Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

I could have given you Javier Bardem pictures with Julia Roberts, but I know you want him alone. Ready. Waiting.
Jasmina Hdagha & Billy Zane eating lunch.
Also eating lunch together were Justin Long and Kristen Bell.
Another hooker movie for Jennifer Love Hewitt?
Nope. Filming an episode of Law & Order: SVU
Josh Brolin and "guest." Interesting.
Julia Roberts and some very long legs.
Jill Zarin and her daughter shopping.
Probably got it all for free.
Randomness. Kelly Osbourne and Carmen Electra.
The Boob and his man-gagement ring. It looks different than the rings he is wearing in the Nordstrom's spread he has in vanity Fair this month. So, maybe this is a wedding ring and the other was an engagement ring? Who knows? Probably just f**king with Emily Blunt anyway.
Michelle Rodriguez and her favorite leather jacket.


  1. I've always thought Billy Zane was kinda hot but that outfit is just ridiculous. Rolled-up jeans? Loafers, no socks? Douchey hat?? I just can't.

  2. I believe Brolin's 'guest' is his stepdaughter (Diane Lane's daughter with Christopher Lambert). She does look like her dad (his eyes, def).

  3. SkittleKitty beat me to it. It is his stepdaughter.

    Agree about Zane. Loafters and no socks killed it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. chopchop, i'm w/ ya re billy zane.

    no likey julia r.

    kelly o. looks fabulous lately. go her!

  6. Mmmm, Billy Zane. **lick**

    How weird is it that Kelly Osbourne looks better than Carmen Electra? Is it opposite day or something?

    Michelle Rodriguez is so gorgeous. Too bad her life is such a hot mess.

  7. Every word that every poster above me wrote, I thought and agree with. Thanks! ;-)

  8. are Brolin and Lane over????

  9. and Brolin looks awful here(his hair,he looks fat)!

  10. LOL @ Billy Zane's outfit!!

    Javier Bardem is looking a little bloaty to me lately. I am also not digging the mullet so much.

    Isn't JLH a little too old to be playing a schoolgirl?

    I am loving post-breakup Kelly Osbourne!

  11. Javier has been looking a little bloated for some time now.

    I hope Julia's movie tanks this weekend.

    JLove as a school girl? What were they thinking?

    Billy Zane looks attractive, until you get down to his 1980's Miami Vice ankles.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I appreciate the solo Bardem, but you could've left Julia off altogether.

    J.Love really thinks she's still about 20 years old, doesn't she?

    I can't help but love Michelle Rodriguez, no matter what she does. She's been in too many awesome movies.

  14. Love Kids in the Hall.

    Not so in love with Anna Wintour smiling. It's kinda weird.

  15. Jill Zarin is beyond lame. I wrote about her inviting press along on her daughter's back to school shopping trip today:

  16. Javier is so damn hot. He's my guy.

    Denis Leary wrote on Facebook that he wouldn't be seeing Eat Pray Love, but if it was Eat F*ck Sleep he'd see it 9 times.

  17. Thanks, Enty, for fouling the blog with Jill Zarin's photo. Disgusting human being.

  18. It doesn't matter how demure Julia Roberts tries to look, or that still photos are silent, all I can hear is that pig-snort laugh-cackle of hers when I see her.

  19. @ Karmen...

    Not so in love with Anna Wintour smiling. It's kinda weird.

    It's weird because her face is having to break to smile. Even pixelated, you can see the plastic cracking.

  20. Oh my god....does JLH think that she can actually pull off that school girl outfit?
    -Kelly Osbourne looks great, the best pic.

  21. Not much to add to everyone else's comments, but to say that these photos have been ruined by the presence of Jill Zarin - how does she even rate???

  22. Is that John Krasinski with the ring? I am confused.

  23. I don't usually agree with the casting of 30 something (or even 20 something) actors as teenagers, but I've seen close-up shots of JLHewitt in character, and to be fair, I see teenage girls in their school uniforms around here that look older than her.

  24. Kelly looks fabulous!!!
    Boob = Booblay = Buble
    this, messing with Emily Blunt
    because supposedly it was a bitter breakup due to his cheating. Interesting because the rumblings are she cheats on Krasinski

  25. Javier had spinal surgery, and one of the drugs they give you is prednesone, which is a steroid and it makes you again weight. You do lose the weight but it can take 6 mos or longer to get that puffy look out of your system.

    Thank you for not posting JR's pic, she's just a hideous excuse for a human being.

  26. Agreed. Zane's hat and sock-less feet look douchey. But then socks with the rolled up jeans would look equally douchey.

    Is Justin Long seeing Kristen Bell now? Are he and Drew kaput?

    Wow, Josh Brolin looks sinister in that pic.

    @ Tenley - I like to refer to Julia Roberts' laugh as "braying". It's loud and forced and sounds like an over-excited donkey.

    Re Jill Zarin: She gets a little ansty when out of the public eye for awhile; she loves the attention. And the freebies/swag. She went shopping with her poor daughter a few months ago and wrote her own press release and referred to herself as a starlet! Delusional much?

    Wow, Kelly O does look great! Breaking her engagement did her a world of good.

    I have a couple of friends who loooove Buble but I just don't get it. To me he sounds like someone impersonating a cheesy lounge singer.

  27. I would love it if Buble was just trying to fuck with Emily's mind. That girl needs to be brought down a peg or two. I cannot wait for Krasinski to see the light of day and for Emily's cheating to be exposed for realz.

  28. Ceceleah said...
    I would love it if Buble was just trying to fuck with Emily's mind. That girl needs to be brought down a peg or two. I cannot wait for Krasinski to see the light of day and for Emily's cheating to be exposed for realz.

    There's never been even a merest hint of proof that E. Blunt cheated on Krasinski (and no, Enty's 'reveals' does not count as proof).
