Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Items

We hate to disappoint so many teenage girls out there, but we have good news if you’re a young boy and have the hots for this teen heart throb. Although he has made public appearances with a girlfriend, he is biding his time to when he can openly come out with the man he’s been in love with for some time. His PR team is making him keep up the straight act as a strategy to help him win roles until he grows up a little and snags a more meaty role. Once he breaks the mold of a teenage sex symbol and is respected as more serious talent, then his team suggest a tell-all interview, maybe a sit down on daytime tv and finally freedom to be who he is.


kcqueen said...

Oh come on! Like finding out Taylor Lautner is gay is going to be a big surprise!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

My instinct was Efron.

Chris said...

Zac Efron - has to be.

Just Another Blonde said...

I'm with KC... I honestly don't think Efron is gay... maybe (maybe) bi... He's just a pretty boy.

Now Taylor Lautner, OTOH, that boy PINGS my radar!

Share said...

That CW dude who just got back with his cheating girlfriend. I think that if this heart throb was famous for a movie franchise, then it would have been mentioned, so to me, that takes out Zack Efron and Rob Pattinson.

So it's definitely a tv star, especially with them trying to get into more "meaty roles"

Icecat said...

Taylor Lautner - FTMFW!!!

mazemerizing said...

What girlfriend has Taylor Lautner been seen with?

Unknown said...

mazemerizing, there was a strong push last year for him to be seen "dating" Taylor Swift.

sunnyside1213 said...

Gotta be Taylor.

kcqueen said...

Yeah, his PR people tried hard to pair him up with Taylor Swift, and I just don't see Efron as gay; He's very pretty and very effeminate, but I don't get the gay vibe. Lautner ooozes it.

Monica said...

I'm on the Efran train. Lautner hasnt been seen with Taylor Swift in awhile.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I totally get the vibe from Efron. Just look at the looks he gives the camera. If that isn't a power bottom twink making love to the camera, than I don't know what is.

Nosey Parker said...

Chris Colfer???

jk, but I think Chris is great. =D

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

However! I just re-read more carefully, and I think I am wrong. I think it's television as well.

Lady J said...

Definitely Efron.

flwrgurl said...

My instinct says that jonas brother who was linked with Demi Lovato

MISCH said...

Taylor...Zac, so many to choose from...all gay...Don't sweat it...there are just so very many

Sorka8 said...

"power bottom twink" Oh thats a good one! Thanks Sue Ellen M

I know what it all means but I never would have strung those three words together, especially about that guy.

I always feel bad about blinds that could potentially out a young star. Older people I don't care, I mean is anyone really surprised about Queen Latifa? It isn't going to hurt her career but for these younger kids I fear it will.

The Nightmare Child said...

It's Taylor Lautner.

Zac Efron's just a big douchebag.

jax said...

Taylor Lautner
Zac Efron
Chace Crawford

take your pick.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

@ Sorka8

That's a beaut of a sentence. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Barton Fink said...

Oh, c'mon. This can't be Taylor. He doesn't do any fake relationships at all, except for that brief time with Taylor Swift, and they always said they were just friends. I also can't imagine that my little Taylor is in love with someone and has been carrying a torch for lo these many years. The Taylor I love is in love with the gym and the mirror, as well he should be.

Unknown said...

off topic but i think its been confirmed that the blind about the teen with the squeaky clean image and the guy from glee is mark salling and selena gomez. not sure if thats what we decided on or not, but other sites are talking about them.

Unknown said...

taylor l.

awesome balla. said...

yeah dont get the zach is gay blip, just the zach is a douche blip.

i like the joe jobro guess but he's been seen with a few gfs and it specifically mentions "a girlfriend." not sure if that's just semantics but who has been seen really with only one girl? perhaps a younger, more innocent type that wouldn't really realize she was someone's beard.

MAC said...

I'm on the Taylor Lautner train. He was also dating one of the Nickelodean girls last year too (Selena Gomez, I think)and they were seen all over Canada together.

canadachick said...

on blind gossip its says and its NOT TAYLOR LAUTNER

Angie said...
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Angie said...

Joe Jonas..always walking around with some girl getting coffee for the paps, but never see anything else...I think this week it's Ashley Greene.

Unknown said...

I don't know who the blind is but I don't think it is Zac. Even Enty has said Zac's not gay.

But what is with the Zac is a douche comments? Rolling up my sleeves here cause almost everyone says how charming and gracious he is and how nice he is to fans. Filming his last movie, he'd stay after filming all day to hang out and take pics with fans even if it was 1 or 2am. He has moments I bet but most of the time he is beyond nice.

sunnyside1213 said...

canadachick has left a new comment on the post "BuzzFoto Blind Items":

on blind gossip its says and its NOT TAYLOR LAUTNER

...but what does it say at BuzzPhoto?

Jessica said...

That would mean showed up to events with someone considered his girlfriend.
This is NOT Taylor Lautner.

Jessica said...

100000% Zac Efron. I remember after the last HSM there was a big push to get him "real" roles and the first one was going to be that huge remake of Footloose - but no one would give him permission to sing their songs and laughed (remember that blind?) and so he dropped out of the movie because obviously they weren't going to be taking him seriously if no one even wanted him to sing their songs and they were laughing at him. Now he's got this Charlie whatever movie where he plays with his dead brother and the PR machine is hard at work pushing the movie as a "great" movie.

Has to be him.

KellyLynn said...

I think Joe Jonas is the one. As someone mentioned, he has been seen with girlfriends here and there, but they haven't done more than get coffee.
On the other hand, there have been lingering rumors about his boyfriend posing as a member of his entourage.
Has he been shopping around for a role to break out from the Jonas mold?

shakey said...

Daniel Radcliffe? He needs to get past Harry Potter then he's free and clear.

Jaiden_S said...

I don't think it's Zefron or Taylor L. It sounds like a TV boy. I'd guess Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl. He's been photographed with a girlfriend. Chase, however, has not.

I'm going with Ed

rachelstargirlrox said...


Hate to say it, because he's just so damn pretty. But Zac Efron, definitely.

Buffycv said...

I've never seen a single Efron movie, but I've seen a few interviews with him and, although he seemed a bit effeminate, I don't think he's gay. My money is on Daniel Radcliffe. And I've red more than once that he had a "friend" on the HP set with him all the time.

MadLyb said...

It's the Harry Potter guy.

MadLyb said...

Daniel Radcliff - it just came to me.

fairylights said...

Well hoping not Daniel, but it makes too much sense.
I always just got a pretty boy vibe off Zac, not a real ping. Taylor on the other hand...yeah, he pings for me.

fairylights said...
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Char said...

I've heard so many stories about Zac, but my gaydar just does not pick that up from him. Dunno... Daniel Radcliffe on the other hand, definitely is.


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