Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Angelina Jolie's Kids Call Nanny "Mom."

Well since I wrote about Jennifer Aniston today, I figured I might as well make the circle of hell complete and write about Angelina Jolie. In Touch has a story that says Angelina's kids Pax and Maddox were spotted eating at a hotel restaurant surrounded by four people, one of which was a nanny and there was a bodyguard and then two other unidentified people. Anyway, as kids will do, the two brothers were fighting over a bottle of ketchup.

“The nanny firmly said, ‘Mad, let Paxie have some ketchup.’ Maddox said, ‘Mom, do I have to?’ and Pax was whining, ‘Mom, make him give me some.’” Throughout the lunch, the witness says, the boys repeatedly called their nanny “mom."

Well, if you think about it, they probably spend more time with their nanny then their mom. Plus, don't you see Angelina as the kind of person who would want to be called by her first name rather than mom? I mean Nicole Kidman's kids call her Nicole and look how close they are.


shakey said...

I dunno about this one. Something just doesn't sit right about it. When they are photographed together, the kids seem comfortable with both parents. Maybe they call the nanny Mom as an inside joke, or since kids are literal, perhaps Angie told them, "When you're with the nanny you respect her like she's the mom."

Paxie? Eeee.

sunnyside1213 said...

Why doesn't this surprise me in the least. Hope I live long enough for the tell all book from Mad or Paxie.

sunnyside1213 said...
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RocketQueen said...

I call bullshit on this. Bash her all you want, but she seems like a stellar mom to me.

sunnyside1213 said...

Lord, what is with the double posting today. Sorry everyone.

angelina said...

It's "In Touch" for crying out loud, they never have their stories straight

Lady J said...

Say what you want about Angelina but one thing I don't find fake about her AT ALL is her relationship with her kids. She may travel a lot but her and Brad almost ALWAYS have their kids with them whenever/wherever they go.

Tenley said...

Sorry, i've always thought she used her kids like accessories. Totally not fair but that's the impression I have -- and then I'll never forget her letting Maddox "pick out" Zahara like ... a toy or designer bag to be added to their home. (And also sorry -- kids that age don't call someone else Mom as an ironic joke of some sort. Their idea of a joke is saying Underpants! and laughing hysterically).

Anonymous said...

"Paxie" sounds like some kind of new super-absorbent maxi pad.

Icecat said...

What Rocket & Lady J said!

When I read this, and opened the comments, I was scared I was going to get reamed for feeling this way. So glad we are all on the same page.. (mostly)

Cheryl said...

In Touch is just one step above BatBoy on the cover of the Weekly World News.

Maja With a J said...

Henceforth, the Brangelina children shall be known as "MAXIEPAD".

Goodgrief said...

I can't imagine Mad calling anyone but Angie mom, those 2 will always have a special bond I think. Anyway, maybe they are supposed to call the nanny "mom" to throw everybody off and not draw attention if in fact this is true.

lmnop123 said...

Well I don't like Angelina or Brad and think 90% of their public image is fake but I don't believe Angelina would be comfortable with another woman (even a nanny) being 1st in her kids lives. I think she likes the attention that children give to a mom so no the nanny won't be called mom.

Also they seem to enjoy having a large family. They are a mini group of Duggars who love to show the world how close knit they are.

PeepStone said...

Eh, kids get attached to the adults in their life. If they accidentally call their nanny mom sometimes, I don't think that means anything bad. It just means that they have more than one positive, supportive female figure in their lives.

annie8 said...

I'm with Tenley. the kids are an accessory for her. no one should have that many kids, and if they do, they certainly shouldn't work all of the time like she does. she just plays up the 'all I do is take care of my kids' thing because she wants us to believe that is all she does. do I buy it? no.

as long as I'm popping off on this one, I'll say that I think that brad is a good dad. I find him sincere and her not so.

however, she blew me away acting wise in girl interrupted and the fact that she can pack houses as a major action star is fantastic. she's done alot for women in that way. and through the united nations. I believe that work is sincere.

to me, sandra bullock is a great actress/mommy. we don't see her working now, do we? her child is still an infant and she is just taking care of him, which is what he needs. my 2 cents.

MISCH said... 10-15 years I want to see how this brood turns out.....

looserdude said...

The Pitt-Jolie's are no doubt an unconventional family but the kids seems healthy and happy. So what's the problem?

Jasmine said...

Number one: They are staying at the Claremont Hotel, in Oakland, which is close to where I used to live and they serve the best Ice Cream Sandwiches EVER! Seriously, homemade, with chocolate dipped at the ends... omg soooo good
but I digress
Number two: While I believe they call the nanny Mom, I also believe Angie is a good mom too. I think of it as how very rich have au pairs, which by definition are the intended to become a member of the family, albeit a temporary one, rather than a domestic servant. Which is how I can see Brad and Angie treating their staff. Many children with nannies they have had since babyhood probably see the nanny and mother both their parent.
To call the au pair 'Mom' in public though, made me wince for Angie a little bit. I bet it hurts sometimes to hear them say that.

