All of those months of kissing Elin's butt have paid off for People Magazine as they landed an interview with Elin which they timed to coincide with the divorce. Remarkable how that happens huh? Although it is an interesting interview it would have been much more attention grabbing if it had occurred you know, almost a year ago when all Tiger's affairs came to light. Now it just seems like, well, boring and old news.
People says they spent 19 hours interviewing her over four separate visits. Really? To get items like she is going to school to get a degree in psychology and this will be her only interview ever. Well, she does not need the money that is for sure. She also talked about how she feels stronger than she ever has. You know, when I was reading it I got the sense I was reading much of it before. It has the same tone as the Shania Twain interview after Mutt may or may not have cheated on her.
Anyway, if you want to read some more vanilla quotes from Elin, click here. I wanted to see outrage and why she hit him with the golf club but she says she never hit him and was never violent and only went out to the car to see if he was ok. With a golf club? She also says she thought it was a real marriage and that she was embarrassed. Well, sure she was embarrassed. She never goes into real deatil though about the fights and when she found out everything and which stripper she hates the most and all the questions a regular magazine would have asked.
Wasn't it in their divorce agreement that she can't devulge a lot of the juicy details?
ReplyDeleteI read that too, Goodgrief.
ReplyDelete@Goodgrief, it was. Without any juicy stuff what could she possibly talk about for 19 hours? In that amount of time I could give you my entire life in excruciating detail!
ReplyDeleteYou'd be bored.
i knew Enty would be all over this when i saw she had done an interview with them...it was so blah
ReplyDeleteEven if she could talk about everything, I have a feeling she would still deny weilding a golf club.
ReplyDeleteFrom my Old Bat cave: I think the final blow (of the many many many to choose from) was the revelation of his seduction of the 17 y.o. (at the time) neighbor. After the scandal broke and the girl saw him at the community gym, she told him off for lying to her, etc. She says he looked at her blankly and said "Sorry about that" and walked away.
ReplyDeleteWow weezy, if Tiger really said that then he is one cold azzhole. This man has no soul.
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't know the purpose of Elin wanting to talk to People? She doesn't NEED the money, has signed a confidentiality agreement and it's been 9 months since the story came out. What's in it for HER?
@not on my dollar
ReplyDeleteHer dignity? She never said a word the whole time (that I remember or am aware of), so maybe this is her closure?
Wonder who he is boinking now.
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that Tiger's people made her say that she didn't attack him with the golf club.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she did the interview to just move on. I think the woman scorned sometimes looks like an idiot in the eyes of the world. "She had to know," blah, blah, blah. So in a way the interview helps her save face. She seems like a nice person.
Tiger sucks. I wonder how he feels every time he looks in the eyes of his children. Blech.
She is a liar...how could she not know that Tiger was cheating on her.
ReplyDeleteShe was embarrased not b/c of the fact that he cheated but b/c of the fact that it caused a media storm.
If it was kept on the down low she would have stayed silent and kept up with the facade.
She thought it was a real marriage.
She was a nanny when she meet him....hit the gold pot and now set for life. BEst gold digger ever....she needs to write a book to person the skill of gold diggery...I need it.
they probably spent 18 hours waiting to meet her, 30 min hearing what they cannot ask her and 15 mins for interview.
ReplyDeleteSomeone from people magazine was on GMA and said Elin had a couple ground rules and one was that she could write the answers down. He said she spoke English well but to get someone of her answers right and what she meant, she wanted to be able to write some of it out.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vanessa.
ReplyDeletebut even though she is la prima gold digger I still hate Tiger for thinking he is the shit and I am just so damn glad he got knocked off his high horse. The ego on that guy, sheesh
ReplyDelete"I get the feeling that Tiger's people made her say that she didn't attack him with the golf club."
ReplyDeleteITA -- that's certainly part of their settlement agreement. To admit to that says she clobbered him with his own, um, manhood.
"He said she spoke English well but to get someone of her answers right and what she meant, she wanted to be able to write some of it out."
*Very* interesting -- having a hard copy of her statement. An audio or video tape these days can be tweaked/edited so skillfully they can make her "say" whatever they way.
Not the most flattering pic of her on that cover.
ReplyDeleteI just hope she whacked him good in the teeth and put a REAL hurting on him! No, I am not "for" DM but in this case he deserved it, the cheating cesspool of filth Refusing to wear condoms while boinking multiple whores all over the place...for YEARS. Sick and disgusting behavior from someone who had everything ot live cleanly for.
