Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's A Beautiful Morning - Paris Hilton Arrested For Coke

Paris Hilton continued her world tour of jails yesterday as she and DMX continue to race head to head to see who can see the inside of more jails in one summer. Paris was detained or arrested or whatever word you want to use twice for pot overseas, and now last night she was arrested for coke.

The police made a traffic stop. Paris was a passenger. The male driver was arrested for DUI and drug possession. Paris was arrested for coke possession after police found coke in her purse. Now, Paris says it was not her purse. Kind of like they were not Lindsay's pants.

Oh, how I love Paris Hilton being arrested. Oh, how I love when she is brought down off her high horse and all her lies where she pretends she has never been caught doing drugs or all the video proof that she is an awful, awful human being. I am still mad at Larry King for letting her get away with lies on his show and not calling her on any of them. He should have retired then and there after seeing what an awful job he did.

Anyway, Lisa Bloom was on The Early Show this morning, and while she is Michael Lohan's attorney she does predict all kinds of doom and gloom for Paris so it is definitely worth a viewing.


  1. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist posting on this story, Enty! Only time will tell if the charges stick this time.

  2. She'll get off. Nothing sticks to that bitch. Fame has its rewards.

    I hope they did a thorough cavity search but it wouldn't be the first time for her *snigger*

  3. is she still on probation? convicted of a crime already does not bode well!!

  4. co-sign with princess...i just knew our beloved enty would come out of saturday hiatus for wonks!

  5. I'm so looking forward to Paris Hilton's New Big House BFF. You listening E! & Ryan Seacrest ?

  6. Not sure how the Nevada possession code translates into reality but:

    1-6 yrs. and $5000; Subsequent offense: 1-10 yrs. and $10,000; Third offense: 1-20 yrs. and $20,000

  7. @Princess, I too knew that Enty would not be able to resist today. Like Valtrex to an outbreak, we're all drawn to this incident.

  8. It's one way to get herself back in the news. This story will drag on for at least six months and give more media attention to someone who hasn't done much in the last few years.

  9. If she's gonna be dancing the judicial salsa, they should rescue her menagerie of pets and ban her from keeping live animals while they're at it!

    Poor dogs...

  10. I woke up to this news this morning and proceeded to laugh my ass off.

    Can't wait to see if something actually comes of it all.

    What a loser.

  11. Wow! A Saturday entry! :)

    Somehow, I think she will get off.

  12. Anonymous2:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Had to come see what Enty had to say about this one! Bwa Ha Ha.

  14. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Jax, there are posters wanting you to tell your "story" on Angie Harmon. I'm sure you'll be "around" this weekend.

  15. The justice system in Las Vegas is a little harder on celebrities than it is in Los Angeles. See Simpson, OJ.

  16. Like Paris or not, she has probably done nothing worse than any frat boy or meemaw on vacation hasn't done in Vegas. For a state that has legalized prostitution and legalized gambling, are the law makers really surprised that people do a little coke or pot there?

    But, they will come down hard on her just because she is Paris Hilton, and Nevada doesn't want to seem like LA where Lohan just got a slap on the wrist.

  17. I am loving this. Of course she will get away with a fine, but just seeing her humiliated is enough for me.

  18. Does it make me a bad person that I find this highly entertaining, and am pretty happy it's happened? Nah, didn't think so, it's about time for her to return to the land of handcuffs and orange bodysuits.

  19. you know, i am so glad they nabbed her on this. i wonder if it will look even worse because of the mary jane possesion problems she has had lately? this chickie need more than a slap on the wrist!

  20. Sorry to veer a bit off topic here but in that interview with Lisa Bloom, is Bloom wearing a wig? I always liked her when she was on Court TV (her mother Gloria Allred, on the other hand, is deplorable).

  21. awesome...the fact that they didnt just walk away and made it public is something..she has probably been caught 10 times before so this is good news to me.
    and ent on a sat?? what's next??

  22. She better click her drag queen sized pumps together three times and wish for a break...otherwise...methinks Judge Michael Sauer might pass his Gavel Of WIN AND JUSTICE onto a Nevada judge.

  23. The last time I recall a weekend post from Enty was when Brittany Murphy died. I was shocked then; not in the least now.
    Probably probation, but hopefully some jail time, if there's any justice.

  24. The commentator said that judges are coming down a little harder on celebs. Um, 23 days in jail is definitely NOT a harsh sentence. Anyone in the "real world" would have a much harder time.

  25. ...{Lisa Bloom predicts} all kinds of doom and gloom for Paris...

    Like finding Michael Lohan as her cellmate. Ooh -- chilling.

  26. I read this morning that she was taking something out of the purse, if front of the police, when the cocaine fell out. Any substantiation of this?

  27. Ten years from now - perhaps 5 - cocaine will be decriminalized in the US and this will be a nonstory.

    The country needs the tax revenue - one of main reasons Prohibition was repealed during the Depression.

  28. Dear God (or Creator or All Mighty Spirit,or any other higher power):

    Dude (or Dudette), what is the dea1 with the way you dole out punishment. You hit Haiti and Chile hard with earthquakes, but you let Paris Hilton get away with this type of shit and pose with a weave and contacts for her mug shots?

  29. but it's not her bag!!!!!(irony)
    i saw a vid with her,one of her ex-boyfriend and a guy on a yacht and she talked how her coke was great

  30. First, Love the title-LOL!

    "PH continued her world tour of jails yesterday..."

    Funny! LOL!

  31. Inquiring Mind- not a whole lot to tell. Met her at a Charity function I worked at here in Vancouver years ago and she was a complete bitch to everyone who had to deal with her. The cast of Baywatch and a bunch of people were there from Y&R as well,all bigger stars than her at this point and they were all very nice. Well Eddie Cibrian was kinda full of himself,but still polite. I think she was put off by the fact almost no one knew who she was!

  32. ps and this was a charity function for the Children's Hospital with lots of kids there getting their picture taken with people and she'd run over and pull Eddie away from a little kid to do god knows what. she likes the spotlight on HER.

    hopefully she's grown the fack up since then.

  33. all....I wish there was a Special Place where Paris and Lindsey could dwell with flash bulbs going off 24/ another dimension ....ah...

  34. @ MISCH, Special Place with flash bulbs going off 24/7 = HELL.

  35. Hell for us normal folks, sunnyside1213...heaven for LL & PH.

    I saw the PH thing and while at first I got a good laugh out of it, I then changed my tune. After all, this is PH, and I'm guessing that smug mug shot of hers is predicting what the future will hold for her - which is more of the same. She will never be held accountable for anything.

  36. I'm sad she was arrested because I didn't want to hear anything about her for awhile. Same with Lohan. At least Paris is too old for this sh*t. You have millions of dollars and can jet all over the world on a whim, but you can't be discreet with your coke and pot? She's a friggin' idiot.

  37. One more thing - if that blind about the bitch who's putting her pets in the closet and forgetting about them until they die is her, I hope she gets thrown in jail until her extensions fall out and she goes bald. Or worse.
