a big fan of pot myself, but anything taken in moderation should and probably is okay. Even alcohol. Whomever this person is it doesn't seem to have affected his career/job, so he is being responsible about it. And if he is sharing with his kids, at least he knows where they are and can make sure they don't do worse things.

Unknown said...

robert redford?

Chris Nelson said...

Dustin Hoffman, no question

Mic said...

Tom hanks is such a pothead he forgot his entire job at the Emmys


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