As you know Khloe Kardashian loves to be the center of attention. When she isn't, she gets pissed. Oh, how I love when a Kardashian gets put in her place. On Sunday night, the USA basketball team had a win against France and Lamar Odom was part of the team. So, you know he wanted to celebrate after and hang out with his friends.
They all went to a club and Khloe came along. When Lamar started talking to guys and women and Khloe realized they did not really care about her she yelled at Lamar and walked out of the club and didn't return. She did all of this in 10 minutes. Lamar didn't even try to call her back. He sat back ordered more booze and stayed for many more hours.
I wonder how many events he has had to go to where he was playing the supportive partner? I really don't understand the self-entitled aspect of any of the Kardashians, but when Khloe and Kourtney think they are better than everyone else it really ticks me off. They have no talent. They are created out of nothing and they will return to nothingness within the next two years.
Unfortunately we are probably stuck with Kim for awhile. At least she did something to earn her fame. Yes, it was a sex tape and one of the worst ever, but at least it was a tiny speck of something.
A tiny speck of shameful nothingness.
ReplyDeleteEnty - I could not agree more. I hate these people. And it seems like they just keep reproducing - They are like the Duggars on steriods (if that's possible)
ReplyDeletePlease, please go away.
I second that cdanluva... I'm annoyed we have to hear about these people everyday. When I saw the headline about Kim being 'totally hairless' this morning (#1 story on People according to my iGoogle page), I swear I almost dry-heaved. I don't want to think about that woman's body hair at 8am. Too early. Always 'too early'.
ReplyDeleteThey especially tick me off when they are self entitled but brainless. It's all BUNK!
ReplyDeleteEnty, Please be right about the returning to nothingness! I despair we will be stuck with them for a long, long time.
ReplyDeleteEven though these talentless famewhores will disappear into nothingness into two years, there will be some new talentless famewhores to replace them.
ReplyDeleteBitch got served!
ReplyDeleteRather see she who must be banned vanishing into a speck of nothingness.
ReplyDeleteRun, Lamar, run.
ReplyDeleteHey, Khloe: He's just not that into you.
ReplyDeleteAnd the look on her face in the photo resembles Bruce Banner just before he explodes. DON'T PISS OFF THE HULK!!
I just emailed Allure Magazine, because Kim is on the cover. I have emailed Vanity Fair and news station when I see anything Kardashian.
ReplyDeleteIf we don't speak up about their total and utter USELESSNESS, They will never go away.
Fucking beast Kardashian piece of shit loser.
If I had to choose between a Lohan and Kardashian ban, it's Kardashians. Hands and hoofs DOWN.
ReplyDelete@RQ: Where've you been? I missed your posts recently!
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks Robert :) Was in Jamaica for a glorious week!
ReplyDeleteShe's hollering at him and he's ignoring her because they have a fake relationship. It's really nothing more than a contract. I just wonder what it will take to end it?
ReplyDeleteomg, it's so good to come to a story where I don't have to confess that I love the hated celebrity. Cuz I can't stand any of teh Kardashians. Nor the mother. Nor the transexual former athlete that the mother lives with. None of them. Yuck to all. (Poor Lamar, though.)
ReplyDeletePlease God, don't let these two reproduce! It takes a real she-hulk to make Lamar Odom look like the feminine one in this relationship. And if we're keeping count, I'd rather read about the nasty Lohans over the Kardashian beasts any day of the week. AND, I may have to shoot an e-mail off to Allure as well; It was bad enough to have Kim's airbrushed body on the cover of Shape in my house- don't want to see it on Allure either!
ReplyDeleteI was missing you too, Rocket!!
ReplyDeletemmm Jamaica.. BEAUTIFUL!!
Why did he marry her?
ReplyDeleteI'm holding you to that 2-year timeline, Ent.
Ooooh, RocketQueen, I am so jealous! My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Jamaica, and I absolutely love it there and am dying to go back! One of these days...
ReplyDeleteThey'll probably have kids...and their own spin-off. I don't think the Kardashians are going anywhere.
ReplyDeleteRQ/0: I went to Jamaica for my honeymoon. It is BEAUTIFUL. I think we are going back to Ocho Rios (or Negril??) for our 5th anniversary. Hope you enjoyed your vacay!
I just want them to go away. They are everywhere. It bothers me the most when I log into Yahoo to check my mail and their faces are all over the news feed--like they are more important than a soldier being killed overseas, or a plane crash.
ReplyDeleteBarton, "Nor the transexual former athlete that the mother lives with." Is this your psychic gaydar going off again? Or do you know something.
ReplyDeleteI like to think having to be Mr. Kardashian II is bad karma visiting Bruce Jenner. I remember when he won the Olympics and visited the talent agency where I worked with his wife. She was a flight attendant and had worked her butt off to support him while he was training. She was so pretty, and very sweet.
ReplyDeleteThen he left her. Guess she dodged a bullet there, huh?
@0 - We stayed just outside of Montego Bay - a group of friends anhd I saved up all year to stay in a beautiful private villa and I don't think I'll do it any other way again! Where were you?
ReplyDelete@MCH - I had heard nothing but complaints about Ocho Rios - too touristy, too many hustlers, but Negril was VERY nice - we did a day trip!
@RocketQueen- we stayed in both Kingston (I forget the name, but it was an awesome resort in Port Royal) and in St. Catherine Parish. Both were absolutely beautiful, although Kingston of course is a huge tourist trap with everything overpriced.
ReplyDeleteWould have loved to see Kingston! The scaredy cats I was with claimed it was too "violent".