Monday, August 16, 2010

Six Months Turns Into Five Weeks

Last week when those noises started popping up that Lindsay Lohan was going to be released early from rehab I was just hoping the noises would go away and that Lindsay would have to do the entire 90 day rehab stay. It doesn't look like she will though and will probably get out this week. So, the 90 days of jail and the 90 days of rehab will turn out to be like 5 weeks. When I think of six months I think of a half of a year. You know, the length of baseball season or how long a catch phrase is funny. Six months is not five weeks and this really disturbs me. Apparently the doctors say Lindsay is not bi-polar, is not as addicted to drugs as they thought and there is no reason for her to stay in treatment any longer.

Nope. I guarantee you this though. You let her out of all of this with no SCRAM bracelet and we will see a week of the drunkest Lindsay Lohan you have ever seen. Why should she stop doing anything? There have really been no consequences for her actions. If someone offered me two weeks of jail and two weeks of rehab for $1M I would jump at it too. Where was her punishment? This is not going to do anything.

Whatever. I am tired of the whole family.


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