Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Roger Federer Trick Shot vs Man Tricking Daughter

I have watched this video of Roger Federer knocking a bottle off this person's head about 20 times and I think it is fake. It is for Gillette and they won't say if it is trick photography, but to me I say it is. He is great, but is he this great?

Nothing like a dad tricking his daughter. The girl is adorable, especially because she is speaking French. Her dad is kind of an a-hole for tricking her and putting it out for the world to see. Cute, but mean.


  1. I played tennis competitively for years. Oh that's perfectly real. No question. (I mean I could deliberately place in-play balls coming at me at fast speeds right on the line where I wanted. The ball isn't even in play here, he has 100 percent control. But even if the ball were in play he still could be that precise.)

  2. #1 I say real.

    #2 video is nowhere near as bad as the one with the dad who shakes up a 2-liter of Coke and gives it to his kid to open. Bottle explodes, kid screams and cries, and dad laughs his ass off.

  3. (Federer is one of the best players of all time -- some argue the greatest of all time. He likely could place his serve in the same spot, every time, all day long. Not that he couldn't mess up, of course. But that footage is real.)

  4. My dad used to do that all the time, but not in front of cameras.

  5. That video was pretty funny - come on! At the end she totally knew what he was doing and called her mother in to tell on him. You know she ended up getting her dessert. I don't think I would have let it go on for so long, but it's still pretty funny.

    Oh - and I agree with Tenley. That video is 100% real - no doubt about it.

  6. i think the video is funny- he obviously loves her and is just pulling a prank. i am sure she got her dessert :) plus he might have put it up because he thought it was super cute and wanted family to see and now everyone is watching it. like that whole charlie thing :)

  7. I thought the pudding video was pretty cute *L*

  8. The girl is adorable and the dad reminds me of things my dad used to pull on us. Eventually, we caught on! Hilarious!

  9. And THAT, chere fille, is why you don't lie to your father! - reminds ms of an Arrested Development episode where GOB senior keeps tricking his kids.

  10. My dad did something like that to my sister once. Except she was almost 18 and should have known better.

  11. Ummm...gays can't adopt kids for fear of harming them, yet straights can play mean tricks on their kids, post it on youtube and it is "cute"

    I get it now.

  12. I now have a craving for Kozy Shack Crème Brulée. Thanks, Ent.


  13. I don't think the Federer clip is real. Far too dangerous without protective equipment.

  14. No question the Fed clip is real. I was a tennis pro and would set up tennis ball cans or stack tennis balls in the corners of the service boxes for practice. Probably hit them about 20% of the time, and I wasn't quite good enough to obtain a world ranking. Fed could probably duplicate the feat in that video at least eight times out of ten.

  15. Wow. Daddy Deep Throat.
