Casey Affleck Gets Some Support From Female Producers
The score is now 2 for the women who have sued Casey Affleck and 2 for the two women who also worked on the film with Joaquin Phoenix. A deadlock. Well, I don't know what to think. When the first lawsuit was filed I said to myself that it was pretty detailed and believable, but the denial was so adamant that it made me pause. Then when the second woman came forward and filed suit it really sounded like Casey Affleck was not the guy everyone thought he was.
With that being said, two women who worked on the film came forward with what look like statements that were probably written for them because they sound too perfect. One of the statements though adds more intrigue and juice to the first lawsuit. In that lawsuit, one of the things mentioned was the hooker and transvestite party. The statement supporting Casey says,
"I was in Las Vegas at that shoot, and I never saw anything like that happen. Casey's wife and his children were in town with him. Casey is a great guy, and it's clear that he's a very warm, family-centric person. The real Casey isn't the one who was described in these suits. Nothing I've ever witnessed would lead me to think he could ever do anything like that."
I think it will be pretty easy to verify the party of hookers and transvestites if it happened. Casey has been threatening to counter sue the two women and I think is getting close. I thought though it would be for defamation or something they did to deserve not being paid. Instead though it looks like the suits will focus on the fact the two women broke confidentiality agreements. You know, if that is the only argument you have, then it makes me think the two women who sued may have a case.