Thursday, August 19, 2010

Carrie Underwood & Mike Fisher Already Arguing

If you choose to believe The Enquirer today, they are reporting that Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher are not getting along at all. The reason? Mike assumed that Carrie would live in Ottawa with him especially since she said she would. Now though she is saying she is going to live in Nashville and will come up to Ottawa when she can.

The Enquirer must have a pretty good source because they know all about Carrie locking herself in the bathroom after a recent fight.

"The conversation turned into a screaming match, and ended with Carrie in tears after locking herself in the bathroom."

The fight that ended with Carried in the bathroom started because Mike was showing plans to the house he is building in Ottawa and the nursery he wants there.

"He was talking about building a nursery when Carrie flew off the handle. She told Mike it was pointless to build space for a baby because she has no intention of living there."

Although I don't know if the story is real, did anyone expect her to live in Ottawa? Lovely place, but Carrie Underwood barely visited there before so I don't see her living there. This will probably be a long distance marriage for the next ten years and it will be interesting to see if it can survive.


  1. Was she hoping he'd be traded to the Predators or something? Seriously, people. You need to talk about this stuff before you marry. I don't really see how either of them can move with their careers so firmly based on their respective cities.

  2. I don't buy this story. She may be a little bitchy, but she seems smart enough to have talked this through with him before.

  3. I can't imagine that they just sprung this on each other after the marriage. How could she have not known about the house? Maybe they had an agreement and she's changed her mind, but something is off here.

  4. I was just reading last week's Us while having lunch (don't judge) and there was an article that quoted Carrie directly, talking about living in Ottawa. So this story is bullshit.

  5. I give this marriage 6 months.

  6. god she is such a selfish,cold little princess. what happened to that gosh shucks farm girl?

  7. valerie, i see your six months and up you two more for a total of 8. ;)

  8. I don't know I kind of believe it. I think she really wanted to get married and I could see her telling him what he wanted to hear and hoping he wouldn't hold her to it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think long distance can save marriages. I know my parents got along a lot better once they didn't have to see each other every day. And it's not like he has to play hockey 12 months out of the year.

    Commuter marriages. I'm for it.

    I don't like her though, so I'll substitute myself in for the long distance wife. Thank you very much.

  11. Maybe when he showed her the plans for the house he made the mistake of pointing out where the massive BBQ grill was going to go for the non-vegetarian fare he wanted to cook and THAT is why she freaked out...???

  12. I was actually surprised when there was talk of them building new digs in Ottawa because she was on Ellen (? Sorta remember) and she got all emphatic about NOT living in Ottawa. She made it seem like it was the armpit of the world. The interview was at least 3 months ago, so I doubt she sincerely grew a fondness for the town between then & now.

    Good enough for me. She's a cow & needs to stay the eff away from Canada.

  13. Not about Carrie, but our favorite person to hate, the Goopster. NPR just posted an awesome story about how Gwynneth's latest disease is made up by the pharma industry:

  14. All I can concentrate on here is that dude's gigantor cranium! Dang if that is not one huge head.

  15. I can see her expecting him to do everything her way. I'm sure she considers her career and her needs much more important than his. And the poor guy doesn't have a chance at winning a screaming match with her. She can out scream just about anybody. Though I think she calls it singing.

  16. Damn. The Enquirer just blew the lid off the Nashville conspiracy to get CU out of Music City!!!! :-O

  17. I think Alice D. Millionaire is right. Don't worry Carrie, you'll be a BI soon about a cheated wife.

  18. But then she'd dig the key into the side of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive.
