Thursday, August 05, 2010

Hal Sparks Performs CPR For The Third Time

Remind me when I keel over from a heart attack to have Hal Sparks next to me. The actor, who starred in Queer As Folk, was in LAX last night when an elderly man fell to the ground. Apparently everyone was just in shock and did not know what to do. Hal did. He started giving CPR to the man while another woman handled the chest area. They kept it up until paramedics arrived to take the man to the hospital.

After the incident, Hal took to his Twitter to talk all about it.

Just did CPR for the 3rd time in my life.. What a night.. about 12 hours ago via Twittelator When they took him away he was breathing on his own... Hope he makes it. Now I get to shake from the adrenalin for the next 2 hours Everybody NEEDS to take a CPR class. Out of 200 people only 2 of us new CPR.. okay enough preaching.. I need a nap

Hal then got on a flight. I know how to give CPR. That being said, I have never had to use that skill. It amazes me that Hal has done it three times. I'm glad he was around those three times. Hard to believe only 2 people knew how to perform CPR.


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