The only good thing about this interview is that it is just an excerpt and the picture is pretty nice. The article is actually a review of an interview Lindsay Lohan gave to Vanity Fair before she went to jail. They were probably hoping she would be in jail still, or at least rehab. The excerpts are Lindsay saying that she does not have any addiction problem and does not need pills. Uh huh. I would like to see Lindsay go a week without any pills at all. None.
“I’ve never abused prescription drugs. I never have—never in my life. I have no desire to. That’s not who I am. I’ve admitted to the things that I’ve done—to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things ’cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, O.K., ’cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it.”
Lindsay also blames all her problems on hanging out with the wrong crowd. As far as I can tell she is still hanging out with the same people she was when she got busted. The article does say that Lindsay is willing to earn cash for posing for paps. No!! Shocker!! Lindsay denies it, but a pap says, “If I called her up right now and said I’ll give you $10,000, she’d come right down. Once you’re famous, there’s always a way to make money,” another photographer says. “She might not be doing what she’d like to be doing, but she’ll always be Lindsay Lohan.”
Very well said.
As long as she does not admit the truth she will always be on rehab. I see her future will always be dark.
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ReplyDeleteWell, none of this matters anyway.
ReplyDeleteEither she'll get clean and turn her life around or she won't, in which case all this talk is a waste of time.
The most disgusting thing about this interview is that it truly proves how low the media has sunk.
Vanity Fair milking this for sales, and paparazzi willing to pay $10,000 per staged "candid"? Gross.
How much are photos of her going for, if they're willing to incur such a cost for a photo-op?
Why does she keep being rewarded (magazine covers, interviews, etc) for being a f**k up? Can't we give the same attention to people who stay out of trouble and actually have accomplishments worth attention. As long as she keeps getting rewarded for her bad behavior, nothing will change for her.
ReplyDeleteGyahh! Blecchh.
ReplyDeleteOne good thing, though, is they did at least style her properly with (finally!) decent hair and eyebrow and makeup coloring.
The rest is all just total bullshit.
Yes her implants are shown to their full advantage...God I can't stomach this whoha....
ReplyDeletehey Lindsay see Paris Hilton- she's NEVER done drugs. Hey Paris how's that working out for you? uh huh -that is your future Lohan.Maybe you two can share a cell **wink wink**
ReplyDeleteTwo thoughts:
ReplyDeleteI have never "abused" prescriptions. Lawyer definitely made that word selection possible.
Also, wrong crowd = Dina, Ali and whatever hangers on are sucking the teet. She has no famous friends anymore cause the chick is Kryptonite.
And Shmooey, the only way she has a chance is if Dina drives her car off the PCH. As long as Mom is there to enable and defend, she'll never think she is responsible for anything.
God, she's gross.
I kind of miss Old Hollywood and its scandals. At least those gossip legends had accomplished something and had huge talent.
ReplyDeleteWe get LiLo, Paris and a boat load of Housewives, Guidos and Celebu-offspring.
The PR spin on this makes me very sad. You know her people made her say all this.
ReplyDelete@anarchi - I totally agree.
ReplyDeleteThe most ridiculous statement is "I see what happened in my life because of it." This chick is so delusional she has a lot of gall saying that. If you ACTUALLY saw, wouldn't you change the behaviour? She hasn't and won't.
ReplyDeleteUgh, I hate myself for still thinking she is a very pretty girl.
ReplyDeleteLana - she's gorgeous, and probably had talent at some point. Certainly not enough to be fawned over still. All I know is I am sick to death of reading about her. Then again, I just read about her and no one 'put it in front of me'. I need help! Schadenfreude can be more addictive than crack.
ReplyDeleteShe was arrested for coke. Why does she keep talking about her prescriptions? She got coked up and hijacked a car, and chased some woman who could have died. She goes to clubs where she drinks and snorts. Maybe she abuses her Adderall and maybe she doesn't. (I know a recovering alcoholic her age who used to have an Adderall script,and mostly gave the pills away. Not her drug of choice.) Lindsay drinks too much too often and going off it for a couple of weeks at a time does not equal sobriety.