Jasmine said...

And I didnt know Maddox was allowed to 'pick' out Zahara.

Liza said...

I agree with shakey and rocketqueen. I know a lot of people have it in for her, but she spends so much time with those kids and when they are out in public, the kids are always respectful of her and Brad. They all seem very close and I sincerely believe she loves being a mom. She and Brad even alternate movie shooting schedules so one will always be around with the children.

lmnop123 said...
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Jocasta said...

Like I care.

I grew up in a family of ELEVEN. That is to say, I was one of the younger 8 kids still in the house. *i* called our baby sitter momma. I didn't know any better, since I spent time with her during the day from 1957, after I was born until I was well into 4th grade in Sacramento. Mother didn't care, I was a foster kid who was leaving for elsewhere sooner or later, but she had no problem with it. Even my favorite sister Linda used to explain how yes I was her SISTER, but not her MOTHER even though she cared for me when she wasn't in school. My brother Laurance had to explain that he wasn't my father, but that my foster father was. No one was upset or even surprised.

So sick of InTouch.

In touch with what...bullshit?

lmnop123 said...

Then again we have to consider the source "In Touch" and also the "witness". We all know that In Touch isn't known for getting the scoop on a celebrity so I really think this is another BS story.

nicola said...

I call BS on this story too.

I don't have kids, but I'm offended by anyone who suggests woman is a bad parent because they work, I don't care how many kids they have.

If you look at Angelina Jolie's IMBD page you'll notice that once Zahara joined the family, she dropped down to one film a year -two if one of them was animation. Even if she has a 90 day shoot, and 4 weeks for promotional work, I suspect she works a lot less than the average working mother.

I think if the kids were accessories, she'd be parading them in front of the paps more. Jennifer Gardner and her kids, that's suspect. She TOTALLY had them just for the photo ops.

Meg said...

Did not know that about Nicole!

All I know is that I would LOOOOVE to be a fly on the wall in that house.

Dame in de Dop said...

I obviously have no idea what kind of mother she is, but I'm skeptical that any nanny would let her charges call her "mom." At least none of the nannies I know would allow that.

Nosey Parker said...

Why isn't Weekly World News writing about them?

I'm waiting for the headline:


mooshki said...

Don't she and Brad rotate projects so that they're never working at the same time? I could see her having the kids call the nanny their "other mom." I think the kids are happy, and that's all that matters.

RocketQueen said...

Yes Mooshki, they've BOTH said they alternate doing films so someone always has the kids full time.

Robert said...

Bat Boy!

lollydarling said...

I can see people here feel strongly about this, but I am genuinely amazed that anyone sophisticated enough to be posting on this site believes a celebrity at this level, with this much tabloid attention (easily avoidable, even at this level) is doing anything close to what the rest of us would consider 'raising' their own children.

jen said...

Such bullshit. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Um, I would never, EVER be ok with my kids calling someone else "Mom." If your kids consider someone else akin to you (their mom) then you're a shitty mother.
Why the fuck have kids if you're going to have someone else do the bulk of the raising them????
Ok, now in the words of Michael K, everyone throw a hissy fit in 3, 2, 1...

merrick said...

I think the waitress was Ian in drag. His star has been falling lately and maybe he is hard up for cash!!

Jesse D said...

My kids have both been in some form of outside childcare since birth, and have both called another woman "mom" or "mama" occasionally. It bothers me, sure, cuz I'M the mama. Then again, I'm glad they're comfortable with the ladies they stay with.

flwrgurl said...

how sad

Derreck said...

Bullshit on Nicole.

That story was taken completely out of context.

MommaSaid said...

This story smells of bullshit.

karen said...

"Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. I have less inclination to feel for her...I met my other kids when they were 6 months old, they came with a personality. A newborn really is this...Yes, a blob! But now she's starting to have a personality...I'm conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable."

Um, yeah!

Sis said...
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Sis said...

Yea, I call BS on this as well. Brad and Angelina seem like really good parents and their schedule is around the kids, I like that.

Monica said...

I was partially raised by a nanny (she was a mother of 8 kids, all grown) and I called her 'mom'. She was a WONDERFUL caretaker and my real mother NEVER felt threatened, just grateful that I was in good hands. Think of all the nanny abuse stories you hear about...

Team Angelina.

Geebz said...

You all smell that? I smell it and it's bullshit! I said it.

I don't have an opinion on the Jolie-Pitts but it doesn't APPEAR that those kids lack love. I know the professional haters here on CDAN are going to cling to this but I say bullshit.


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