Steven Tyler Says He Is New American Idol Judge
Although all the contract details have not been completed, Steven Tyler made an announcement after a Las Vegas concert Saturday night that he is going to be a judge on American Idol next season. He said that his future plans include making a new album and that he will also be a judge on American Idol.
I actually think it is a great hire for Idol. It will bring some attention and the guy knows a thing or two about making it in the music industry. Plus he is 62 years old and keeps getting injured on stage so this will be a chance for him to take a break while still staying in the public eye. Despite the low ratings over the past few years, Idol is still watched by a ton of people, many of whom probably do not know a great deal about Aerosmith or Steven Tyler so this will be a chance for him to expose himself to a bunch of new people and to pump up his own album sales while making a few bucks at a very easy job.