For THAT reason alone he deserved a 9-iron in the face. Even if he and Elin had never had sexual relations after his very first side-fuck, he could've contracted any number of diseases and maybe even died because of them, which would have impacted the lives of his children quite badly in the long run anyway. So eff him. I was hoping she would get sole custody, TBH.
ot the most flattering pic of her on that cover.
ReplyDeleteI just hope she whacked him good in the teeth and put a REAL hurting on him! No, I am not "for" DM but in this case he deserved it, the cheating cesspool of filth Refusing to wear condoms while boinking multiple whores all over the place...for YEARS. Sick and disgusting behavior from someone who had everything ot live cleanly for.
So you do support domestic abuse...b/c obvisouly cheating gives someone the right to beat someone with a club.
If it was a women who did the cheating would you have said the same thing...nope.
Double standard.
Abuse is wrong in all situations...regardless what may have instigated it.
She was a Gold Digger, who was waiting for her Gold. Well, lucky her, she got Platinum. Now please fall off the face of the earth, Gold Digger.
ReplyDelete@ vanessa .. i have to agree with you she had to know that facade of a marriage was just for show and for tiger to keep up his picket white fence family life
ReplyDeleteLadies---Please listen well....Elin was NOT a gold-digger and was NOT a nanny b/c she had to be.
ReplyDeleteHer family has money. She took the nanny job for the family friend /professional golfer, so that she could spend a few years of her youth in the U.S. Elin came to live here with the family, and she did childcare for the favor.
Btw, it's incredibly common for European girls to take nanny jobs in the U.S. for a chance to live here.
NOT a gold-digger. Please stop the misinformed and frankly snobbish hate.
Never saw her as a gold digger. She hit the jackpot, sure, but it always seemed like a partnership. And she stayed quiet with her kids until now (unlike Oksana).
ReplyDeleteTiger is by necessity out of town all the time. Maybe she trusted him, and vice versa, like people in love should.
She was blind-sided like no other. I admire her for not completely falling apart. I think she lost the love of her life.
I hope I never hear she knew about his ways before marriage. If so, scrap all the above.
vanessa, i agree about the domestic violence thing. some of the best gold diggers are the ones whom the public think are not gold diggers. she's way better than osaka.
ReplyDeleteLulu, I truly think she thought it was a real romance and marriage--b/c she seems just a little dim to me. Sweet, but dim.
ReplyDeleteA quality that would come in handy for the woman a horndog chooses to marry. I'm just sayin'.
elin's parents are well educated, but are not 'monied' people. gold digger!
ReplyDelete^^I read somewhere too, where it said that her 'rents were not rich or wealthy. Hell, there are folks with PHDs and Masters whom are just middle class or slightly above.
ReplyDeleteSo over this!
Definitely a Tiger-sanctioned interview.
ReplyDeleteShe married for money, he married for looks. It's all the same thing to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty surprised, I didn't expect an interview.
ReplyDeleteDon't care what anyone thinks about me and my double standard.
ReplyDeleteI would not be sad knowing Elin bashed in his M-F'ing teeth, period.
Yes, to me that constitutes going WAY over "just cheating." I don't really give a fuck about the cheating.
@Vanessa....are you married? In a relationship??? ...No......I didn't think so!!!!! Because your tyrade on what "you" think the wife did in this situation is disgusting!!
ReplyDeleteWhen you are married or in a commited relationship where you completely trust the other person ( I have been married for 13 yrs and with him for 20)......is completely off base. Regardless of $$$ signs, most people do get married b/c they love the other person......I am glad you have an "inside" thread as to their marraige. I am glad I am not as bitter as you are. You are either VERY young, or you have not ever been in a real relationship. Marraige , is for the most part, taken very seriously, when 2 people who are in love enter into it. You sound like an imbecile....as I said.....either very young, or burnt pretty bad.
Who are you to judge so harshly?
I understand this is a blog and we are all free to our opinion.....but yours is just way out of line.....not just in age, but in maturity. Think about what you say before you post it to the world.
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ReplyDeleteElin's mother Barbro Holmgren was at some point the migration minister in Sweden. So I doubt Elin comes from a humble and simple background.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you in the future, Elin. Now hold your head high against the haters and never speak about that asshole again.
ReplyDeletewow. i guess since the guy i'm dating is from a very wealthy background and related to a gdamn senator, and lowly old me is just a local, middle-class girl paying most of her own way through college (i have multiple siblings), i MUST be a gold-digger.
ReplyDeletenever mind we have a great time together and think the time we spend together is amazing.
hope we never get married. can't imagine what the reaction would be to people like most here.
Maybe she did the interview in Swedish and it took them a couple of days to figure out what she was saying?