Monday, August 02, 2010

Katy Perry Talks About Religion

In the latest issue of Rolling Stone, Katy Perry talks about her religious upbringing and what it was like growing up with two freelance ministers for parents. "Speaking in tongues is as normal to me as 'Pass the salt..' It's a secret, direct prayer language to God." She says that her dad usually is the one who speaks in tongues while her mother interprets it. She calls it a gift they have.

She says that she thinks casual sex is disgusting and grosses her out. While I actually believe her about that and that she had very few boyfriends in her life growing up, I do find it odd that she has chosen for her husband a man who has made a career from having casual sex. I mean Russell Brand is Mr. Casual Sex. Maybe she thinks that by marrying him she can change him, but this is a guy who was perfectly serious when he said he tried to have sex with several different women each day.

Katy also says that she was not allowed to use the word lucky when she was growing up. She had to use the word blessed and that her mom thought lucky was too close to the word Lucifer. It was also the reason Katy was told she could not eat Lucky Charms. She now thinks it was because of the sugar. She says her family was often poor and often ate from the same food banks that the members of the congregation would use.

She also wants to pose for her next album wearing a bacon bikini. Love it!


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