Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Elin Nordegren Talks To Kneepads

All of those months of kissing Elin's butt have paid off for People Magazine as they landed an interview with Elin which they timed to coincide with the divorce. Remarkable how that happens huh? Although it is an interesting interview it would have been much more attention grabbing if it had occurred you know, almost a year ago when all Tiger's affairs came to light. Now it just seems like, well, boring and old news.

People says they spent 19 hours interviewing her over four separate visits. Really? To get items like she is going to school to get a degree in psychology and this will be her only interview ever. Well, she does not need the money that is for sure. She also talked about how she feels stronger than she ever has. You know, when I was reading it I got the sense I was reading much of it before. It has the same tone as the Shania Twain interview after Mutt may or may not have cheated on her.

Anyway, if you want to read some more vanilla quotes from Elin, click here. I wanted to see outrage and why she hit him with the golf club but she says she never hit him and was never violent and only went out to the car to see if he was ok. With a golf club? She also says she thought it was a real marriage and that she was embarrassed. Well, sure she was embarrassed. She never goes into real deatil though about the fights and when she found out everything and which stripper she hates the most and all the questions a regular magazine would have asked.


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