Last week when those noises started popping up that Lindsay Lohan was going to be released early from rehab I was just hoping the noises would go away and that Lindsay would have to do the entire 90 day rehab stay. It doesn't look like she will though and will probably get out this week. So, the 90 days of jail and the 90 days of rehab will turn out to be like 5 weeks. When I think of six months I think of a half of a year. You know, the length of baseball season or how long a catch phrase is funny. Six months is not five weeks and this really disturbs me. Apparently the doctors say Lindsay is not bi-polar, is not as addicted to drugs as they thought and there is no reason for her to stay in treatment any longer.
Nope. I guarantee you this though. You let her out of all of this with no SCRAM bracelet and we will see a week of the drunkest Lindsay Lohan you have ever seen. Why should she stop doing anything? There have really been no consequences for her actions. If someone offered me two weeks of jail and two weeks of rehab for $1M I would jump at it too. Where was her punishment? This is not going to do anything.
Whatever. I am tired of the whole family.
huge mistake. huge.
ReplyDeleteI'm tired of the justice system, not just LiLo. If the justice system treated celebs like every day folk (or at least folks that don't have that kind of money) this wouldn't happen. Who does she have rallying behind the decision for her to stay in rehab longer? Not her friends. Not her mom. Maybe Meshy, but he isn't the voice of reason.
ReplyDeleteIts kind of a lost cause. Wonder if people involved in the case will end up feeling guilty when she inevitably OD's?
Oh gee, she's not bi-polar? So my original diagnosis of BP - Bitch Please - was correct. HUGE surprise *rolling eyes*
ReplyDeleteWhere was her punishment? This is not going to do anything.
NO SHIT. I hate to keep saying I told you (not YOU, Enty, general you) so, but...
The WORST thing that could happen in her life is blogs, news outlets, EVERYONE, FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY stop giving her press. That's her main addiction. I can't tell you how much I wish that would happen (but I'm well aware it won't.) We're stuck with this piece of crap. Sigh.
Even though she's not bipolar, she's still got a buttload of other issues that need to be resolved. Keep her ass in rehab! She's addicted to herself.
ReplyDeleteI'm telling you, she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Letting her get away with this stuff is only going to confirm her belief that she's above everyone else.
Maybe the next thing we will see on the news is her Obituary...
ReplyDelete"Whatever. I am tired of the whole family."
ReplyDeleteBAN THEM. Please.
When and if her dumb ass gets out they're going to be crammed down everyone's throats as it is. So don't perpetuate it.
I know I won't lose any sleep over not reading any Lohan-related garbage.
Second the ban. I don't usually call for bans because, you know, it's not my blog, but PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't ban them -- the comments at CDAN are too entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI'd grab some popcorn for the ensuing tabloid frenzy if this weren't such a serious situation...I honestly think she's going to kill someone before she kills herself.
Big fricking surprise. I have been begging for a ban for months.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad Lindsay didn't have the same judge as Redmond O'Neal, who put him into a lock-down facility for what, a year? Although Redmond may not have behind the wheel of a car, he was busted for drugs, and despite the fame of his parents, the judge wasn't swayed, and showed tough love.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame Lindsay didn't get that kind of treatment.
Who cares the Bitch will be dead by thirty. if you think you can get away with anything...you will keep getting braver and braver...they did not do her a favor.
ReplyDeleteAND PLEASE STAY OUT OF NEW YORK...Keep your brand of crazy for L.A....
I find this unbelievable in a resigned sort of way. When she went away to Cirque Lodge 100 years ago it actually did her some good for quite a while.
ReplyDeleteThis is a mess.
Just. Makes. Me. Sick.
ReplyDeleteI cannot even comment. This is seriously fucked up.
And, Enty, I'd spend two weeks in jail and 2 weeks in rehab for $500.000
I don't even need a million!!!!
I'm not surprised, and I agree that we will be seeing an avalanche of photos of her stumbling out of nightclubs for the next few weeks/ months. It's too bad that she doesn't have any positive influences in her life, only enablers and famewhores. I wonder what they will say when she ends up in the hospital with an overdose.
ReplyDeleteOh, right, they'll say "she is exhausted!".
I am confused (again). I thought she was leaving inpatient and going to outpatient?
ReplyDeleteWith Britney, you had a bit of a sense that she was genuinely screwed up in the head...in a hormonal way or chemical imbalance way. Lindsey, the over all feeling is she is just nucking futs and a giant pain in the rear. I actually felt sad for Brits, this ding-a-ling just makes me want to slap the crap out of her.
ReplyDeleteyeah, bipolar my ass...
ReplyDeleteI can't believe no one in that facility sees her as having problems! Her first week(s) out are going to be dangerous.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I am a cheap b**** and I would probably do it for 10 000 dollars. Honestly, I would be able to buy a car. So send me away, please!
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder if she isn't being such a pain-in-the-ass that the facility just wants her OUT of there.
ReplyDeleteYeah, well fuck 'em all. I no longer give a rat's ass whether this dirty trollop or her strung-out, in-denial mother or her sleazy fame-whoring father or sadly undereducated little sister (where HAS Ali been, anyway?) all rot in hell or not.
