With all the stories coming in about whether Jesse James is messing around with Kat von D, comes this story from Life & Style. It says some of the things we have heard before but they claim to have a source who says the only reason Jesse cheated was that Sandra was away filming movies all the time so he got horny. They actually use the word horny too. Usually you don't see that word in tabloids. They come up with something more PG friendly like his needs were not being fulfilled. You know, something ambiguous.
"Jesse says Sandra was never around," the insider says. "He was lonely, and that's why he turned to another woman. She was gone for months filming The Blind Side. He's not proud of what he did, but he insists the fault doesn't rest entirely with him."
Umm, yes it does reside with him. You make a conscious decision to cheat or not to cheat. He cheated. If he was lonely or horny then he should have got a divorce. No cheating.
... or, perhaps, gotten on a plane...
ReplyDeleteThat's no excuse. Why didn't he use his hand? Or was he too busy doing the Nazi salute?
ReplyDeleteYes, Sandra IS to blame...for marring this SCHMUCK in the first place!
how RIDICULOUS! use your hand, or go see her! when you get married you vow to be faithful to your mate. shame on him for saying she shares the blame! plenty of couples go through dry spells and don't cheat...yeesh
ReplyDeletePinky, I'm with you...
ReplyDeleteHe's making it worse for himself...what a jerk.
Exactly. It's funny that the magazine headline says 'Jesse Trashes Sandra' because he just makes himself look worse.
ReplyDeleteBitch please. Who in their right mind would buy this load of crap from him? Like he wasn't aware of what she did for a living before they met? Nice try, Jesse. Keep fucking that chicken.
ReplyDeleteBS excuse from a BS publication. Life & Style will accidentally print the truth at times, but they prefer BS. I doubt James ever said such a thing. The insider is the receptionist just inside the front door at Life & Style.
ReplyDeleteJesse's got two hands. Could have used either, even both.
ReplyDeleteNot to defend that disgussting excuse for a human, but according to Enty's post, all the info is from an inside source, not quoted from Jesse. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteI recall one of his bimbos saying she was doing it with Jesse on his office couch at the chopper shop while Sandra was downstairs. Apparently his definition of Sandra being too far away is one flight of stairs.
ReplyDeleteIts a crap story cause Jesse James has taken FULL responsibility for his actions in this whole debacle and NEVER once blamed Sandra. The guy may be a dick but I call BULL on this story.
ReplyDelete@Karmen... ROFLMAO! I was JUST gonna say that!
ReplyDelete@ThoughtElf... but do not forget the Pee-Wee defense... "If the hand's not dominant, I'm not havin' it..." (sorry, I tried -- 5th or 6th day with the flu(?) or cold-from-hell).
With all those damn bikes, he couldn't e'en ride to see her? Imagine if we'd been reading stories about how Jesse had ridden to Sandra while filming and swept her away to a weekend getaway (as if ANY producer wouldn't giver HER a few days off? BS!). How cool and romantic would that have been? He would have been the man...
I loves me some motorcycle men but I've always found JJ kind of skeevy myself
Yeah, what everyone else said.
ReplyDeleteI hope he sues this rag. Ya, he's a jerk, but I don't believe he said any of his horse sh*t.
ReplyDeleteWhy is this news worthy?
ReplyDeleteWE KNOW he cheated. What more can they possibly throw out there to drag this on ever further.
You also make a conscious decision to marry someone whom you know travels a lot for their work.
ReplyDeleteHe knew she traveled, just like him. He's a big old Vinegar Douchebag.
ReplyDelete@rocketqueen the chicken would have been less controversial! AND it wouldn't go blabbing to IN Touch!
ReplyDeletei couldn't help myself. i didn't want to do it but my dick couldn't take it any more! it finally managed to unzip my fly, struggle its way out and it forced its way into another woman's cooch.
ReplyDeletei tried to stop it but i just couldn't. if sandra had only been around. the cooch would've been hers!
Well, it wouldn't be the first time a man would use something like that as the excuse for why he cheated (or women either, to be fair).
ReplyDeletelmfao @ karmen! that's hysterical!
ReplyDeleteto think I used to like him... I still like Sandra though, she rocks in spite of her choice in former husbands.
The only thing I blame Sandra for is marrying this guy in the first place. His whole persona screams infidelity. He probably married her because it would be "cool" to be married to a movie star.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jesse - Sandra was never around because she was WORKING. Ri-fuckin-diculous.
Kat Von D confirmed on her Twitter a little while ago that she is dating Jessie.
ReplyDeleteReally sad, I actually liked her for doing her own thing. Now, not so much.
And just yesterday they were "just friends". Typical.
ReplyDeleteHaha @Daveb
ReplyDeleteJJ is a piece of shit and Kat Von D is as well, so they deserve each other. Move to the OC and get the fuck out of Los Angeles. I am OVER this shit.
ReplyDeleteJessica, that tweet was taken down in a very short amount of time.
ReplyDeleteIf he did say this, it's not the way to get her back.
This kind of strikes me as Life and Style trying to resurrect this story, rather than new info.
ReplyDeleteTwo dumbass fugly tatted wackjobs who think the more bizarre they are, the more 'artistic' they are. Finally, they have found their match.