Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is The Hunger Games Series Really Kid-Lit?

I have the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. I have not opened, but am saving it for the weekend. I have to say that I loved the first two in the series and read them in back to back nights. Jezebel has an interesting think piece, while not about Stillwater argues that The Hunger Games series are about trash television and taking a shot at all the junk on television.

Unlike this blog, it is very well written and carefully edited. The one thing that I take issue with is they call the series Kid-Lit. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who has not read the series, but I think that if there are mass killings and hopeless despair that adults can read it too. If you have never read the books think Running Man combined with The Truman Show with a touch of working Appalachian poor.

When they call it kid-lit it makes me feel guilty for reading it or that I should be ashamed as an adult that I enjoy a book that was geared towards teens. What do you think? If you have read them do you think they are kid-lit?


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