ReplyDeleteWe have contributed to this whole thing by reading the gossip and now I would vote for a total BAN on them all.
Glad to hear you are over them, Enty. All I can say is Lindsay must suck on helluva mean dick to get out of as much as she has gotten out of.
And for her MOTHER to think getting out of her FOURTH ordered rehab early is a GOOD thing, well, she just plain deserves a total ban from every media outlet on the fucking planet.
Bitch is only 24 and looks older than my 46, and I've had my fair share of partying.
Sad and pathetic.
And the DOCTORS said she is not addicted to anything? Fuck it! I might just make that old sumpin'-sumpin' phone call my own damn self if that's the state of the medical community these days.
I'm with the rest of you all - BAN this addlepated ingrate and her fame-whoring family. NOW!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I am ANTI-BAN. I can't look away from this mess.
ReplyDeleteBan her, and nasty ass mother and father.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder California is in the shitcan; No one in that state can make a decent decision on anything!
ReplyDelete90 days is 3 months, not 6, I'm confused at Enty's referral to 6.
Lana's Blog - was she supposed to be in jail for 3 months to begin with? That would make it 6.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Judge ordered 90 days of rehab -- how is she able to get out early? Was the Judge's order based on the docs' assessment?
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ReplyDelete90 days of jail + 90 days of rehab which was the original sentence. She will only serve a total of 5 weeks or approximately 35 days of jail + rehab.
I've been sick of her and am all for a Ban. SHE'S given me no reason to care about her health and well-being. And no I don't give a damn that her parents are horrible so were millions of other peoples but they can't use that excuse when THEY continually break the law.
Ahahahhahhah! Bring on the popcorn! She's this generation's Dana Plato indeed. She'll be done soon and then Mom will have to get on the stroll herself - if she's not already! Bring on that wonderful Dad with his fungus infected feet! And little sis, already looking like 40 herself. This is how money changes hands in America. Can't wait to see what SamRo does with this.
ReplyDeleteI have an idea, let's ban her for the time amount that she was SUPPOSED to spend in jail and rehab....combined....like all of it! So in a few years we can maybe read about her again and not be completely annoyed. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with Syd and Adventurous Kate - no ban. It's awful, but I love to hate Lohan, and some of the greatest posts and comments have been Lohan-related.
ReplyDeleteI read in another article this morning about her possible release that they have allowed her to "mentor other addicts" while in there?! Does that sound right to ANYONE?
And anyone who has been to rehab might agree with me that for a centre to say that someone's addictions "aren't as severe as first thought" is incredibly irresponsible and unlikely to ever be uttered for the health and safety of the patient.
Whatever. Popping my corn for the mess that will surely ensue.
Thanks everyone. :)
ReplyDeleteLooking at that photo...I have come up with a new name for her: Wacko LiLo
ReplyDeleteI am 100% sick of this little no-talent wannabe. Ban her please.
awww...no ban, pls....i really want her to get better...am sick of her enablers (hello white oprah and mesh shirt)...she had real talent, i want to see her BRING it.
ReplyDeleteOct 23,2010- Hollywood, CA
Lindsay Lohan found dead face down in a pool of human excrement and and vomit, Memorial is cancelled due to lack of interest.
The baseball season is only six months long???
ReplyDeleteNo wonder the players are so fat!
linds will NEVER have a career turn around like robert downey jr, and her acting isn't all that.
ReplyDeleteif she gets clean, linds should be happy enough if she becomes a lifetime actress. linds is an adult, and can't still blame everything on the 'rents.
ok, so she's just a rude, spoiled bitch.
ReplyDeletecan we please stop talking about her?
Any one know if she'll be on probation? She should be drug tested weekly during out-patient treatment but I'm wondering if she still has to be accountable to the court if test is positive?
ReplyDelete"No wonder California is in the shitcan; No one in that state can make a decent decision on anything!"
ReplyDeletekcqueen...a Cali native here...I am all for a banning of the Lohans in every way, shape and form. Is that a decent enough decison for you? :)
they just signed her death warrant. she'll be dead within a year.
ReplyDeleteSo, can we stop with the Lohan news releases now?
ReplyDeleteYou can't make someone stop drinking, they must decide their lives are not manageable and want to go to treatment. Forcing them does no good, it's the truth about any addiction - she had two misdemeanors, she didn't kill anyone, she didn't hurt anyone but herself. It's a shame but if she gets out early it's because UCLA knows there is no point in working with her if she doesn't want to accept the truth and the help they can offer her. It's a sad confusing disease - she's probably going to die early if she doesn't get help but only she can ask for help and follow a program, if she's in denial that's what it is - with her family I would want to reject reality too.
ReplyDeletei think we need to turn our backs on the lohans like we did with paris.
ReplyDeleteignore them. justice served.
All for the BAN!
ReplyDeletefirst of all - best picture EVER. Second well she does have a movie about a drugged out porn star to star in to make mommy some money so of course she's getting out early. Cause you know taking on a dark tragic role like that is GOOD for a person after rehab