I Would Rather Vote For Pedro
So I guess we know why Levi Johnston wanted to marry Bristol Palin. Yeah, for the $100K plus the wedding photos but also because that way he would have a co-star for his new reality show. Somehow someway Levi Johnston got someone to pony up the cash to shoot him in a reality show.
How is this possible? Is this because he had sex with Kathy Griffin? The show centers around Levi running for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. You know, just in case the people there have been completely brain damaged and want a 20 year old loser to be their mayor. You know, so the whole world can mock them and laugh at them for voting for the guy. The show started shooting this week with Levi on Rodeo Drive, because they will probably do some kind of he is giving up the bright lights and big city to run for mayor of Wasilla.