Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Taylor Lautner Emotionally Distressed Over A Trailer

The next time Taylor Lautner's lawyer sues someone, or a business for breach of contract, the lawyer may want to leave out the part about Taylor being emotionally distressed. See, when I think of emotional distress I think of people having their homes foreclosed or losing a loved one. Martin Short and his family this morning are emotionally distressed. Not having your tricked out $300,000 trailer delivered to your movie set where you are making several million dollars so you don't have to spend all day hanging out with people is not emotionally distressing.

In his suit, Lautner says that he ordered a trailer and it was supposed to be delivered by the start date of the movie. It wasn't so no doubt Taylor had to make do with a regular trailer. The horror. I can see why that would be emotionally distressing. I understand the breach of contract suit, I just think all anyone will ever remember from the suit is that Taylor is some weak little diva who cried because his ridiculously priced toy was not delivered on time.


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