My Russian is horrible, but there is a story in Komsomolskaya Pravda that says while Mel Gibson was married to Robyn, he once threw a television at her during an argument. The television missed Robyn, but did manage to go through a second story window and ended up on the ground outside. Also, there is a report that a hockey game, Mel once hit his 9 year old son in the head and that Oksana witnessed the event. Mel's son spent the rest of the game crying and whimpering in a corner.
Apparently one time Oksana and her mother were visiting Mel at his house (I'm assuming all of these came from Oksana's mom) and Mel picked up a chair and threw it through a sliding glass door. One of Mel's sons came rushing into the room when he heard the glass shatter and tried to calm his father down.
She may be the victim of abuse, but I don't think she or her mother have a firm grasp of the concept of truthfulness and honesty. I am having a hard time believeing anything that comes from her camp anymore.
ReplyDeleteIf he was so awful, why did you hook-up in the first place. Surely, some of this showed while they were "courting"
Patty, the same can be said of anyone who gets involved with an abuser but the truth is they don't normally beat the shit out of you on a first date.
ReplyDeletethey wait until you are feeling intimate/safe and vulnerable and then they hit you with the scary shit.
she may not be helping her case with all the new info,but i still believe he's a rotten f-cker.
Yeah, well Oksana told me she once saw Mel's head spin completely around as he foamed at the mouth.
ReplyDeleteUsing third-hand information from a Russian newspaper as fact? Seriously?!
Generally speaking, the more this woman speaks the less I believe her. The photo of her alleged battered eye turned out to be a large vericose vein that is clearly visible in a picture from a shopping trip to London last year (posted on one of those celebrity baby-watching sites).
I don't know who she is either.
ReplyDeleteBut I've worked on a project with Icon and know colleagues who've worked with him. Everyone's experience is the same: he can be charming, then horrifically mean. He can be frank and clear and then a massive pathology on two legs.
My only question about him is simple and an inadvertant tribute of sorts to "Chicken Run" --
Which is worse? The chicken (his father) or the egg (Mel)?
Oh, yeah. TMZ is hi-larious in their approach to this story. Harvey has not just doubled but quadrupled over in his veering all copy and headers in Mel's favor.
Given his rage over Mel's Jew hating... there's probably one good reason.
The people who finance TMZ and pay Harvey also finance and distribute most of Mel's films.
I won't say that vegan Harvey is eating Mel's meat... but he is eating his company's poop a ton at a time.
I guess I am at the point where "I Get It". He's not someone I want to meet, or give money to his projects...I don't need to hear anymore about this (unless it turns out it was all a huge lie on Oksana's behalf).
ReplyDeleteI'm done with reading/commenting anymore on this mess.
Most of the stuff TMZ is posting is from Mel's camp. Warners owns TMZ and Mad Mel has a financial relationship with Warner's. TMZ is skewing and outright lying about facts and is the only blog to do so. For every bad Mel story they post 5 more bad stories about the victim.
ReplyDeleteRobyn couldn't even write that he was verbally abusive, I think the reason her statement was so short and sweet is she is protecting her children who I think he did hit, I think he hit Robyn too, he's out of control and has been for nearly a decade. She wants her money and money for her children, after 30 years I can't blame her for lying. I am beginning to think this is more about Oksana wanting to have protection from him and safety for Lucia. Why else would you turn down 15 million, something much worse is going on, and he hit her so hard in the head she bit down and broke her teeth. I've seen injuries from domestic abuse just like that before. Nobody deserves to be punched in the head. Nobody, if he hit his other children he will hit Lucia.
LOL, EmmaJ.
ReplyDeleteI don't give an EFF about anything other than finding it utterly amazing that there are women out there who are defending this a-hole in any way, shape or form!
ReplyDeletewhat Selenakyle said
ReplyDeleteoh great more talk of crazy mel and da russian golddiger! next...
ReplyDeletewhat selenakyle said x2
ReplyDeleteMel has 7 kids from his first marriage and 6 out of the 7 are adult age.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that not one of them has stepped forward to defend him says volumes to me.
Just one big fuck you daddy, I think.
Their mom stepped forward to say that he's been a "loving and wonderful father" for 29 years. I don't think the individual kids all need to issue statements now, too. She wouldn't have done that if her kids didn't want her to.
ReplyDeleteComplete loser.
ReplyDeleteYes, gosh, let's not believe her -- she's obviously only wanting attention! Yes, okay, so he's vile and violent and racist and misogynist. Just look at those big blue eyes!
ReplyDeleteShe stuck around because she's a gold digger and I don't believe she was in it for love. However, Mel is an abusive tyrant and I truly believe he hit her while she held their daughter.
ReplyDeleteI hate that Mel's team is succeeding in their campaign to discredit her. Can you imagine what it would have been like if she hadn't recorded that mofo? That said, she needs to keep her mouth shut right now. She isn't doing herself any favours. She should let those tapes sink the scumbag once and for all.
Unfortunately, many Catholic women take their marriage vows very seriously - the "for better or for worse" part. So "worse" included verbal and physical abuse, because it's scarier to be out of favor with the Catholic church. After all, the Catholic church puts up with a lot, re.: priests who abuse children. It sounds like Robyn has endured Mel's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality for years, and finally came to her senses.
ReplyDeleteMel needs to be put in a flaming car and pushed off a cliff.
He hit his child in public and NO ONE stepped up?
ReplyDeleteWTF. I'd have driven a zamboni up his ass.
C'mon people, think about it. IF the one and only Mel Gibson had HIT HIS CHILD IN PUBLIC, there would have been shit flying faster than the tears of the kid. The paps LOVE that kind of crap. And this had to have happened 2 years ago because of the age of his youngest son. I think its just more crap spewing from Oksana trying to make Mel look worse than he is -- something she doesn't need to do, he's doing a fine job himself.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, something about this screams Exploitation of the 9-year-old boy. Why is she doing it this way instead of having filed police charges if this is true? Something also really read as Exploitation when hen she and her camp said Mel threatened to leave a Jewish member of the media naked and beaten in the desert -- I mean we're talking serious baiting of Jewish people here, and that time not by Mel. She creeps me out as much as he does and I don't like some of this. It is possible to be a victim and to be exploiting people at the same time and that's what she's doing and it's gross.
ReplyDeleteI believe her, based on Mel's past behavior. The man has anger issues on top of being a complete and total pr*ck.
ReplyDeletec'mon cindy, you read the blinds. theres a heap of stuff that goes on that the public rarely hear about. things that have been witnessed but just dont get out into the general sphere
ReplyDeletebtw mel is a crazy mo-fo who needs some serious help