Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Photos Part Four

Oh how I am going to miss As The World Turns.
Want to know how powerful a flash flood is? That used to be a road.
Angelina Jolie poses for a fan in Berlin.
Andy Roddick in Vogue.
Adam Scott and Steven McQueen. First time appearance for Steven I think.
Britney filmed her Glee episode the other day and
then celebrated by taking her kids to Johnny Rockets.
Holy f**k. Bobby Trendy is even worse than last time.
This is a burglar in England who got stuck climbing in the window. He had to wait for five hours for fireman to release him.
The Crown Prince and Princess of Norway showing some rare royalty affection as their daughter started her first day of school.
A long overdue first time appearance for C.S. Lee.


  1. Angie is beginning to look frozen and waxy...awful..

  2. That's Andy Murray, not Roddick.

  3. What exactly does Bobby Trendy DO?

    That road post-flash flood is blowing my mind. Anyone know where it is?

  4. all bobby trendy needs is those big nerd plastic glasses to round out his extreme douche factor.

  5. RocketQueen, I have always wondered that too. Garish interior design for Eastern European mobsters?

  6. Thanks for the As The World Turns pic Enty. I'm going to miss them too.

  7. Thank you, von. I didn't think it was possible that was Andy Roddick (unless he's had some MAJOR plastic surgery!).

  8. I think that confirms yesterday's blind about the tennis player's wife.

  9. Thanks for As the World Turns. I, too will miss them!

  10. Holy Cow @ the flash flood photo!

    I was thinking Angelina actually looked BETTER in that picture but then I saw her arms. Yikes.

    Adam Scott is so handsome.

    So Britney is actually making a cameo on Glee?

  11. this is not a snarky question, I am completely serious. Is Brit's assistant Brett (in the picture with her) a guy or a girl? Someone on another site said that is who is in the pic with her and I just assumed it was a guy based on the name.

    But now I am confused, guy in drag or unfortunatley manly looking girl?

  12. Whoa to the flash flood picture! Is it safe for that man to walk down that "road"?

    Ha! Ha! To the thief in England, you're caught by the seat of your pants "literally". LOL!

  13. Britney with the short shorts with the pockets hanging out- enough already, you fucking hillbilly.

  14. The flood was in Cookeville, Tn.

  15. Look at that claw on Angelina!!! Yikes!!!!!

  16. Has anyone here read the Andrew Morton book on Jolie? Wondering if it's worth the read or if I should wait until it's in the bargain bin?

  17. Yay Masuka!!!

    I'm REALLY hating Angie's hair these last few days. I think she looks great in this dress & the blue one from yesterday, and I think her face looks damn near perfect, BUT THAT HAIR. DAMN, WOMAN...

  18. That road is a little bit worse than the roads in Quebec.

    Is Bobby Trendy wearing those large wax lips that used to be in penny candy stores?

    Nice picture of the royal couple. First day is hard for parents.

  19. john, Entertainment Weekly had a blurb on the Angelina book, and it sounded pretty boring. I'd say wait. And this coming from a Team Angie girl.

    I'm kind of thinking Brit's assistant is a guy in drag. Not sure.

  20. @ parissucksliterally - add the dimpled thighs and high heels and Britney is the queen of trailer trash. I'm sure if we zoomed in on her fingers we'd see orange Cheetos dust and nicotine stains.

    @ jen - I was thinking that Angie is looking really thin and skeletal. You can almost see her sunken eye sockets in that pic. She needs to slow down, rest and EAT.

    re Bobby Trendy: I'm convinced he's slightly retarded. I remember him from the Anna Nicole Smith show and he always had the WTF Factor going on. Whenever he'd open his mouth or show off an outlandish piece of furniture or something he designed my reaction was always, "What the fuck???"

  21. Oh no Mango! You used the R word. It's the new word to be offended by. I guess Carlos Mancia is going to have a real problem!

    Love C.S. Lee! Can't wait for the next season of Dexter!!

  22. @Rocket - The flood is in Tennessee. They've been hit hard this year..

    Bobby. JUST NO!

    LOL @the burglar - They should have made him wait longer!
