Monday, August 02, 2010

Katy Perry Talks About Religion

In the latest issue of Rolling Stone, Katy Perry talks about her religious upbringing and what it was like growing up with two freelance ministers for parents. "Speaking in tongues is as normal to me as 'Pass the salt..' It's a secret, direct prayer language to God." She says that her dad usually is the one who speaks in tongues while her mother interprets it. She calls it a gift they have.

She says that she thinks casual sex is disgusting and grosses her out. While I actually believe her about that and that she had very few boyfriends in her life growing up, I do find it odd that she has chosen for her husband a man who has made a career from having casual sex. I mean Russell Brand is Mr. Casual Sex. Maybe she thinks that by marrying him she can change him, but this is a guy who was perfectly serious when he said he tried to have sex with several different women each day.

Katy also says that she was not allowed to use the word lucky when she was growing up. She had to use the word blessed and that her mom thought lucky was too close to the word Lucifer. It was also the reason Katy was told she could not eat Lucky Charms. She now thinks it was because of the sugar. She says her family was often poor and often ate from the same food banks that the members of the congregation would use.

She also wants to pose for her next album wearing a bacon bikini. Love it!


  1. sorry, i tried but i just can't with her. doesn't it seem a little hypocritical that she talks about how she thinks casual sex is disgusting and yet wears latex and sings songs about kissing girls?

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    a man who thinks casual sex is disgusting? okay.

    not one for casual sex, but whatever floats consenting grown-ups' boats...

  3. Yes, and wasn't she the popular guess to that blind about the singer who was having sex with her manager in order to get ahead behind her boyfriend's back? Maybe that isn't "casual" sex, that's just business.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    For someone that was brought up by a religious family she sure is different now.

  5. i don't buy what she's selling.

  6. holyrollernova...

    I couldn't agree more. I always feel like she is trying SO hard to fit in with the popular girls, but pretending like she doesn't want to fit in.

    Does that make sense?

  7. Has she SEEN her own videos? Like the California Gurrls one? Double standards, Id say

  8. You know, when she doesn't talk...or dress like a damn anime character, she's not that bad. But when she opens her mouth, it's just non-stop stupidity.

    She's your textbook ex-holy roller kid who's rebelling.

  9. Whenever I see her face, I just want to smack it.

  10. Have to give her credit. For being raised like that, you would think she would be a hell of a lot stranger.
    One of my best friends that lived across the street all during my childhood and super strict Church of Christ parents and there were so many weird things. We couldn't play any game that used dice or cards because those were the tools of the devil. No singing (not sure why) couldn't touch walls in her house (something to do with God) and on and on and on. There were so many rules eventually I quit asking why Her parents: "God doesn't want us to touch the walls" Me: "*sigh* ok, whatever" LOL One time I went to their house and the mom said she could smell smoke on me (both my parents smoked) she immediately went to pray for my parents.
    Oh, and soon as she hit 18 guess who was out drinking me? Yep...

  11. Her remark about casual sex is confusing to me. She ran off to Thailand with Russell Brand a week after getting together at the MTV awards. I highly doubt they were in separate rooms. But then maybe she defines "sex" in another way. Whatever.

  12. kvr - I think you are spot on. She does seem like she is trying so hard to be popular, but tries to pretend that she's not. What drives me crazy is that I feel like the media keeps pushing her and her music on us. It seems weird to dress like that all the time, be engaged to a known fan of casual sex and then turn around and say that she finds it disgusting. Which blind is she?

    What is up with the "bacon bikini"? That sounds horrible!

  13. i'm kinda surprised SHE didn't do the movie with the Shamwow guy, it's try hard enough for her.

  14. I like her and am sorry she grew up with a crazy uber-christian family, which might explain a lot about her persona. Yeah, she's in yer face to the point of annoyance, but she's also nice and kind so she's okay with me.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have nothing against Katy Perry and she deserves as much success as anyone else in the pop industry, if not more. I just find her image and beliefs contradictory.

    The most annoying people I've met aren't ex-religiouso's - I like people who've thought themselves out of boxes and such. Some of the most awesome people I know are ex-something-or-other (insert belief system here).

    The ones who are annoying are people who still believe in all the junk they were raised with but who live a lifestyle and project an image that is quite the opposite. Fine. I don't care how people choose to live as long as they don't hurt anyone, but in my experience, this type of person tends to be really,REALLY judgmental towards others, which is insulting because they are usually the ones with the racier, more 'sinful' lifestyle, if you will.

  17. @MadLyb: A-fuckin'-men!

  18. i think she's a total hypocrite and so self-righteous and thinks she's above the very people she's trying to desperately to fit in with.

    if you're gonna rebel, then REBEL. but don't sit there like you're type of rebellion is somehow better or healthier than the next. whether casual sex makes YOU sick, you're still a half naked, liquid latex twit selling casual sex and music about casual sex.

  19. i just think she and her "music" is annoying. period. i don't care if her parents were atheist or uber-christian. i don't care if she is one or the other or nothing or everything. and i don't even care if she is a hypocrite (who isn't?)

    i just would like her to disappear.

  20. I cosign with Jax. She makes absolutely no sense to me - as a musician or a celebrity.

  21. She's an idiot. And so is her family.

  22. MadLyb, you just triggered my memory about something. My brother had a friend who was living with his über-Catholic girlfriend. She wanted to be a virgin when she got married. But anal sex was okay.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Katy Perry was the same.



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