Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ron Burgundy Is Darth Vader vs It's The Jersey Shore Charlie Brown

Do you love Anchorman and also love Star Wars? Do you wish you could watch them both at the same time? Well, today is your lucky day. Ron Burgundy has been transformed into Darth Vader. Stay Classy Alderaan.

Do you love Charlie Brown and also love Jersey Shore? Do you wish you could watch them both at the same time? Well, then here is Charlie Brown on Kimmel Tuesday night. I think you will like it.


  1. lucy was always a skank.

  2. Awesome. Esp. loved the Charlie Brown/Jersey Shore. I've been trying to figure out what the hell a grenade was. Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel.

  3. Lucy wasn't a skank. She was a ho. There's a difference.

    And Sally was my homie.
