Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another Great I Quit Story

In light of the great response to Steven and his classic JetBlue exit of all time, I bring you Jenny, the girl who quit her job via email on a dry erase board.

Jenny, having tired of her bad tempered boss, decides she has had enough and proceeds to take several pictures of herself telling Spencer exactly what is what. Hilarity ensues and Jenny became her office hero, probably landed another job right away and was still nice enough to share it with all of us here. How many of you have dreamt of doing something like this? I know I have.
Have you done something similar? And what do we think happened to Garbage DiSpencer?

(Enty will be away until later this afternoon, so it's just us kids- Jax)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that was me jax above,forgot enty's name will come up if im still signed in.

    let the scandal begin!!

  3. Jax,

    Please check the link to Jen's story - no worky even with tweaking.


  4. omg, that's so many levels of awesome!

    and yay jax for stepping in!

  5. I love this story. I've flipped through it about ten times so far, and it still makes me laugh. (And, yes, I do think that she has another job--who wouldn't hire someone that is so clever?)

  6. thought- it works for me anyone else having issue?

  7. I take it back - link works in Firefox, but not in IE for me.

    Jenny is a Rock Star! Love, love, love her!

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Very smart of her lol

  9. I love this even though it doesn't involve an airplane emergency exit slide...that guy had a clear advantage in the "dramatic exit" - department.

  10. I had a magazine production job back in the '80s. Went on vacation...and saw an ad for my job in the newspaper I bought to read on my way home from the airport. The next day I went into work and quit. Took a few clients with me and started my own graphics business. Life was good.

  11. Makes me proud my name is also Jenny.

    Her ex-boss is mud, now and forever. His friends and business associates will never forget this. Bosses should learn to care for their employees.

  12. Are all guys named Spencer/Spenser douches? Does it come with the name?

    I once quit my job in pj's. Boss's witchy wife gave me the gears for calling in sick - although I had a Dr's note, so I got Hubby to drive me to the office with my 103 fever and walked into reception area, complete with sick bed head & sweaty pjs, and told her exactly what I thought of her threatening me.

    I actually won a $10,000 settlement because of her actions. Fool is still married to her though.

  13. I love it! So clever and funny.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hilarious! If I ever have an utterly horrible job I wish I have the guts to do something like that! :)

  16. Clever. Love it!

  17. that was awesome and she is awesome

  18. anyone who can't access the link can also read the story here:


  19. Anonymous12:03 PM

    *yawn* I think she ripped this off the guy who leaves pictures on his camera for anyone who finds it.

    GOD to have been a fly on the wall when all the office mates including SPENCER read this. HA!!

    @ThoughtElf - Your story is pretty great also! Good for you!

  21. it is original, but rather immature.

    i'm so glad i don't have a job.

  22. She's really cute, a HPOA indeed.

  23. I have been asked in interviews, "How would you handle it if an issue arose between you and a co-worker?" And I am pretty sure that, had I answered, "Well, I would just send an e-mail to everyone in my office and quit without giving any notice," I would not have gotten the job. The only way another company would hire her is to get some free advertising. And, in this market, where mature, professional people cannot find employment, that is a shame.

  24. OMG...love this. 197 hours of Farmville. Wonder if he still has his job.

  25. ThoughtElf, that's hilarious. High five for leaving the house with bedhead.

  26. >Messystation

    Maybe she had actually found another job when she made the announcement.

  27. Just not amusing anymore. Everyone does it with the hopes of becoming a hit on the internet. Just look at the last picture "Something tells me I will be just fine"
    I've also heard through Chive she submitted the pictures herself.
    Yay, good for her. Yawn.

  28. Hm Jessica, when I read your comment I kind of agreed with it... Somehow I guess I care if it was a sincere thing and not just a way of becoming famous.

  29. I hate to be a party pooper, but there's some question as to whether or not this story is legit. Has anyone seen any confirmation one way or the other? I WANT to believe it's true.

  30. According to Huffington Post someone interviewed the Chive folks (where the story broke) and it says that the "truth" will be revealed tomorrow morning.

    So I am guessing it is a hoax. And I swear I know the girl. Looks just like this chick from my hometown, I swear it is her.

  31. Kathy - good for you

    ThoughElf - you are the bomb. And I hope you sneezed on her.

    And I thought the same thing - are all males named Spencer douches??

    Lastly - GO PHILLIES!!!!

  32. Absolutely great story and Jenny's gorgeous but I'm kinda thinking that the story is too cute and she's too gorge for it to be real. She should have gone to Human Resources filed a complaint against him and have had them make him squirm.

    But if she is real and this really happened, good luck to Jenny. And I hope diSpencer is circling the want ads.

  33. Jenny Quits = Prank - it was one hell of a funny hoax though:


    My story was true though! I wish I'd thought to take pictures way back then.

  34. Or not hoax? Now they are saying she is real & will tell her story. hmmm

    We'll wait this one out.

    Regardless, it was best laugh I had today. I'll be dreaming 'I Quit' scripts for weeks.

  35. appreciate a good,no matter how it comes. hoax or not i laughed.

  36. I thought this was very immature.
    The JetBlue guy was funny because it was so spur of the moment.

    This girl actually had to think about what she was going to send to her company. Dumb.
    Also, she is very young.
    Who would hire her?
    Who would hire her in finance.

  37. Yep, it was a hoax.


  38. As funny as I thought it was, I'd be surprised if her ex-boss didn't sue her for defamation of character.

  39. Defamation of character? He had no character. He played FarmVille!!! Yes, I know it's a hoax. I have worked with more than my share of bosses with no character.
