Jen's Not Having A Baby But She Is Stealing Brad Back
OK! Magazine has probably decided that even with them there are limits as to how many times they can actually say Jennifer Aniston is pregnant and then not actually ever have a baby. Now, that is not to say they won't bring it back next month, but for this week's issue they just go for the always popular, Jennifer is stealing Brad back.
They make a big deal of the fact that Brad & Jen's 10th anniversary would have been last week, but don't actually tell us that Brad and Jen have been split up for what, like five years? I was talking about this with someone the other day who refuses to ever hear a bad word about Jen and thinks Angelina is the devil for stealing Brad. This is who these tabloids are focusing on when they deliver these cover stories.
My answer to that person and now is that at some point you have to move on. It has been five years. Does anyone really expect Brad & Jen to get back together? Will this still be going on in 20 years? If you were Jennifer Aniston, would you want to be known only for this? Well, with her bad acting, maybe this is what she will be remembered for, but at some point, this just has to stop right?